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  New Faction- NUETRALS

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Author Topic:   New Faction- NUETRALS
Agent 000 posted 05-09-99 09:34 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Agent 000   Click Here to Email Agent 000  
; FACTION FILE: The Spartan Federation
; Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Firaxis Games, Inc.
; This File was made by AGENT 000. No program was used. This is basiclly a boring faction, but
; many people wanted on soooo......

The Nuetrals, The Nuetral, Nuetrals, M, 2, Nuetral Leader, F, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
nil, nil, nil
nil, nil, nil
Nuetralic, Nuetralic,
Samira, Rostami, Samira's Resting Place
Undecided, N/A, Undecided, wish-washy, unkown,
To not take anybody's side
To not take anybody's side
Not making any decisions
Not making any decisions
Can't decide anything
foolishly making non-decisions
foolishly making non-decisions
Sitting on your butt
sitting on butt, M2
Undecided Goal, M2
Central-wing fantasies, M2
stipend, M1
keeping the peace
The N/A union
the nothing book

No Name
Nuetral Homelands
No Desision
No Conclusion
Who knows
Who Cares
Can't Decide
Unkown Name
Pointless Grounds
Fort Nothingness

Water HQ
Nothing but Water
Built on Water
Nothing Water
Sea Outpost

No Decison
^ -- N/A,
^ "N/A"

^LEADER: {None}
^AGENDA: {None}
^TECH: {Doctrine: Mobility}


#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Please let us plege a blood truce!, $NAME1."

"Ya I guess."
"Begging will get you nowhere, $NAME3. Prepare to be obliterated!"

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"$TITLE0 $NAME1. My Nuetral Followers wish to have peace.

"Fair enough."

# ; This line must remain at end of file

so? how is it?

Picker posted 05-09-99 09:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
wow, that's pretty damn boring
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-09-99 10:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
Despite being bland and boring, they're also imbalanced.

I know, it sounds crazy, but a neutral faction is imbalanced when put up side to side with factions which go one direction or another.

Having no actual weaknesses is a strength in itself, being able to use any SE choice is a great advantage.

They are balanced if every faction is neutral, but unless you want a highly bland game I wouldn't recommened it.

Warp Warrior posted 05-10-99 01:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Warp Warrior  Click Here to Email Warp Warrior     
I just asked a simple question. You make this faction look more boring than it should be. Why will a neutral faction be so boring? Do you have to have an advantage in something to be exciting? Having a military that no one can put a dent in can be boring, being so technologically advanced that others aren't even close can be boring, having so much money you can buy anything at will can also be boring. If you know for a fact that you are going to win without even trying is boring. You now have to work around the lack of a strength, most other faction weaknesses can be gotten rid of if you play it properly which would leave them with a strength. One says it may be a challenge, another says it may actually be too strong because you can use any SE. Which is it? If it is a challange then it should be kind of interesting to see if you can still do the same thing you used to be able to do with the other factions without the extra pluses. If it too strong because of SE's, then which one should you remove?

If you would play this, or any other new faction, which ONE faction would be the best to replace it with to keep the game balanced?

warmachine posted 05-10-99 10:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for warmachine  Click Here to Email warmachine     
I disagree. Flexibility is useful but changing strategies isn't that easy. Changing SE choices may need a few mouse clicks but changing between a unstoppable military society, a highly developed research base and a money making machine takes a lot of work.

The Neutrals have no edge in any stategy. They cannot take on a faction on its strongest strategy and they aren't powerful enough to really make a difference when hitting a weakness. Simply hurting a faction results in relatively little damage. You must add that extra 'oomph' to make the damage catastrophic. Also known as 'pushing the envelope'.

Matthew Greet

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