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  (RP) Alliences and Cooperations....

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Author Topic:   (RP) Alliences and Cooperations....
Ronin_54 posted 05-10-99 02:37 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54   Click Here to Email Ronin_54  

I have been wading trough the post of the last 60 days, and founs out that much as happened. Could someone be so kind to explain the new Alliences, its members, and its goals and (if possible) how it stands aginst others, if they are at war etc. etc. This would make things a little bit easier. About the Guardians, there is not much to say about them reacting to others, since they are still new here. But I hope someone responds...

JT 3 posted 05-10-99 05:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3    

AOP- An alliance first formed against the UED. The first alliance to appear. Liberal and democratic. Memebers so far: JT3, AoYoS, Galen, Eccles, Michael, and Eladamir. Positions: JT3-Supreme Commander. AoYoS-Military Commander. Eccles-Economic Commander Galen-Political Commander

UA- Alliance formed to balance power of AOP. Conservative and Democratic. Memebers so far: Collins, Korian, Winston. No positions yet.

Protectorate: Alliance with Pacts with both AOP and UA. Just formed.

Guardians: You know this one.

None are at war.

That's all. Ask if you need any other info.

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