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  The Great War for Peace (and personal gain!)

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Author Topic:   The Great War for Peace (and personal gain!)
Natguy posted 05-22-99 12:22 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Natguy   Click Here to Email Natguy  
In the game I just finished (I mean minutes ago...ho off the press folks!) as the Peacekeepers,I set out to build a huge empire, trade energy and tech, make lots of allies, and go for a diplomatic victory or economic. I'd never tried this before, as I am something of a warmonger, and in the beginning things were great and I thought, "Hey this is nice! I should do this every time! Diplomatice Victory isn't too hard!" (This before I had even run yet)
And so I continued in my comfortable illusion until around 2250 MY. My allies, the Morganites, lost all their landbases in a lightning attack from the Believers. I sent money but refused to go to war, as I was not ready militarily and psychologically. MISTAKE! If I had gone to war, I could have retaken the Mortganites' bases as well as those of the conquered UoP, thus putting the Believers in their place and nocking their power down several notches.
I had built the Empath Guild, and the following is a list of relations with factions: Hive: war. (far away and I refused to suck up)
Spartans: War (Same reasons as Hive)
Gaians: uneasy peace. (third most powerful, B's and I about equal at this tiome)
Morganites: Loyal allies.
Believers: Treaty, but only because I sucked up to them to avoid war.
UoP: Treaty. They had been destroyed earlier so their power was nil, but hey, I got trade.
At around 2300, I ran for Supreme Leader, to fail pitifully. I realized that I was going to have to go to war to force the Gaians, who had the 3rd most votes, into submission. (Didn't want to take on the Believers)
So as I was gearing up for war, I built part of a landbridge but gave up and used transports, as well as making peace with the Spartans and the Hive.
Just when I had my invasion fleet in position, the Believers declared Vendetta upon me because I refused to suck up. In an earlier war that I forgot to mention, they had taken two seabases of mine, and I none of theirs. As soon as war was declared (I knew it was coming) I moved in the two ships that i had wating near the cities and retook them, although some of mine revolted or fell. That action bought me a few years of peace.
In the first year of the Gaian War (later renamed the Great War for Peace, as I was in it to get myself declared Supreme Leader. Hmm...Maybe "The Great War for Supremity" sounds better. Odd... you need a strong military to win peacefully!) Anyway, in the first year of the War, I ttok three Gaian landbases, including the Gaian capital. I landed a small force on an island next turn where another of their bases was and took it, only to lose it shortly to the Believers.
This was the low point of the War. The one remaining Gaian landbase was heavily defended, and I had just had an economic crash so I didn't have enough for Mind control. I was losing cities to the Believer because I just couldn't muster troops for a war with the Believers, so I just tried to hold them off. It worked, but soon they came back, and in greater numbers.
Soon, however, things looked better. I got enough energy to take the last main Gaian landbase, leaving them with one in Spartan territory.My small fleet I had prepared was successful in taking three of their seabases, and later took the base in Spartan lands but the one they took from the Spartans in a last-ditch attempt at holding on to their landbases.
Soon, the tide of the Great War turned rapidly. I now had sufficient defenses to hold off the Believers; I had lost the war to the north but wholeheatedly won in the south: My navy grew larger and took more and more of the Gaian's seabases, as well as liberating those bases of mine which had been taken or revolted. I also built some sweet SP's resulting in Golden Ages in most of my cities.
Then, unfortunately, solar flares knocked out communication, and though the War on the Gaian front was rapidly drwing to victory, they could not surrender and I could not wait twenty years, when they could build up sufficient forces to make it very hard for me to win.
I lost two bases to the Believers when they attacked a base by surprise (we were still at war...if you must know, I was in the bathroom at the time) And after communications were restored, I made a treaty. (has ANYONE made a lasting peace with those people?!) The Gains promptly surrendered, signaling the beginning of the alst phase of the War. The UoP, who, although I conquered on my war to destroy the Gaians, kept coming back when the cities revolted. I threatened them until they surrendered. The Hive and the Spartans were at war, and I used this fact to make an alliance with the Hive by agreeing to go to war with the Spartans.
So here are the faction relationships:
UoP: Surrendered
Gaians: Surrendered
Hive: Allies
Morganites: Allies
Believers: Truce
Spartans: War
With the help of my four allies, I ran for Supreme Leader.
The result: 800someodd votes in my favor to 300 someodd against.
The Great War for Peace was over and the entire world rejoiced under the new, single rule of myelf! it's time to manipulate them for personal gain while making it appear that I'm benevolent and caring! Oh wait, that's what I did the whole game!
Natguy posted 05-22-99 12:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Natguy  Click Here to Email Natguy     
Whoa, that sucker's long! Hmm..perhaps I should hav done TWO "RETURN" clicks instead of one.
OH, by the way...the reason I couldn't muster troops to fight the Believers is the A) They were far away and my transports were standing by in case I needed to evaute Gaia due to failure.

B)They had lots of Seabases (as did I...watery world) and at the time my navy was somewhat depleted, and all of them were busy taking out the Gaians, although later I sent in a few ships.

C) I was in the midst of widespread drone problems because of the War, so many of my bases often weren't producung anything,as wellas the fact that if I sent in more troops, the rioting would only increase. (I refused to nerve staple...I need that rade money!)

D)My army was fighting halfway around the world from where the war with the Believers was...that tends to cut back on the action.

E) Het, they controlled the North (mostly) an I controlled much of the South, and what I didn't own I didn'e fear. Hey, it's 50-50. I was happy, why not her?

Plato90s posted 05-22-99 01:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Plato90s    
The computer always seem to build an ungodly number of seabases, even in deep ocean. I personally rarely bother to build more than 3-4 seabses of my own, but the Believers are incredibly strong believers in it.

I've actually turned that to my advantage sometimes since the only thing the Believers seem to respond to is force. I set up a navy, take a few of her bases, and when she demands it back, I give it to her. The next time Believers declare Vendetta, I take a few more seabases, and give them back again to shut her up. All this time, I'm busy with research and arming. It doesn't take more than 3-4 cruisers to shut her up for a century or so until that army of 24 land units on 3 transports is ready. And that navy can also help cover the approach.

BTW, this strategy works well only if you have AAA since the Believers LOVE to build needlejets.

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