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  The Fall of the US

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Author Topic:   The Fall of the US
President Korian posted 05-11-99 04:05 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian   Click Here to Email President Korian  
Since it doesn't look like I'm going to get to join this thread in Non-SMAC, I'll just start one here. I would like to keep this thread as full of bickering as that one is, so please, if you see that someone makes a mistake, tell them in a polite way. I would also like to copy the general realisticness of that thread. Anyone can join, but you cannot claim territory already claimed, and we will use the same basic rules for the other RPing in this thread.

Story: In 2018, the Russian economy completely collapses, and the communist party wins the Russian elections. They force most of the former Warsaw Pact nations to form a puppet, communist government, or be crushed. All except Poland, and former Czechoslavakia follow suit. In 2023, the New Warsaw Pact launches an attack on NATO. The US immediately sends many more forces to help their European allies. The war goes very well, but the front line has been pushed to Moscow, and the Russians have not surrendered. The NATO allies are pushed into an extremely unpopular war against Russian partisans and guerillas. Eventually, Russia surrenders, but not before practically bankrupting all NATO and destroying the armed forces of those countries. In 2031, the US falls apart, every region of states become independent. That's where we are now.

You can claim an area of the former US for yourself, and try to make an empire out of the former US and Canada and Mexico.

In 2033, the Great Lakes Federation arose, composed of Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and western Pennsylvania. About 5 months after it's founding, it invaded Ontario, and caused Canada to collapse. However, occupying all Ontario proved to much for the GLF's forces, and they pulled back to Toronto, where the border stands today. I am currently the President of the GLF. We are looking to expand and for new allies.

JT 3 posted 05-11-99 04:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
You mean, like the mistake of saying, "I would like to keep this thread as FULL of bickering as that one is"?

Meanwhile, down south, Texas is reigning supreme. It forms the Texan Federation, consisting of:

New Mexico

Headed by President JT3, the TF strives for survival and new space discoveries. It is a new form of government called Republicracy. A Green economic system is also formed. The people value Knowledge very much.

The TF would like a treaty with the GLF.

The main element of the TF is production. If any countries would like to trade their goods for our raw materials, let us know.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-11-99 05:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I guess I could take the ole' CSA.
JT 3 posted 05-11-99 05:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Ummm.... try stating your territory, title, and future aims. It would help.
President Korian posted 05-11-99 06:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Yes, JT that's correct.

To elaborate a little more on our aims:
We wish to see North America eventually unified under one nation or by an alliance of nation.

The GLF is governerned by a Democractic system, although during war the President can take many actions without going through Congress. Our economy is inbetween free market and planned, because we beleive that this is a good tradeoff between the extreme wealth of free market economics and the stability of planned. Most citizens value knowledge very highly, and research and development and education are 2 of the most important items in the GLF budget.
JT, your offer of a peace treaty with the GLF is accepted. May both our nations prosper!

OOC: I would like to impose a temporary rule that you cannot claim additional territories for your faction until this thread is at least 3-4 days old, so we don't discourage newcomers. This means that until 5/14, you are stuck with your starting territories.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-11-99 07:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Here it goes:

The Confederate States of America is reborn. The new government in a Socialist system led by Chancellor Jackson. Their territories include:

South Carolina
North Carolina

Our goals are numerous. We wish to reunite the old USA under the Confederate banner. We are dedicated to the preservation of ecomony, industry and growth.

We propose an alliance between the Texas Federation and the CSA. We feel kinship toward the TF, for they were once our closest allied.

We propose a treaty of friendship towards the GLF.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-11-99 07:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
Mind if I join in?

Meanwhile in the north pacific the Alaskan People's Protectorite seizes the former Alaskan territories, the Aleutian Isles, Washington and parts of Northwestern Canada (clue me in, Canucks, because I don't know a thing about Canadian geography )

The APP, a communist police-state, has declared that it shall form a united America under the flag made by the people and for the people. Influenced by the Russian Commonwealth during the NATO/Russian war, it is lead by the maniacal ex-Spetsnaz officer Al Gore Rythm. Who plans to liberate all of people in Canada and the northern United States under the freedom of perfect equality.

The APP also offers a treaty of peace to the Texas Federation. For the APP has no desire to liberate any people within the southern United States. The APP offers any of its many valuable natural commodities to the Texas Federation.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-11-99 07:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Here it goes:

The Confederate States of America is reborn. The new government in a Socialist system led by Chancellor Jackson. Their territories include:

South Carolina
North Carolina

Our goals are numerous. We wish to reunite the old USA under the Confederate banner. We are dedicated to the preservation of ecomony, industry and growth.

We propose an alliance between the Texas Federation and the CSA. We feel kinship toward the TF, for they were once our closest allied.

We propose a treaty of friendship towards the GLF.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-11-99 08:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Here it goes:

The Confederate States of America is reborn. The new government in a Socialist system led by Chancellor Jackson. Their territories include:

South Carolina
North Carolina

Our goals are numerous. We wish to reunite the old USA under the Confederate banner. We are dedicated to the preservation of ecomony, industry and growth.

We propose an alliance between the Texas Federation and the CSA. We feel kinship toward the TF, for they were once our closest allied.

We propose a treaty of friendship towards the GLF.

President Korian posted 05-11-99 08:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Your friendship treaty is rejected, Chancellor, for we value equality, and you obviously do not.
JT 3 posted 05-11-99 09:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I accept the alliance, Chancellor. I also accept the treaty with the APP.

The TF has denied the trade pact, however, because it would be trading raw materials for raw materials. I want goods. I will have much commerce between us, though, because of some of the gold in the region.

JT 3 posted 05-11-99 09:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I accept the alliance, Chancellor. I also accept the treaty with the APP.

The TF has denied the trade pact, however, because it would be trading raw materials for raw materials. I want goods. I will have much commerce between us, though, because of some of the gold in the region.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-11-99 09:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I propose an alliance with the APP.
Galen posted 05-11-99 09:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Why would Texas! be Knowledge oreinted?
Anyways, back to the norm:

On the NorthWest Coast things are a little different. Under the leadership of Chancellor Gale, several states, along with Hawaii have joined together in 2034. These states pushed up into Canada, annexing Victoria and British Columbia in 2035. The Northwest Coalition is based on Enviromentalist Socialist Liberal veiws. Welfare, enviroment and education, are their primary concerns, in addition to technological advancement and coffee. Their mission is to unite North America and raise the poor, stupid and "smog"ed out of their misery. Their territories are:

California (not Baja or San Deigo land)
British Columbia

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Galen posted 05-11-99 09:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Why would Texas! be Knowledge oreinted?
Anyways, back to the norm:

On the NorthWest Coast things are a little different. Under the leadership of Chancellor Gale, several states, along with Hawaii have joined together in 2034. These states pushed up into Canada, annexing Victoria and British Columbia in 2035. The Northwest Coalition is based on Enviromentalist Socialist Liberal veiws. Welfare, enviroment and education, are their primary concerns, in addition to technological advancement and coffee. Their mission is to unite North America and raise the poor, stupid and "smog"ed out of their misery. Their territories are:

California (not Baja or San Deigo land)
British Columbia

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Galen posted 05-11-99 09:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Why would Texas! be Knowledge oreinted?
Anyways, back to the norm:

On the NorthWest Coast things are a little different. Under the leadership of Chancellor Gale, several states, along with Hawaii have joined together in 2034. These states pushed up into Canada, annexing Victoria and British Columbia in 2035. The Northwest Coalition is based on Enviromentalist Socialist Liberal veiws. Welfare, enviroment and education, are their primary concerns, in addition to technological advancement and coffee. Their mission is to unite North America and raise the poor, stupid and "smog"ed out of their misery. Their territories are:

California (not Baja or San Deigo land)
British Columbia

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-11-99 09:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I resent that Galen. Im from Texas!!!
JT 3 posted 05-11-99 10:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Galen: Ever heard of Houston? That big space center?

Also, people can change in 35 years.

AoYoS: Expect Collins or Korian to flame you by saying, "his point exactly!" or something like that.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-11-99 10:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I pretty much ignore Korian and Collins anymore.

But I am starting to maybe be able to get along with Korian.

Galen posted 05-11-99 10:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Why would Texas! be Knowledge oreinted? And for the Alaskan, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and some new one, I forgot it's name.

Anyways, back to the norm:

On the NorthWest Coast things are a little different. Under the leadership of Chancellor Gale, several states, along with Hawaii have joined together in 2034. These states pushed up into Canada, annexing Victoria and British Columbia in 2035. The Northwest Coalition is based on Enviromentalist Socialist Liberal veiws. Welfare, enviroment and education, are their primary concerns, in addition to technological advancement and coffee. Their mission is to unite North America and raise the poor, stupid and "smog"ed out of their misery. Their territories are:

California (not Baja or San Deigo land)
British Columbia

We would like a Trade deal with the TF, and a treaty, in order to facilitate this trade. We lack abundant natural resources such as silicon and oil, however, we have many excellent products, mainly technological.
To the GLF, we would request a Peace Treaty, and possibly an alliance.
<<Secret Ammendum only for the APP:
APP, we would like a Peace Treaty. You must understand that our goals are really one and the same, to let the people rule, and to ensure they are free and equal. Although we border you, we feel that we can profit from this posistion. Also, a trade deal would profit us both. We currently have a trade deal with the TF, however, they are Reactionary fools, and we hope that it not be permanent.>>

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Galen posted 05-11-99 10:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Why would Texas! be Knowledge oreinted? And for the Alaskan, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and some new one, I forgot it's name.

Anyways, back to the norm:

On the NorthWest Coast things are a little different. Under the leadership of Chancellor Gale, several states, along with Hawaii have joined together in 2034. These states pushed up into Canada, annexing Victoria and British Columbia in 2035. The Northwest Coalition is based on Enviromentalist Socialist Liberal veiws. Welfare, enviroment and education, are their primary concerns, in addition to technological advancement and coffee. Their mission is to unite North America and raise the poor, stupid and "smog"ed out of their misery. Their territories are:

California (not Baja or San Deigo land)
British Columbia

We would like a Trade deal with the TF, and a treaty, in order to facilitate this trade. We lack abundant natural resources such as silicon and oil, however, we have many excellent products, mainly technological.
To the GLF, we would request a Peace Treaty, and possibly an alliance.
<<Secret Ammendum only for the APP:
APP, we would like a Peace Treaty. You must understand that our goals are really one and the same, to let the people rule, and to ensure they are free and equal. Although we border you, we feel that we can profit from this posistion. Also, a trade deal would profit us both. We currently have a trade deal with the TF, however, they are Reactionary fools, and we hope that it not be permanent.>>

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Galen posted 05-11-99 10:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Why would Texas! be Knowledge oreinted? And for the Alaskan, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and some new one, I forgot it's name.

Anyways, back to the norm:

On the NorthWest Coast things are a little different. Under the leadership of Chancellor Gale, several states, along with Hawaii have joined together in 2034. These states pushed up into Canada, annexing Victoria and British Columbia in 2035. The Northwest Coalition is based on Enviromentalist Socialist Liberal veiws. Welfare, enviroment and education, are their primary concerns, in addition to technological advancement and coffee. Their mission is to unite North America and raise the poor, stupid and "smog"ed out of their misery. Their territories are:

California (not Baja or San Deigo land)
British Columbia

We would like a Trade deal with the TF, and a treaty, in order to facilitate this trade. We lack abundant natural resources such as silicon and oil, however, we have many excellent products, mainly technological.
To the GLF, we would request a Peace Treaty, and possibly an alliance.
<<Secret Ammendum only for the APP:
APP, we would like a Peace Treaty. You must understand that our goals are really one and the same, to let the people rule, and to ensure they are free and equal. Although we border you, we feel that we can profit from this posistion. Also, a trade deal would profit us both. We currently have a trade deal with the TF, however, they are Reactionary fools, and we hope that it not be permanent.>>

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Galen posted 05-11-99 10:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
Opps, ultraposts. Anyways, I still think that you ought to be reactionary. but if not...
Ambassador Collins posted 05-12-99 03:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambassador Collins    
I would like to claim Maine, New Hamshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusets, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey and all of Canada south of the St. Laurence River. In the name of the Democratic States of New England.

President Korian posted 05-12-99 03:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Since noone said anything about my rule, I'm just going to disregard it.

We have recently expanded our borders to include the rest of Pennsylvania and the entire state of Missouri. Their territorial militias were easily curshed by our mechanized infantry and modern air power. I would like to suggest an alliance between us and the DSNE. I will definetly accept a peace treaty with the NC, and we will consider an alliance as we would like allies on both coasts.

JT 3 posted 05-12-99 05:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Unwittingly, the NC broadcasted their "secret transmission" on frequencies hooked up to TF message decoder bases. The TF cancels all ties with the NC, and is moving more units to the border, should the need to fight arise.

The TF has expanded into Nebraska, Nevada, and lower California. We now have more than enough food to last through several droughts. We also now control Silicon Valley.

The TF proposes an alliance with the GLF. If that is not accepted, we propose a trade pact.

President Korian posted 05-12-99 06:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: JT, Nevada is already claimed. I would like to set the maximum amount of states to 12 states.

JT, your alliance is rejected, although your peace treaty is accepted.

JT 3 posted 05-12-99 08:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oops, sorry. Okay, I think twelve states is big enough.

Disregard my last post except for Nebraska, then.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-12-99 08:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
The Alaskan People's Protectorite would point out to the Northwest Coaliation that the regions around former-Washington and former-British Columbia are currently the territory of the people. If such a claim is an act of war, than be assured that the people are prepared and willing to defend their land.

If not, we offer the Northwest Coaliation a reprieve from any shame which may be fall them for such an error, as well as an alliance.

The People have also moved their forces and have liberated their breathern within Idaho. Thus, Idaho is now a territory of the APP.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-12-99 08:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
Ack, whoops, missed that last part of the NC transmission.

The people agree to your terms, and we apologize for offering a treaty when one had already been proposed.

JT 3 posted 05-12-99 08:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Korian: What about the Trade Pact?
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-12-99 09:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Meanwhile, the CSA expands into West Virgina, Ohio, and Indiana. We propose treaties with all soveriegnties.
JT 3 posted 05-12-99 09:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
We also propose treaties and alliances with all countries.
President Korian posted 05-13-99 07:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
AoYoS, almost all of your claims are already claimed. Either your read the previous posts or you quit the forums. Ohio and Indiana are already mine, and I doubt you could take West Virginia as it is very mountainous, and the reason it split from Virgina was to get away from the Confederates in the first place. If you do not withdraw your claims it will be seen as an act of war.
JT 3 posted 05-13-99 05:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I extend an alliance to the NC. I apologize for trying to claim territory that was already yuors. As you can see, I have withdrawn the claim.

I also ask for a treaty with the DSNE.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-13-99 05:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
OOC: sorry bout that


We still claim West Virginia

Galen posted 05-13-99 07:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Silicon Valley is mine. And Al Gore Rythm you never claimed BC, Victoria or Washington, just Alaska and Yukon, and Nothwest territories.
The Northwestern Coalition has occupied Wyoming and are enroaching on the Barbarian land of Montana.

To the TF: We accept a peace treaty as you have shown that you are in fact not the backwater recationary your people are. We are considering an alliance.

To the CSA: We cannot accept a peace treaty with a reactionary anti-freedom fundamentalist group such as yourself.

To the DSNE: we extend a peace treaty and alliance.

To the APP: we cannot withdraw from our people's land, you should withdraw your unrightful claim (see the OOC note)

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

JT 3 posted 05-13-99 08:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Actually, the people aren't either. If you're referring to "rednecks", those come from southeast states, like in the CSA(no offense, that's just were they work on the plantations). As soon as the TF was founded, we began a massive education program so we would lead in any space acheivements, as that is our main goal.

I hope you accept the alliance, as it would be very benificial. You have lots of products, like lumber, paper, and fish, and we have lots of raw materials, like gold and oil. Trade would be booming. The military aspect would also be very good, as you would gain ports on the Gulf of Mexico, which would let you have easy access to the Atlantic Ocean, and we would get ports on the west coast.

JT 3 posted 05-13-99 08:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, yes, everyone, please post your capital cities. Mine is Houston.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-13-99 08:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

*Begin Non-Roleplay Stuff*

Northwest Coaliation Chancellor Galen, please look up a bit. I shall qoute myself exactly, and this is quite a bit before you claimed Washington:

"Alaskan People's Protectorite seizes the former Alaskan territories, the Aleutian Isles, Washington and parts of Northwestern Canada (clue me in, Canucks, because I don't know a thing about Canadian geography )"

As I said, I don't have a clue on Canadian geography, and thought that a person could visualize an empire going from Alaska and stretching down to Washington through Canada. This is, in essence, what I meant and if you can give me names it will make my life quite a bit easier.

I DO have claim to Washington because it is right there in black and white. And since I never actually said "The Yukon" I do not believe I ever actually claimed such. Unless the Yukon is the area the people outlined.

*End Non-Role Play Stuff*

The APP has now liberated Sasketchewan, and through a series of diplomatic negotations has, hopefully, secured the people's land from Washington up to Alaska.

The people offer a treaty of peace and trade to the Democratic States of New England.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-13-99 08:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
You do not get the reason behind the CSA.

We are not like the old CSA. We do not opress other ethnic groups.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-13-99 08:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
Capital? The People have formed a massive community in Anchorage, Alaska. Thus, Anchorage shall be declared the capital of the Alaskan People's Protectorite.
JT 3 posted 05-13-99 08:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Yeah, I don't think the Chancellor would still have slavery. They'd be bombed by NATO.

Seriously, I think that the south still kind of wants to be themselves, though it's not because of slavery anymore. It's just that they're a lot different than the north(no offense intended, I didn't say anyone was worse I just said they were different).

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-13-99 09:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
The Capitol of the CSA is Atlanta.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-13-99 09:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
The CSA has occupied Puerto Rico, and has agreed to a dual leadership in the conquered Mexican territories with the TF.
JT 3 posted 05-13-99 09:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
What conquered Mexican territories?
Galen posted 05-14-99 12:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: I didn't see that, of course that messes things up for me, see my capital was in Seattle, but now... Anyways, I guess I don't have those (I have Victoria b/c it is an island). So my Capital is now Portland.
We have taken Montana, Southern Manitoba and North Dakota, we were able to discover sevral nuclear silos, and so should anyone attempt to attack us they will face a nuclear confrontation, one in which no ABM system can stop our missiles. Fortunately we have most of the nukes left. We are expanding into Alberta and Northern Manitoba, should the APP or GLF attempt to take it, we will retalieate. South Dakota is also to be ours and an attack on it is an attack on us.

To the APP: We apologize for the misunderstanding, however, we note that Victoria is within your territory and Idaho is isolated from your forces, so we propose a trade, southern Washington and Idaho for Victoria.

To the CSA: We cannot be sure, and considering your past record and your allowance of groups such as the Christian Coalition, Moral Majority and KKK demonstrates your theocratic reactionary leanings.

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Ambassador Collins posted 05-14-99 04:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambassador Collins    
Wonderful News!

The DSNE has recently integrated it's territories with Mexico! Mexico can now be considered part of the DSNE.

Ambassador Collins posted 05-14-99 04:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambassador Collins    
Sorry about that last post. I didn't see AoYoS's. Please specify the areas of Mexico you have, and I claim all the rest.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-14-99 05:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
All Northern States excluding Baja California.

We do not allow the Christian Coalition and KKK to practice in our country, we (including myself) are catholic. We do not sympathize with rasicsts.

Please forget about the old CSA and try to get along with the new one.

JT 3 posted 05-14-99 06:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, come on! Realisticly, you've got three countries in between you and Mexico! Leave it for me and the Chancellor. Go conquer some of Canada or something.
Galen posted 05-14-99 08:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
We have liberated the rest of Manitoba.

To the CSA: We are sorry, but as long as your government embraces a god as superior to your people you are backwards. We have been shown incredible amounts of proof of your backwardness and human rights violations. Your track record is worse than that of China, and so we cannot allow you to continue this.

Chancellor Galen
Northwast Coalition

JT 3 posted 05-14-99 08:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Galen: So, you are saying having a God that is greater than humans makes them backwards? Well, then, I would say that you think over 90% of the world is backwards. Congrats. 6 billion people are now backwards by your standards.

As for human rights, there is no racial, religious, or ethnic discrimination in the CSA. I have seen the country for myself. Just because they have the word "Confederate" in their country does not mean they enslave Afro-Americans.

Ambassador Collins posted 05-14-99 08:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambassador Collins    

I to break it to you, but most of the world is "backwards".

JT 3 posted 05-14-99 09:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Do you mean in real life? Or here? Either way, you're right. All I'm saying is that if having a God that's more powerful than humans makes you backwards than there are around 6 billion backwards people in the world.

I'm not counting in any other way of being backwards. I'm just counting the "God more powerful" way.

Galen posted 05-14-99 09:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
I mean that their GOVERNMENT does so.

OOC: Yeah, most of the world IS messed up.

JT 3 posted 05-14-99 09:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh. You mean, they get their orders from a priest or something. If that's true, it's very, very sad.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-14-99 10:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I have expanded into Cuba and the Federal District of Mexico. This will be our last conquest for a while.

Chancellor Galen, is that a threat? If it is we are prepared to show you that we do not opress. STEREOTYPES are what make wars most of the time. Try to embrace the new CSA. If you still cannot get along with this, we will break off diplomatic talks and moblize for war. We cannot have other soveriegnties claiming we are racial and wrong for believing in a God.

JT 3, we expect you to aid us if they declare war on us. If we declare war on them, we do NOT expect you to aid us.

JT 3 posted 05-14-99 10:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I understod that much.
Picker posted 05-17-99 11:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
If no one minds I would like to claim northern ontario, quebec, and newfoundland as Vosperia. Vosperia is very interested in research and prefers peaceful conquest(get a big army and rattle our sabres).
icosahedron posted 05-18-99 06:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Testing ... 1, 2, 3, ... testing ...

WKOW out of Des Moines is now broadcasting at 99.9 FM
as the official voice of Iowa Free State, which consists of
Minnesota and Iowa.

IFS intends to use the opportunity provided by the break-up
of the "powers that used to be" to instate new methods of
approaching old problems leading to heretofore unimagined
synergies in harnessing the problem solving nature of humanity
to further universal success for all inhabitants. Our resources
are devoted to finding efficient and respectful uses for
technology and people -- our motto: "We do more with less!"

Ephemeralization is the key to the future.

While we intend to remain neutral in military matters, we have
salvaged some sophisticated WMD's of various classes (nuke, gene,
chem) from labs and silos on our territory, and we know how to
use 'em -- "just in case". We would prefer to exist in harmony
with our neighbors so that all of us can benefit from the synergies
of strong trading relationships. We have some cool computers and,
of course, some excellent agricultural tech and products to offer.

We humbly propose a treaty with our surrounding neighbors, namely
President Korian of the GLF, JT3 of the TF, and Galen of NC.


Iowa Free State

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-18-99 07:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
The CSA is angry about its exclusion from the treaty offering the Iowa Free State. We are also sick and tired of the stereotypes put towards the CSA. If we are not taken seriously in this matter, or even considered in matters having to do with treaties, expect a break of diplomatic contact. Also please try to not forget us in the future.
President Korian posted 05-18-99 07:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Your treaty is accepted. If it comes to blows between you and the Chancellor, I will support the Iowa Free State.
JT 3 posted 05-18-99 08:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I accept treaty and offer an alliance. We need food(some of our states are desert) and you need raw materials(you farm, farm, and farm.). An alliance would be very benificial to both of us.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-18-99 08:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We are mobilizing our army on the GLF front. This is just a defensive measure Korian.
Possibility posted 05-18-99 09:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Possibility    
This whole thing is flawed from the very begining. Why would the original war against the Russians bankrupt NATO, realisticly it would have turned them into total economic super powers far beyond what they are today. War is the best thing for a countries economy. Remember the great depression, and WWII brought us out of that with a new and revitalized economy. I would suggest your story going something along the lines of all of NATO forming a super nation, going about crushing all the other little nations that bug them, but then you couldnt have this weird thread about the fall of the US could you.

May the possibilities remain infinite.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-18-99 09:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

We feel no need to interfere in your expansion, after all, we are of the same mind and society.

We would also ask, politely, that the Chancellor try not to be so offensive to the CSA. After all, the three of us share ideology. There is no reason to come to blows over minor disputes.


Should the Great Lakes Federation feel to raise unprovoked hostility against your Confederation than the People shall support your cause.


The people express a treaty of peace and friendship to the DSNE.


The APP has been working on creating a large navy in the Aleuts, while other nations have been expanding into the land, and recently dispatched an expeditionary force to Nicuaragra and Panama and have intergrated them into the APP.

The relic known as the Panama Canal is also part of the APP, and currently the people are laboring to restore it to full use.

Ospero posted 05-19-99 01:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ospero  Click Here to Email Ospero     
Hello everyone!

This is Federal Chancellor Ospero, from
the Liberal Northern Canada and
Greenland Union (NCGU). I would like
to claim the northwestern territories of
Canada, excluding the northern half of Quebec, plus the large island known as
Greenland. My country's government is based
on the German democracy and market principles
instated after 1945.

Our territory would include:
The Northwest Territories (unless already claimed, this is valid for anything else I
claim too; please inform me if I claim
something already occupied)
Northern Manitoba

The capital of the NCGU is Nuuk, on Greenland. The Federal Council and the
Senate reside here, as well as the government
and the Federal President. The Constitution
Court, however, sits in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Also, I would like to offer nonagression pacts to the APP and Vosperia. I am not
interested in warfare (we were lucky enough
already to retain Iceland as one of the few
areas untouched by the War).

To the GLF: we do not have any borders at the moment, but I don't know if you see a need
to expand into Sasketchewan or Manitoba anytime I offer a treaty to you
as well.

icosahedron posted 05-19-99 10:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
We are happy that the GLF (thank you President Korian for your generous offer) and TF have responded favorably to our diplomatic overtures. The industrial and technical might of these states is impressive and will complement our desire to peaceably focus on "livingry", as we are mobilizing to create a new operational model of efficiency and harmony where technology is used to further the commonwealth in all its myriad forms. We currently harbor state of the art medical and agricultural research facilities, and we are considering sweeping changes in education and metro-environmental engineering.

We are certainly interested in extending these treaties to alliances, with full cooperation and trade, so we accept the TF's generous offer of an alliance -- the first shipments of food are being loaded onto trains as we speak. We of course need oil as chemical raw materials and to power our grid until we can complete our migration to a hydrogen-based energy economy.

Chancellor AoYoSo, no offence was intended, and we are surprised that any was taken. Since we do not share a border, and would have to move through GLF or TF space to institute physical contact with the CSA, it seemed prudent to focus our diplomatic efforts on securing alliances with our direct neighbors in order to provide a solid base from which to work. Frankly, your unprovoked outburst makes us wary of your motives, and we would decline a treaty at this time. However, our lines are open, and, after consolidating our recent diplomatic gains, we will be happy to reconsider. No hard feelings.

Galen of NC, we reiterate our offer of a treaty. We find your silence on this matter mildly disturbing, but we expect that you are simply preoccupied by your diplomatic initiative re the APP, so we are patiently awaiting your positive response.

Iowa Free State

JT 3 posted 05-19-99 11:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
We thank the IFS for accepting the alliance. 10 trainloads of oil, coal, and a small amount of silver are being shipped as we speak.

OOC: Don't be annoyed by Galen not talking. People here go on trips and stuff, and of course cannot post anything then.

IC: The Mexican matter has been resolved. No more refugees are coming over the borders, for the CAR has stabilized the government and economy. We own the northern part of former Mexico. We have an alliance with the CAR.

We would like to announce the completion of the Freedom Project. A Space Station was started in the year 2006 by the USA's government. It was nearly completed when the collapse occurred. We have since completed the station, named the TFS Freedom, and launched it. It can hold nearly 10000 people. It is the size of 10 MIRs(which explains why it took so long to build). We have set up mining colonies on the moon, and the station's solar panels are harvesting the substance H3. The Freedom is equipped with an SDI Defense, so do not attempt to shoot it down, as the attempt will fail. Also, we have put excess solar panels on the Freedom, and some of the Solar power is beamed down to recieving stations, where it can run the entire city of Houston. We would be glad to send a recieving station to either of our allies. Our allies may also send up to 100 specialists each to the Freedom, to mine or harvest H3.

President Korian posted 05-19-99 04:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We are mobilizing our forces and calling up all active reserves due to the mobilization of the CSA. My nation would like an alliance withe the Iowa Free State. We have expanded our borders to include all of former Ontario. We would also like to sign a treaty with the NCGU.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-19-99 04:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

Manitoba is currently the territory of the Northwest Coaliation. And Sasketchewan is currently occupied by the APP.

The People will, however, accept your offer of peace.


While we are not neighboring your territory, we extend a treaty of peace.


If your two nations can put diplomatic discrepencies behind, the APP suggests a prudent alliance between our three nations and to form a unified League of Socialist Powers.


The Panama Canal has been restored to full operation and has been extended to allow passage of larger, modified APP Warships. The CFS may use the canal freely, being our ally.

The People have been exploring some of the more desolate Aleutian Isles, due to rumor of hidden and ancient nuclear silos and other space-related projects within the area. But at this point, to no avail.

And this is just a request, but seeing as how this thread is getting long I think it'd be convenient if we all update our current territory/alliance status so we won't have to comb through all the posts looking for everything. I'll get the ball rolling:


Alaskan People's Protectorite

Alaska and the Aleuts
British Columbia

Allied with the Confederate States of America.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-19-99 04:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
I have no idea why I was referring to the CSA as the CFS. Sorry for the confusion

And an addendum,

Due to the increasingly volatile and hostile nature of President Korian towards the CSA, the People's Naval Protectorite has dispatched a fleet of APP Submarines and Cruisers to the Florida Keys to defend the waters of our ally should the GLF choose to strike. They shall arrive at their destination shortly.

We also ask the CSA if we may use a handful of the Florida Keys as a military staging area.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-19-99 05:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We are presently building naval bases in the region, Al, and would respect any help in defending them. Also we thank you for standing behind us in this matter.

To the IFS: We are sorry for our outburst. We offer the treaty again.

To the TF: JT 3, we would like you to activate your reserves just in case of an attack.

To the GLF: Korian you can do what you like with your forces, but any type of movement that places you in the CSA will be met with a declaration of war.

JT 3 posted 05-19-99 05:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
APP: Maybe we should have an alliance with the TF, APP, and CSA instead. This would be easier to do, as we both have an alliance with the CSA.

Just a quick overview:

Texan Federation
Leader: President JT3
Government: Republicracy
Economy: Free Market
Values: Knowledge
Territory: Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Utah, dual leadership of former Mexico with the CSA, and the Space Station Freedom.
Alliances: CSA, IFS. Pending alliance with NC as soon as they respond, requested alliance with the APP.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-19-99 05:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We are moving our naval fleets to safeguard the Panama Canal.

To the NCGU: We offer an alliance with you.

JT 3 posted 05-19-99 05:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
We offer a treaty with the NCGU.
icosahedron posted 05-19-99 05:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Alliance graciously accepted, President Korian. Thank you again for your support.

JT 3, we are very appreciative of the TF's resource shipments. We are also curious about this H3 stuff you mention, what is it and how is it used? If you mean tritium (we know you are being careful with that nasty stuff in orbit), that is excellent news! We gladly accept your offer re the space station (the firing caps in our nukes are getting a bit stale, after all), and congratulate you on your success.

For our part, we have almost completed a complete retooling of our infrastructure, building domes and installing hydrogen fuel cells for power storage and retrieval (perhaps this would be a more efficient way to get the power from the station back to earth?). In addition to perfecting the design of modular and large scale domical living spaces, we have improved our round-trip fuel cell efficiency to 99.5% (and counting), and are close to a breakthrough in cold fusion. In this last regard, we would greatly appreciate inclusion of some high-grade palladium from your New Mexico mining operation, as we are running low (recycling process for palladium not yet perfected); you can substitue for oil, since we now use less oil, mainly only as raw materials for our chemical industry.

We have also made breakthroughs in plant and animal genetics which, when combined with our knowledge of hydroponics, resource recycling, and portable domical structures, allow us to heli-transport greenhouse-like "farms" to be set up with minimal fuss. You may be interested in purchasing some units for your dryer areas.

We are also developing a new form of military tanks and hovercraft based on a wholly new design concept, details of which are naturally top secret, but will be revealed once (and if) testing of the small-scale prototypes proves the concept. Of course, we do not have the heavy industry necessary to mass produce them, but perhaps a joint venture with the GLF may be possible? Pure speculation, of course, until the prototypes are complete.

Al Gore Rhythm, we are wary of the APP, especially given their coziness with the CSA (who we do not view as enemies, but who we are watching closely). However, we will sign a treaty to formalize the peace which exists between our nations. Thank you for the offer.

Iowa Free State

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-19-99 06:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

President JT3, so agreed, the People shall sign your alliance.


We can assure you that the APP wishes no harm to come to you and your people.

Besides, our two nations have much to gain from friendship. Like the TF, the APP is a highly industrialized nation, and one rich with natural resources. Surely your people can find value in a friend such as ourselves.

JT 3 posted 05-19-99 07:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
IFS: I will buy 100 of those heli-farms to start. Thank you for offering them. Also, I will send up the materials you requested from New Mexico for your use.

APP: Thank you for the alliance. It will benefit us greatly.

We are ready to recieve the specialists from the IFS and CSA. The APP is now also invites to send 100 specialists to the Freedom.

Picker posted 05-19-99 07:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Liberal Canada North, I am afraid I have already claimed quebec as part of the vosperian empire(northern ontario, quebec, and newfoundland), sorry. I am interested in a treaty of friendship with you though.

OOC: since I haven't played in any of the rps would somebody explain to me how technical advances are made.

IC: President Korian, I am also interested in a treaty of friendship with you.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-19-99 07:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We agree with Al.

We should create a League of Socialist Powers.

JT 3 posted 05-19-99 07:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
How about the North American Alliance? Sounds pretty good.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-19-99 08:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

The APP thanks the TF for the offer, but at present we can only send approximately half the amount of specialists. Our scientists are currently hard at work developing and applying a recent technological discovery. Expect to see the fruits of such labor shortly.


A garrison in Panama, leaving the CSA to temporaily defend the vital Canal, has moved south and invaded Columbia and Venezuela. Columbia was nigh-defenseless and fell easily, but the Venezuelan army proved to be an ample match and the APP forces have retreated to fortifications on the Columbian border. Both sides have suffered heavily, and Columbia has now been officially annexed.

As a sign of goodwill, the Garrison has dispatched regiments to deliver Columbian-Coffee to the CSA, TF, NC and IFS

JT 3 posted 05-19-99 08:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
My country thanks you much for the coffee, as it is better than what we had before.

Alright, Freedom is waiting for your crew.

Galen posted 05-20-99 01:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
ISF: I apologize for the delay in our response, one of our computer games companies recently revived and revised a 1999 game called Alpha Centauri and...
Anyways, we agree with the treaty, however we will not kow-tow to your will simply becuase you posses WMDs, as we do too and have an ABM defense in some of our territory.

CSA: We apologize, it is time we overcame our stereotypes, and we hope to mend this dispute, as we are alike in ideology.

APP: We appreciate the coffee, our cities are replisendant with coffeehouses and caffine addicts any good coffee is well welcomed.

NGCU: We accept the offer of peace.

APP&CSA: Our congress has agreed with your idea for a collective alliance.

To All: We have noticed that most of the former USA has formed into sevral coalitions. Therefore we hope to call a 3rd Continental Congress between all powers with holdings in the former USA and Canada. We have talked with the Keystone Alliance, the neutral government in charge of most of former Pennsylvania, and they have agreed to host it in Philedalphia. We hope everyone will send ammbassadors so that we can work our governments in harmony to protect our peoples together.

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

Counsel Karok posted 05-20-99 02:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Counsel Karok    
The Christian Union of America (CUA) (NOW! I get to be a fundie and make it work) claims Maryland, Virgina, West Virginia and North Colorado; we split from the CSA becuase we realized their true nature was that of Atheists and heretics, allowing Atheistic Devil Worshipping Commies to go free, such as the APP and NC, and now them. We will not rest until the world is back in God's hands.
We extend peace treaties to any non-commies out there and alliances to any other God fearing nations.
The CUA will have none of this Satanist Commie plot of your 3rd "Continental convention" We will however host the TRUE 3rd continental convenetion in Washington DC, where it ought to be, not some Satanist controlled pagan place of the damned.

<OOC> As I said before, I'm agnostic/deist, and just like doing this, I know atheists and agnostics are not satanists or pagans, nor are pagans satanist, ect...

President Korian posted 05-20-99 07:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Galen, we are in control of all Pennsylvania, so you will have to find a new place to hold the 3rd Continental Congress. Karok, although our ideology may be different, I beleive we should form an alliance in case you are attacked by the CSA. If you do not form alliance and the CSA attacks you, we shall also attack you. Isocahedron, we will gladly provide you with the manufacturing capabilities for your prototype.

OOC: Al Gore Rythm, this is getting kind of silly. First a country in northwestern North America takes over the Panama Canal and the surrounding countries. Then it invades South Amrica? It's a bunch of BS. I guess that you could control the Canal Zone, but nothing else.

icosahedron posted 05-20-99 09:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Galen, thanks for the reponse. Glad to have you as a friend. Sorry for being impatient, but we are a small nation and not in any position to fight a protracted war on our borders with such a heavily armed and resource-rich neighbor as the NC. We prefer peace so that our researchers can work on prosperity-improving techs; we only build war tools when we have a compelling and marketable idea that naturally arises from our peace-time technical advances (the new chassis design in the hovercraft/tank weapons we are prototyping is an example of such technical "fallout").

As for WMD's, we understand that you also have them, and we only mentioned them because of our fear, as a small nation with little heavy industry, of being swallowed up by a larger neighbor before we could get our house in order. Surely you can understand and be indulgent of such fear given the circumstances.

JT 3, thanks for the palladium. It has allowed us to expand our cold-fusion research, and we hope to have something working soon, though it is a very delicate phenomenon and we cannot be sure that our early research succes will translate into an economically viable paradigm. We are sending you the geodesic farms you asked for, by helicopter, just tell us where you want them! We are also sending 100 scientists and engineers to set up the farms and show you how to use them, and these 100 will then be our space station Freedom contingent; we are also including a full-sphere, vaccuum sealed version of the geodesic farm to be set up at the station to provide fresh vegetables to the inhabitants.

President Korian, your offer to contribute your industrial capacity to a joint venture is most appreciated, and will be excercised in due time. Thanks.

We are continuing the structural retooling of our nation. The focus is of course on efficiency, ease of use, and comfort (quite compatible goals, in truth, because comfortable, happy people are naturally more efficient). In this regard we are building new, domed cities with well-planned and designed energy, transportation, communication, and sanitation grids; eventually the existing cities will be salvaged.

The retooling is taking longer than hoped, but the incremental advantages are already appearing to accrue in terms of overall efficiency and health. We look forward to completion of the physical overhaul so that we can move on to reforming the social curriculum, which, alas, is still stuck in the 20th century mindset, as most of you know.

Al Gore Rhythm (APP), we accept your treaty. We could use more platinum for some electronic experiments we wish to make.

Chancellor AoYoSo, how are you? Any news?

Iowa Free State

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-20-99 09:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

Considering your GLF caused the fall of all of Canada in one strike, I do not consider the actions of the APP, as you so politely put it, "BS."

If you refer to geological difference, the APP has been and will always be a heavily naval-oriented power.


Although we are one of the "evil-commies" you refered to, hear us out, do not trust President Korian and his Great Lakes Federation. He has even openly admitted that, should you not become his puppet-nation in a mock "alliance" he will have your people killed. Quite a friend indeed.


We will only meet in such a council under these conditions:

A) It is not hosted in GLF territory.
B) If it is hosted anywhere near GLF territory, the Ambassador shall be allowed to bring a security team.
C) That President Korian's ambassador shall not resort to insulting nations of different societies than his own, and instead engage in true diplomacy.

We would suggest the neutral Iowa Free State a good choice to hold council. But due to its alliance with the GLF, the People's ambassador would feel insecure unless a dozen APP security officers escorted him personally.

Other than that, Space Station Freedom might be a good choice.

JT 3 posted 05-20-99 10:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Galen: What about that alliance? It's thirty posts back, but it's there. There was an offer, and then you did not respond.....

Also, I am in the "whatever we will call it alliance", so don't count me out.

IFS: There is a shuttle ready for your scientists in Houston. As soon as they arrive, the shuttle will lift off. Thank you for the farms.

icosahedron posted 05-20-99 02:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
We would be honored to host to the 3rd continental congress; it would give us a chance to show off our clean, shining new domed version of the Twin Cities, which has been specially outfitted with a state of the art convention facility, including lush gardens and luxurious suites as well as the latest technical improvements to provide the pleasant and efficient environment most conducive to clear thinking and rational agreement (where possible).

Al Gore Rhythm, we value your friendship, but please understand that our alliance with the GLF is not an indulgence nor a whim, but rather goes to the heart of our security and industrial concerns. We find it disheartening that you two fine nations cannot find a common frequency; perhaps that can be helped if you are both willing to meet, however guardedly. We propose a summit of the APP and GLF on IFS soil, and we will guarantee the safety of all involved. As our Twin City is brand new, it is as close as possible to the ideal in terms of security and securability, and the dome which covers it is impenetrable short of a major nuclear blast. We do not allow independent weapons of any sort within our domed cities, and our security forces are armed only with sound guns to stun potential miscreants.

Needless to say, though, we can only allow your security contingent inside the city sans weapons. We are a peaceful nation, and do not want to be held responsible for the violent actions of others, so we try to limit the potential for such action.

Iowa Free State

JT 3 posted 05-20-99 03:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I would be glad to have the 3rd Congress in the Twin City. I will leave for it as soon as it is agreed upon.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-20-99 05:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Karock you cannot just come in here and take my territories from me. It is agreed that you can take over West Virginia but no other territories. By the way, Virginia is one of the leading states in the CSA why would it want to join the CUA?

I vote the 3rd Continental Congress be held in Austin, Texas.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-20-99 05:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
If our demands are not met about the Virginia incident, we will be forced to declare war on the CUA.

As I earlier stated, since the Texas Federation is in a neutral stance they should hold the meeting.

Korian, he can expand into it is he wants. I control Mexico, and therefore he can use my bases in mexico to strike at South America. He holds the canal also, with the help of my navy.

JT 3 posted 05-20-99 05:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
AoYoS, I disagree. While it would be very nice to hold the confrence in Houston, I don't think Korian would join it, since he views your country badly, and I am allied with you. The IFS would be a better choice.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-20-99 07:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

So agreed, the security team shall remain unarmed. But regardless, they shall still come. I, nor do my people, trust President Korian.

While we also agree that we, as any nation, would prefer peace, President Korian holds brutal prejudice against the foundation of societies akin to the APP, CSA and NC. We promise your people, however, that the APP shall never incur any violence against the GLF lest they do so first. If Korian wishes to treat nations such as ourselves with a hostile attitude, so shall we. And if he wishes to shed blood about it, so shall we.

We hope as much as you do that we can resolve this on a diplomatic table.

Also, we have dispatched a convoy with the platnium you requested.

As a sidenote, how is the IFS faring on creating advanced manufactoring tools?


Korian, if this is an intrinsic rule, than I apologize for breaking it. However, after Vosperia (I think) took Greenland and Iceland and you seemed to hold no whims about it I figured that most of the land in and around the Americas was considered fair game.


The APP would like to unveil its latest success in the field of research, The APP Hyperion-Hull System. This new tool which uses the latest technologies in ultra-dense meterials has allowed engineers to create a hull (or for that matter, a dome) which can withstand tremendous amounts of pressure. The ramifications of such will be that the APP will be able to create deep-sea manned Submarines, as well as undersea bases, and perhaps in the far future, cities. The APP is currently constructing its first prototypes.

As soon as the prototype is complete, all of our allies may have the HH system.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-20-99 07:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Since my ultimatum has not been met, I declare war on the CUA for expanding into Virginia. I expect my allies to back me on this.

I agree. Twin Cities will work for me. My security team will remain unarmed. If any type of deception is heard of, expect full retaliation from the LSP and CSA.

Counsel Karok posted 05-20-99 10:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Counsel Karok    
The CUA take back our claims to Virginia and North Carolina. Now we claim Maryland, Delware and West Virginia.

Korian, we will form a military alliance, however, should you try to spread your false ideas to my people, or your empire to our land, or preventing our people's fufillment of the will of God. We would like to estabilish a "cultural embassy" with you. If you would share technology we could assist you with troops, and better assist in the alliance.

CSA: We know you are not atheists, only commies, and we will allow a treaty.

President Korian posted 05-21-99 07:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Karok, although I have no need for more troops, I will still give you the tech you have asked for. However, we would be interested in some of your advanced probe tech. Perhaps we can work out a trade?
icosahedron posted 05-21-99 09:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Ok, we have the APP, CSA, and TF on board for the convention. I assume also the GLF, but this has not been confirmed. Anyone else?

Our ambitious public works projects continue apace; all major metropolitan areas are in progress, and two are finished (Twin City and Des Moines). The social effects of even these two successes have been nothing short of revolutionary. While these two metro areas have always been the hubs of our state, they have now become veritable magnets for capital and high-minded people, who are flocking in droves to take advantage of the streamlined operation of these cities. We may even have to put off improvements in outlying areas to add another dome to the Twin City pair! The efficiencies and psychological "smoothing of edges" have an exponential effect on the well-being of all involved, and the engineers take great pride in their work, they are the toast of the town.

An interesting and unexpected facet of this phenomenon is that headline unemployment rates are rising, and yet so is productivity. And the Arts are experiencing a veritable golden age! We are finding that we need only a small fraction of the populous to take care of necessary tasks, and those who delight in such tasks naturally gravitate to them, because of the prestige they earn among the grateful populous -- especially the resource management engineers (formerly known as garbage men).

Anyhow, we are thriving, though are success is actually expanding the amount and value of work still to be done. But our plans for social curriculum changes do not now appear necessary, as the society is reforming itself simply by dint of the livingry improvements, so we have diverted planned resources from psychology to technology, hoping that the trend will continue.

Iowa Free State

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-21-99 10:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

We would like to use some of your launch pads for APP use, temporarily.

The APP has finished its first prototype of the Hyperion-Hull design, and the system is shown to work. We shall transmit data on the design to allies upon request, but only through face-to-face transfers due to the growing threat of GLF/CUA espionage.

Due to growing tension, the APP has dispatched brigades to the CSA if the need for their use against the GLF arises.

We have also sent a small force of submarines to Cuba to patrol the Carribean.

JT 3 posted 05-21-99 10:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I will send an ambassador to Anchorage immediatly. That tech sounds very useful.

The APP may use any launch pads they need, provided they tell me first, so we don't have to rockets blasting off from the same pad.

The TF has launched an international ambassadorial broadcast sattelite. With this sattelite, ambassadors/leaders from all countries may talk on its frequency. This will make for much easier UN Councils.

JT 3 posted 05-21-99 10:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Doh! Don't have TWO rockets blasting off from the same pad. Sorry.
Galen posted 05-21-99 05:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
I am fine with the Twin Cities, I will be there presently.

APP: I will receive the tech, and we have sevral new encryption programs we beleive will help, as well as a new transmission type, one in a range I cannot transmit on public frequencies.

TF: Ae have some satillites we wish to launch, and if you would permit we would like to use your pads. In graditude we are sending 3 shuttles for your use. We will be sending them with sevral Boeing 797s.

We have discovered an enzyme which we can use to create artifical chocolate that tastes like real chocolate, a quandry previously, and are sending it to the APP, TF, CSA, and IFS.

For the Continental Congress (CC):
We would like to propose a confederate constitution, which would allow all states to conduct affairs with each other and tax our own, though be united against foreigners and settle disputes beween each other. I would like to include only those who would like so, and only with the consent of anyone else within it.
This comes from a recent encounter we had with China, in which our Guam outpost was overrun, and the World Court failed to recognize the attack as an act of war, and fails to look at our cases, nor does the UN consider us much, we no longer have a permanent seat on the Security Council, and Congo has more power than any of us, and more international clout. We need to make the US great again, and the way to do so is this.
We feel, however, that the CUA, which is not attending, and the GLF are not quite ready to do this.
We extend this to whoever wishes.

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

President Korian posted 05-21-99 06:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We have begun consturction of a space colony, and plan to finish it within 2 months. (OOC: About a week from this coming Monday.A) I will most definetly agree to holding the Congress in the Twin Cities. Also, our prototypes have been finished, so you may send you scientists to begin the final testing stages. We would like to ask that you share this tech. with noone else.
President Korian posted 05-21-99 06:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Why do you feel that way Galen? Because I'm not friendly with your allies the APP or the CSA? I've been more than respectful towards you and other nations, including the IFS, the TF, and the DSNE. If this CC you have proposed works, then I shall have no need to be disrespectful towards any other nations.
President Korian posted 05-21-99 06:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Why do you feel that way Galen? Because I'm not friendly with your allies the APP or the CSA? I've been more than respectful towards you and other nations, including the IFS, the TF, and the DSNE. If this CC you have proposed works, then I shall have no need to be disrespectful towards any other nations.
President Korian posted 05-21-99 06:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Why do you feel that way Galen? Because I'm not friendly with your allies the APP or the CSA? I've been more than respectful towards you and other nations, including the IFS, the TF, and the DSNE. If this CC you have proposed works, then I shall have no need to be disrespectful towards any other nations.
President Korian posted 05-21-99 06:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Why do you feel that way Galen? Because I'm not friendly with your allies the APP or the CSA? I've been more than respectful towards you and other nations, including the IFS, the TF, and the DSNE. If this CC you have proposed works, then I shall have no need to be disrespectful towards any other nations.
JT 3 posted 05-21-99 06:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I will agree to the Constitution.

Then it is settled. We will meet in the Twin Cities. I will board my plane now.

Galen, I would be happy to lend you the pads. And, thank you for the shuttles and chocolate.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-21-99 06:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

OOC: By space colony do you mean a colony in space (i.e. a space station) or a colony on the moon or Mars or other celestial body?


At this point, the APP has very little concern for international affairs. We do have connections with the People's Republic of China and the former Russian Commonwealth, and have used them to obtain many blueprints from which we have based most of our military vehicles out of, but little more than that.

We also thank you for your encryption data, and the chocolate


We won't occupy your launch pads for long. The People wish to launch a small, manned research station which we have dubbed The Pax to monitor the space enviroment. We, as well as you, see much potential in the cosmos and will not leave it an untapped resource.


The APP patrols in the Carribbean have left their post at Cuba to escort an expeditionary force to the barbarian lands of the former Bahaman Commenwealth. We have annexed the territory, as the remaining citizens' only military force was a small dispatch of old vessles used for pirating purposes. (OOC: This will be the last APP conquest for awhile.)

As a sidenote, the APP is constructing a large, Hyperion-Hull compatable naval station in New Providence.

Also, the Hyperion system has had a noticeable effect of being an excellent projectile detterant. Our scientists are working on applying the technology to an armor-suit design. Considering the dense nature of the HH system, a suit of armor could offer protection while not being awkward.

Finally, the APP requests any and all information its allies or the IFS has on artifical intelligence. We can offer materials and labor in exchange for the data.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-21-99 07:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We are dispatching launchpads to the APP site. If anymore are needed, just ask.
Picker posted 05-21-99 07:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
We have begun to expand the city of Sault Ste. Marie(in northern ontario) and have declared it the capital of the vosperian empire. We have almost gotten a working fusion reactor(still melted the damn building although it held for 47 seconds this time). I might be willing to trade the secret of containing the heat from the fusion reaction.

President Korian, I am interested in a Treaty of Friendship.

President Korian posted 05-22-99 11:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: I meant a space station, and sorry about that quadruple post.

IC: Your peace treaty is accepted. We would also be interested in an alliance with the VE.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-22-99 10:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I vote that the League of Socialist Powers make a combined Parliament or governing body. This body, will be comprised of equal number of members from the APP, the CSA, and the NC. They will hold power to call monetary and military reserves, much like the 20th century UN Peacekeeping forces.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-22-99 10:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Due to the CUA's lack of defending their territory we have once again expanded into West Virginia. We are willing to return it if our demands are met. Our demands are:

1. Transeference of 200 million dollars to Confederate reserves.

2. Transeference of 20 million dollars of military equipment.

3. The CUA come under CSA influence. That means the CUA can do anything they want with other countries, but cannot enter into any wars with the CSA or any of its allies without our consent.

Furthermore, we if any of the first demands are not met we will being to invade Maryland and Im sure I can convice the TF to invade Southern Colorado.

Have a nice day Karock.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-22-99 11:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

We will agree to a greater parliment for our League, but the APP would suggest that the Texan Federation be included.


The People have vested interest in your Fusion data. We are willing to trade for some of our valuable services and goods. Perhaps the labor of the people to help bring your devices into realization? Or would a large supply of raw materials be sufficient?


We wish your people good luck in constructing a space station. While the APP and GLF are very tense, we see no reason to bring hosility into the stars. Where the apparatii to express such feelings is non-existant. And we hope, shall remain that way.


APP researchers have finished creating a suitable suit of armor using the Hyperion system. It is able to repel primitive weapons such as 20th century machine guns while still being able to resist or retard the damage caused by modern weaponry. Best of all, it is not very cumbersome and allows excellent freedom of movement.

We have also begun construction of the first military Hyperion-Equipped Submarines. We hope to produce one or two dozen of them within the next 6 to 8 months.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-22-99 11:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
The TF can be included.
JT 3 posted 05-22-99 11:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     

AoYoS, you have learning to do. I am in the LoSP, as it says about thirty posts back. I already own all of Colorado. Also, the APP is already using the launch pads in Houston.

We have finished our first Space Marines division. This consists of:

1000 Space Marines
1 Orbital Battleship
1 Carrier
50 Space Fighters
5 Orbital Transports

They are armed with a classified Laser weapon and armed with HH Armor. We will be transmitting the Laser data to the IFS, CSA, APP, and NC. We are also willing to trade the Laser tech for the Fusion tech.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-22-99 11:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
This should be this
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-22-99 11:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Read Karock's post around 30 messages back.

It says he claims Southern Colorado.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-22-99 11:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I meant Northern.
JT 3 posted 05-23-99 12:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     

If you do not retract your claim of Morthern Colorado, I will declare war on you. I claimed this state in my first post in this thread!

JT 3 posted 05-23-99 12:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Doh! _N_orthern Colorado.
President Korian posted 05-23-99 11:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Chancellor, if you do not immediately withdraw your forces from West Virginia, we will invade your territory. Our scientists have made amazing breakthroughs in the field of laser physics and hope to have a working protype completed by the end of this week. To the VE: If you have any need of the GLF's research or manufacturing capabilities in your fusion research, you need but ask.
To the APP: Thank you, and we look forward to better relations with your nation.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-23-99 12:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Korian, I will not listen to your threat if you dare invade my territory expect a declaration of war from me, the APP, the TF, and any other nations allied with the CSA. It would be fool-heardy to fight a war on three fronts. Also the dispatched APP brigades are along our border. So I would not try anything of the sort.

To my Allies (The LoSP): If I am attacked by Korian, I hope that my allies will come to my aid.

To the IFS: I ask that you suspend the 3rd Continental Congress until this scirmish is over. If you do not, I will not be attending as Korian probably will.

President Korian posted 05-23-99 12:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Chancellor, you can not invade my allies territory and expect me to sit back and watch. We are fully capable of defending our territory and launching an assault at the same time. We are only planning to invade West Virgina, which is not your territory.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-23-99 02:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We have a solution. We split West Virginia into two parts, both equal in size and population. We take control of the southern section and the CUA can have the northern section.
JT 3 posted 05-23-99 02:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I expect my allies to support me if the CUA will not retract their claim of Colorado.

I will support the CSA if the CUA does not retract their claim from West VA.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-23-99 06:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

We will stand by our allies should the CUA continue to claim territories which are occupied by our allies.


The APP would like to announce that it has begun construction of a massive supercomputer.

We will call it the Universe Engine. It shall have two functions. One half of the machine shall maintain a tiny artifical universe. The other half shall create documents using every word in the English language arranged in random sequence. These random documents shall be translated into the Universe Engine. The documents are treated like laws. If these laws will not function, they are destroyed. If they do, or almost do, they are sent to scientists for study.

We hope to finish Universe Engine, wihout the aid of allies, within the next few years. When it is complete, we predict it will be able to generate and test up to 10,000,000 random documents every second.

With its aid, the APP hopes to become a leading scientific power. And we would, of course, be grateful if our allies would aid us in constructing the engine.

JT 3 posted 05-23-99 06:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     

I had just come up with the supercomputer idea!

Oh, well, I'll do it anyway, mine was going to be a whole lot different that the Universe Engine.

IC: The TF has begun the construction of a supercomputer, codenamed Colossus. It will be built in a classified area. The coordinates will be sent to our allies, however.

Colossus is for our space program. It will be able to complete equations and tasks that would take a lifetime for humans in a fraction of a second. It will be able to analyze black holes, quasars, LGMs, etc.

It will not be able to do these things from the start, however. We are going to give it Artificial Intelligence. We will tell it how to complete equations and tasks, and then it will test them, learning from the tests. We expect it to come up to full speed within three days after completion. It will then keep on testing whatever it finds out from space. We will soon be launched into a new era!

Our allies will be able to use Colossus, too, if they wish.

JT 3 posted 05-23-99 06:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     

I had just come up with the supercomputer idea!

Oh, well, I'll do it anyway, mine was going to be a whole lot different that the Universe Engine.

IC: The TF has begun the construction of a supercomputer, codenamed Colossus. It will be built in a classified area. The coordinates will be sent to our allies, however.

Colossus is for our space program. It will be able to complete equations and tasks that would take a lifetime for humans in a fraction of a second. It will be able to analyze black holes, quasars, LGMs, etc.

It will not be able to do these things from the start, however. We are going to give it Artificial Intelligence. We will tell it how to complete equations and tasks, and then it will test them, learning from the tests. We expect it to come up to full speed within three days after completion. It will then keep on testing whatever it finds out from space. We will soon be launched into a new era!

Our allies will be able to use Colossus, too, if they wish.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-23-99 10:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We will support our allies fully in all matter portaining to the GLF and the CUA.
icosahedron posted 05-24-99 10:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
It seems prudent to postpone the convention in light of the CSA's aggresion towards the CUA, and the GLF's strident response.

We have finished retooling our infrastructure. Our researchers have come to a new understanding of the structure of matter, a paradigm which we call "Tensile Quantum Geometry (TQG)". The myriad applications of this abstract mathematical theory are just beginning to be realized. It has provided the key ideas needed to explain and control cold fusion, which gives us essentially unlimited "free" energy. We use this energy to power atomizing furnaces, which, when combined with atomic filtration technology and high-yield molecular beam chemistry (two other applications of TQG), allows us to recycle virtually anything. If you can specify the molecular structure, we can theoretically build it from the elements ... reliably and cheaply, after we do it once.

Our fuel cell economy remains in place, with the cold fusion used to augment the supplies of, and lessen the cost of, hydrogen production. Superconductors (another application of TQG) allow usage of rotors to reversibly store up massive amounts of energy to be delivered in high-power-need situations (e.g., for getting trains, planes, and automobiles in motion -- and in reverse, for slowing them down!).

We believe that quantum phase modulation may be used to transmit structured energy (i.e., matter) at a distance. We are working out some theoretical details as we experiment with this exciting new idea.

President Korian, thanks for the help with the prototype of the omnidirectional geodesic hovercraft. We will agree not to sell the design to others if you will provide us with 20 of the hovercraft (we will be responsible for building our own should more prove necessary). This dodecahedron-shaped flying machine uses an internal, tetrahedrally shaped cockpit to allow the pilot to quickly convert linear motion into spin (and vice versa), so that it can change direction on a dime, and apply extra thrust in any of 20 directions to fine tune its motion. When outfitted with an appropriate weapon (e.g., an ion or laser cannon), the directional mobility of the aircraft makes it a formidable weapon. We are also now using the same idea on a smaller scale, with four lasers at the points of the internal tetrahedron, and with a robot pilot, to make a "dancer of death" weapon -- drop this in the midst of your enemies and watch the fun as it spits fire in all directions as it spins. The basic cockpit idea can of course be adapted to many circumstances (we have found that replacing the gun turret on tanks is a good idea).

We hope the current round of rising tension can be ridden out without resorting to outright war. We do not intend to take sides.

Iowa Free State

Picker posted 05-24-99 04:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
President Korian: I find an alliance with you to be acceptible, I am transmitting all of our data on fusion technology. (The trick is magnetic fields surrounding the reaction, they are capable of containing the heat. The problem is keeping the fields stable, energy fluctuations will ruin the reactor.)

JT3: I am quite willing to trade my data on fusion technology for your laser technology.

Al Gore Rythm: If you would send any experts you might have in the field of magnetics we may be able to complete a fusion reactor. I would be quite willing to share this technology with you, in exchange for your help.

I have recruited one of the most brilliant military commanders to lead my forces, a certain Steven Marsh, and he has begun to train my troops. I would warn everyone to refrain from attacking our lands.

OOC: This is getting super long, I suggest we continue this in a new thread.

Counsel Karok posted 05-24-99 05:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Counsel Karok    
OOC: Sorry, I went to a relative's house. And I MEANT North Carolina, and make no claims to Colorado
We will NOT tolerate ANY comprimise. West Virginia will not give in. We will allow you to have the southernmost acre of land, no more. We are preparing our troops to fight, and we ask the GLF to join in our attack. CSA, we had a peace treaty, and I would ask any state to help us take what they took of us. We are sending our SEALs to take it back. The GLF has provided us with extra weapons technology, and we will use it. Should the need arise we will launch biological weapons on Atlanta and possibly Richmond, if you refuse to give us what is rightfully ours.
Marshall Xix posted 05-24-99 05:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Marshall Xix  Click Here to Email Marshall Xix     
You come barging into my territory first of all, and then I comprimise to let you have it. Now I want it back. Our nuclear, chemical and biological weapons have been activated, as well as, our intermidiate anti-missile rockets. Any biological attack on any Confederate city will be met with a salvo of nuclear missiles at all CUA cities. Our naval fleets, are begining to move into position to blockade all CUA ports. If you continue your refusal to take back your claim or comprimise, fear that your other territories might be invaded as well. As we said we still offer the comprimise.

To the GLF: We do not want war with you at this point. We claimed West Virginia long before the CUA came around and also claimed it. You should see the light of their error.

To the IFS: Agression? We are defending our territory. We claimed West Virginia a long time before the CUA came around. You should say the CUA's agression.

To the LoSP: I declare a state of war on the CUA. I expect my allies to back me on this all of the way. I would like you all to activate your reserves, in case the GLF decide to enter the war. All I am invading of the CUA is West Virginia because it is rightfully ours.

To the DSNE: We ask that you let us pass through your ocean territory. We are willing to give you monetary funds for this in convienience.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 05:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I am having problems with the internet Explorer. My brother just finished posting earlier.

The last post should have been by me.

JT 3 posted 05-24-99 05:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
On board the Freedom....

JT3: Launch the space fighters. I want them in the upper atmosphere over all major CSA and TF cities. And get the Freedom's ICMB Intercept Laser charged. Send the Alamo anti-missle missles to all major TF and CSA cities. Send tank divisions 1-20 to cover the TF-GLA border, 21-40 to cover the TF-CUA border, 41-60 to the CSA-GLA border, and 61-75 to the CSA-CUA border. Get all reserves armed and on alert. Make sure there are at least 15 divisions of military in all major TF cities, and get them air support. Order 3 carriers, 10 subs, 4 battleships, 7 AEGIS Cruisers, and 10 Destroyers into Maryland's coastal waters. Ready the ICBM's, but only the ones with conventional payloads. I will not launch nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons unless absolutly neccasary.
General Parkon: Yessir.
Radar: Sir, an ICBM has been launched from Baltimore!
JT3: Scan it! I want to know what it's loaded with!
Radar: Scan coming up, now sir. It's.....anthrax.
JT3: Fire the Intercept Laser! Order all fighters in that area to converge on the missle!
Parkon: The missle has been destroyed, sir!
JT3: Any other launchings?
Radar: Not yet.....wait! Another one! Headed for Richmond! It's anthrax again!
JT3: Fire the Laser!
Parkon: It missed!
JT3: Fire again!
Parkon: Direct hit!
JT3: Order any non-defending divisions to attack!

<end of dialogue>

The 109-117th Airborne Divisions have paradropped three miles behind the TF-CUA border and have suffered moderate casualties while advancing a few miles. Tank divisions are coming up quick to support them. The border has been held except for a small point where the CUA has broke through. Apaches have destroyed most of that army, however, and little remains. Off the shore of Maryland, 4 destroyers and 1 AEGIS Cruiser have been destroyed. Several bombers have been shot down due to anti-aircraft fire. We ask the APP and the NC to join in the war against the CUA. The CSA has suffered minor casualties defending the border so far according to our Radar. We will be covering all cities of any allies in the war with anti-ICBM protection.

icosahedron posted 05-24-99 05:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Chancellor AoYoSo of the CSA, we of IFS recognize your prior claim to West Virginia; President Korian, please review the record so that you do not fight a resource-draining war with the CSA over the illegitimate claims of the fundamentalist CUA, which has tried to freehold CSA land.

No one wants to see a fight between the two great eastern powers, least of all those of us who border the region. Let cooler heads prevail, gentlemen.

We are offering to sell or trade our cold fusion technology; while we regret giving up the tech edge in this vital area of research, we find the notion of hot fusion abhorrent. It is dangerous (what happens when the magnetic field fails?), dirty (radioactive side products due to the relatively uncontrolled nature of the reaction), and inefficient (burnin' down your house). We offer our alternative because we don't want to share the world with high-energy nuclear reactors. With cold fusion, you get all of the benefits of hot fusion, without the nasty side effects. If you need high-power (cold fusion is not high-power), then use the fusion energy to make hydrogen, or go spin a rotor. Give a hoot, don't pollute. Please.

Iowa Free State

Counsel Karok posted 05-24-99 10:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Counsel Karok    
OOC: I wasn't planning on a war, and AoYoS DID say I could have West Virginia. But anyways, and if you want proof:
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-20-99 05:50 PM ET
Karock you cannot just come in here and take my territories from me. It is agreed that you can take over West Virginia but no other territories. By the way, Virginia is one of the leading states in the CSA why would it want to join the CUA?
I vote the 3rd Continental Congress be held in Austin, Texas.
<At the Pentagon>
Karok: Status report!
Officer 1: We have hit Richmond sir! However, our ABMs won't hold out much longer!
Karok: So begins the Rapture.
Chaplin: Amen.
Karok: Let's go people! I want our SEALs out and ready, send them into Virginia. And get President Korian on the phone!
Officer 2: Aye sir, he is busy.
Karok: Just tell him we're launching the Alpha now. Prepare the Omega for detonation.
Officer 1: Sir, if the Omega detonates we, along with everyone else around will be destroyed.
Karok: That is the idea. Tell JT he has 12 hour to get out of here. Same to AoYoS. God is on our side.
Officer 3: Sir! We have reports that Annapolis is destroyed! Trenton is under attack!
Karok: They have gone with God.
Officer 1: Sir, if this war continues alomst third of the world may be destroyed.
Karok: Revelation 8.7 "...and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were hurled to the earth; and a thrid of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up."
Chaplin: Revelation 8.13 "The I look, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as if flew in midheaven, 'Woe,woe,woe to the inhabitants of the earth...'"
Karok: Begin the countdown for the Omega and. Fire Atharax at the TF, get the other Atheistic Commies too, launch at LA, Portland, Seatle and Achorage.
Officer 2: T-12 hours
<To all>
We will continue this until our demand are met, which now include reparations for any lost lives, that will be negotiated.
OOC: If this is too much, ignore what JT said then too. And I will settle this tomarrow.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 10:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Read the new post about the postponment.

We are agreeing to stop it and go back to what it was before this ever happened.

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