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Author Topic:   Who is the best player?
Wonderboy posted 04-01-99 11:34 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Wonderboy   Click Here to Email Wonderboy  
I have now had this game for six days. I have played The peacekeepers alot. A little with the university, and now playing the Hive. I think that the Hive is the best player of these tree. Is it the aggresive or the defensive players that are the best?
Bluemax posted 04-01-99 12:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bluemax    
The best player to be depends on your end game strategy. As always, expand like crazy.

Diplomatic - Peacekeepers
Military - Hive or Spartans
Transcendence - UoP
Econmic - Morgan
Restart and play a different game - Beleivers

I never played as a beleiver. I had too many nuns in grade school and Miriam just annoys me. In playing against her, so far, she is a nuisance player. She can't beat my faction, but she harasses my plans. I won with the Deidre through diplomatic means, but I don't see where this faction fits into the structure of a predetermined strategy for the end game. Hmm...should probably play more to see if the Giains are the most balanced faction (with no real strengths or weaknesses).

There's a lot of debate about which faction is the best, strongest, etc. But the game is pretty well balanced. So, pick your strategy and the matching faction and go for it.

quizara tafwid posted 04-01-99 01:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for quizara tafwid    
To answer the question in the topic, I believe I am ;-)
Double Overdrive posted 04-01-99 05:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Double Overdrive    
Morgan is the best by far! (Read my post on the Morganites...) Money is power! (I hate people who say knowledge is power, because that is bull****... I just buy tech from UoP and most of the time i do better than him in tech anyway.......(Economy is the most important social factor....)+1 economy sux, but +2 and beyond are awesome
The Panther posted 04-01-99 06:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Panther  Click Here to Email The Panther     
I beg your Pardon.

UoP rulez, I hate beaten Morgan twice even though he started on the Monsoon Jungle, and I didn't have any special landmarks.

Fiannaidh posted 04-01-99 11:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fiannaidh  Click Here to Email Fiannaidh     
Gians are the best, because I say so, and they're green. I am playing a game with Gians now, trying for economic victory (it wants almost 90K!!). I have totally dominated every faction but yang, and am about to unload 10 singularity planet busters on him if he doesn't quit bothering me. I have had Mirriam, Morgan, and Santiago swear to serve me, but I anhialated Santiago because I didn't like her attitude, and I eradicated UofP, Peacekeepers because I'm really a bad guy deep down. I can pass any vote I want, because 2 of the remaining 4 factions have sworn to serve me. I am slowly flooding the entire planet, hoping to take out the incredibly behind in tech yang (I have entire tech tree, he has up to anti-matter/shard). I'm only playing librarian, but if I go ahead and do diplomatic victory, I get a 230% score without ironman.
Wonderboy posted 04-02-99 04:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wonderboy  Click Here to Email Wonderboy     
Do you like Mirian�s attitude. I think she has a very bad attitude. She say we have a good friendship if I just give her some techs or money once in a while. She is sick
Fiannaidh posted 04-02-99 09:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fiannaidh  Click Here to Email Fiannaidh     
When they're big and surrender, like she did, its not so bad. I must've taken 5 bases of santiago's per turn for about 4 turns, taking her HQ, a few size 12, and 14 cities, leaving only a single size 7. She didn't surrender until I started to move against her very last city, and she is worthless to me if she has no assets (bases, credits, tech's) or offensive capability to attack yang for me.

I just gave mirriam the entire tech tree and a few blind singularity death spheres, and she's takin out yang for me, so I can sit back and gather energy for my economic takeover.

Mirriam can be a pain before you destroy her though.

Chowlett posted 04-02-99 01:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chowlett    
Gaians are useful for a Green Conquest strategy. At start of game, go out into fungus and attack any mind worms you find. When you have a lot, just attack the other factions. Ditto for IotDs. Great fun.
mauibound posted 04-02-99 01:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mauibound    
As I've mentioned on another thread, I've been playing as Diedre and doing just what Chowelett proposes.. but now I am getting overrun by Miriam gone rampant (with Santiago in cahoots, a repealed UN Charter and everyone else run off the board-- and we are still in the 3-4 level on the tech tree!!!) UGGH!
Maugan posted 04-02-99 08:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maugan  Click Here to Email Maugan     
The Hive are the strongest by far. Espicaly since the patch. Look at the advantages vs the disadvantages of Hive. They are completly imune to negative efficency, so they effectivly get to use Police State and Planed governments for free. They also get +1 industry and +1 growth, which are both arguably the most important factor on that scale. And, ofcourse, they get a free Perimeter Defence in every base. Their only penalty is -2 Economy, which looks bad, but the only effect is -1 energy per base. For the huge bonus this faction gets, the penalty is nothing. You also cannot go Democratic, but when you can go police state for free, who would want to. The support from formers police state gives you can be a massive advantage in the long run, not to mention the obvious military advantage. The growth and industry from Planed also make up for the lack of democracy when you arent paying the efficency penalty. The other factions do have some great bonuses, you just cant go wrong with Morgans if you want cash, and the network nodes on the University are nice indeed, but they both have MASSIVE penalties that stack up far beyond the Hive's. You can take the computer with most any faction, so most of my experience is with multiplayer, where the Hive player tends to do best with secret projects in most cases. They are overpowered in my opinion and need to have an aditional penalty or their bonuses lessened to balanced them with the other factions.
HolyWarrior posted 04-03-99 01:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HolyWarrior    
As long as there's an argument over who's the best, Firaxis has done their job of balancing the factions.
But what annoys me is that there is a consensus that Miriam is the worst. This indicates imbalance, which to me is a bigger sin than lackluster AI.
To me, Miriam is a faction that either crushes everything in sight, or gets beat early. There is no middle ground.
Spig posted 04-03-99 05:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spig  Click Here to Email Spig     
In every game I've played (and won) so far, I have always eradicated ehe Belieivers (except when I was them!) They are always behind in tech, always low on cash, and always plague me with inferior units
Wonderboy posted 04-03-99 05:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wonderboy  Click Here to Email Wonderboy     
I hate the girls. I hate the spartans and Belivers for ther "Give me money or die" attitude they have. And the Gaians have the same attitude but if I am the university they want some techs and say we have a good friendship and in the next turn she is pronuncing vendetta against me and come with all har ugly Mind Worms.
Picker posted 04-03-99 06:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
UoP is obviously the best, in this game knowledge is power and their research far outstrips everyone else. Having a few of the more powerful units is better than having a 100 of the weaker ones.
Mortis posted 04-03-99 10:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mortis  Click Here to Email Mortis     
The factions are all balanced... Although alot more people play the UoP and not many people play the belives, they are both just as good as any other faction.

It' just depends on your playing style.

Maugan posted 04-04-99 03:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maugan  Click Here to Email Maugan     
I can see an arguement made for any faction being balanced with the exeption of the hive. As I posted above, their bonuses are atleast equal to any other faction,(I personaly think way stronger) but their peanalties are by far the lightest. Sure you can beat the computer with the beleivers, and its not imposible to win against human hive players, (I can win with Gun Jack in Tekken3 in the arcade from time to time, but it dosent mean he is balanced with Nina overall, it just depends on the opponet) but you are at a severe disadvantage.
Terbo posted 04-04-99 11:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Terbo  Click Here to Email Terbo     
UoP... Definitly... All you need to do is focus your research on build and discover, get three huge bases, and take every single secret project that comes along... you can get most of them because you are so far ahead in research no one else can build them... then, change your ocus on everything, build a few tough units (Again, you are so far ahead in research) and dominate a faction untill they surrendur... if they don't, no biggy.. but then, take all there supplies (money and tech) then use there bases for pit-stops for your airplanes untill you call vendetta on someone else... they, just eliminate or dominate all the other factions... it works... I have only built 3 (yes, 3) bases, but from killing the other factions, I have like 15-20 now... and I'm so far ahead in tech, I have drop units and helicopters... just send a helicopter to a base, kill all the uints on one turn (multiple attacks) and drop a land unit in to take it over... works like a charm...
Terbo posted 04-07-99 01:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Terbo  Click Here to Email Terbo     

Just saw some typos...

ocus = focus
at the call vendetta part... they, = then,



DeVore posted 04-07-99 01:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DeVore  Click Here to Email DeVore     
In SP mode any faction is as good the the other but I must agree with Maugan that The Hive boys seems a bit overpowered in MP games because they have both builder and conquer strenghts and no real drawbacks. Their -1 economy is more than overcomed by their min. 0 efficiency which more or less leaves the +1 growth, +1 industry and perimeter defence at each base for free.

IMO Firaxis should have traded one of the 3 bonuses for the efficiency bonus instead of just adding it.
(I'd prefer the perimeter defence which would turn them into more of a conquer faction).


Warlock 5 posted 04-08-99 06:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Warlock 5    
Return to the Holy Inquisition...
When I feel "evil" I love the sister....2 reasons : the best spys ever and gas....
who cares for reserch when you submit other factions who will make them for you and keep the money for the spys...( who will take cares of the perimeter defences) and if you get late in tech use gas....25% bonus + 50%gas...and who cares for the atrocities we will all kill them anyway.....Arggg

Bless you all...God will reconize his own..

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