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  IRON MAN: smart...but unfair!

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Author Topic:   IRON MAN: smart...but unfair!
onepaul posted 04-02-99 02:19 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for onepaul   Click Here to Email onepaul  
Why smart but unfair you ask?
First of all, on slower machines the saved game and the game itself takes much longer to load (I have an old Penitum-90 and a newer 450Mhz, difference is noticable). So people with faster machines have an advantage.

Second reasom is more of a psychological issue. Why would you want the gamer to force to restart your game? Instead of staying in the game, the gamer (me) might just instead decide to do something else and not play again, but if you have the AC loaded on your screen, you more than often find yourself playing "just for few more turns" (translation: for few more hours at 4 a.m. in the morning, which is actaully pretty damn "good", not healthy but good!)
After saving an IronMan game:
- either, enable somekind of a "timeout" (like 30 seconds). Even better have the user decide the value of the "timeout" and depending on the value, increase/decrease his AC score. But don't restart the game!
- or, penalize the player (each save could cost some amount of energy). But don't restart the game!
- or, have the player play tic tac toe with the computer, and if the player wins/ties the AI, he can save and load the game without the restart. (I'm pretty serious about this and it would take a lot less time)
- Ask the user which of the above options he would like to use (for a cost) for saving IronMAN games.
If the above feature could be implemented in a patch, great. If not, just an another indea for next AC
Anyone (dis)agrees?

Ronbo posted 04-02-99 02:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronbo    
ummm-just one question...

How did you get it to run on a Pentium-90? The game's minimum requirement is a P133, according to the box and the information here on the website...

Thue posted 04-02-99 04:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Thue  Click Here to Email Thue     
The speed of the computer only affects speed of the game. You should be able to run SMAC on a 386 33 MHZ, allthrougth I don't recomment it.
cousLee posted 04-03-99 01:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for cousLee  Click Here to Email cousLee     
I will re-sate my position on the IM score bonus.

saving an IM game should negate the bonus. if you cant play the thing in one sitting, your not really "iron" anyway. this would make IM worth the +100%. if your game crashes and you have to reload? oh well.

BTW, I play as "Iron" anyway. that save reload concept of playing is boring. so you didn't get enought minerals to complete granny rocker next turn. kill the mindworms and get on with the game.

ALL my statements are IMHO. if you don't agree, well your statements are also IYHO.

BikeDude posted 04-03-99 06:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BikeDude  Click Here to Email BikeDude     
I haven't had this problem myself, but quite a few people in this forum has had complaints about either AC or their computer crashing.

As I see it, the whole point of Ironman is that the game won't let you save the game, try out a flimpsy strategy (or roll the dice multiple times) and then go back if it didn't work out.

If so, couldn't the game keep track of previous savegames, and then mark each predecessor as obsolete when a new one is saved? Wouldn't this keep the original spirit of the Ironman rule? (or are there some timelimits involved here?)


Catalyst001 posted 04-03-99 06:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Catalyst001  Click Here to Email Catalyst001     
There is a "pause" option that you can get after each turn... It may get annoying, but that's about the only thing I can think of at the moment.

Hope that helped,

ICQ#: 15445226
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi, Need I say more?

eNo posted 04-03-99 11:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for eNo    
I like the "timeout" idea where you can't load the saved game within a certain period of time after the last save.
Faithkills posted 04-05-99 02:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Faithkills  Click Here to Email Faithkills     
onepaul, you seem to have completely missed the point of iron man. It's to give an incentive to ppl who find saving/reloading spoils the game for them, but find it hard sometimes to justify it, if you know everyone else would do it. Iron man is for ppl who don't want to save/reload, ever. Just last night I had a base with 6 alien artifacts that I was saving for later and didn't notice that the defender that was on alert had moved out and not gone back (very annoying, they should go BACK) so all six got taken out by a mind worm attack. I COULD have cadded, and reloaded. I could have justified it by saying, I _did_ have the defender there for that purpose, and it was the games fault for not moving the defense troop back or at least reminding me that it was out of place. But that would have spoiled it _for_me_. If I'm playing iron man then damnit I'm playing iron man! (I'm not using alert anymore, however, it never seems to work right)

I think you will find the game much more enjoyable played straight IM, but if not... just don't play IM. Can you cheat IM? Sure. That's not the point though. IM is to keep the honest ppl honest. If you really think it's about trying to impress ppl, then just take a save game and hex edit the score and save yourself some time.


onepaul posted 04-06-99 12:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for onepaul  Click Here to Email onepaul     
Hey Faithskills, you completely missed my point. And instead of repeating myself again, read the first post.
Faithkills posted 04-06-99 02:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Faithkills  Click Here to Email Faithkills     
Hey onepaul, did I? You want to save and not be kicked out. You want to be able to reload but pay energy for it, or even sillier things.

Don't play IM. IM can't make someone not save/reload. It just acts as a sort of reminder for those ppl that really do want to play it straight. It's like giving your keys to the bartender. It gives you an opportunity to think do you really want to do this. The bartender WILL give you the keys, they are yours after all, You CAN save/reload it's your computer and game, after all.

They could delete the previous saved game when you successfully save a new one. This way it would not be necessary to close the game, and would address part of the issue you are concerned with, that of not having to close the game. And they could also do some tricksy stuff to make sure that the save file was not copied off. (but if you do that then you are raising the red cape of challenge to hackers)

But the reason that they don't write games with P90's in mind is the same reason they don't write DOS games anymore. The assumption unspoken assumption is that anyone who cannot afford a more currnet machine will probably not be the person that is going to be able or willing to buy new games. And it's a generalization, but those people will more likely be pirating the game anyway. (I'm not accusing you of this)

So rather than banging on Brian, why not do what you will have to do eventually anyway.

1) Admit to yourself you are a gamer.
2) Realize that you are taking one turn when everyone else is taking ten.
3) Go buy that racehorse you want and be done with it. Or better yet build it yourself.

I.E. I just got a brand new server speed u2scsi cheetah for my pc, GOD is it nice. Is a $500+ hard drive worth it? When I consider what _my_ time is worth, then yes.

Accept what you are. Don't skimp on your joy just because gaming isn't considered serious. You don't have to go crazy, but you can get a celeron/mb/64MBpc100ram/case for under $500 and use all your old peripherals.

Hell you only have one life... do you really want to be on your deathbed knowing that other ppl got to play ten times as many turns of SMAC in their life as you did?


onepaul posted 04-07-99 10:57 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for onepaul  Click Here to Email onepaul     
Ah... When I mentioned that I have a Pentium90 I also added that I have a 450mhz box. Also, I'm still going to defend my position, that there are better things do do about IronMan. Only games I play now are with the IronMan option on. I like the idea of it, but there are better ways to discourage people from save/reloading every turn, and restarting the game is not one of them...that's it for now.
bchampion posted 04-07-99 12:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bchampion    
Faithkills was on the right track but got sidetracked by the speed of onepaul's CPU.

This issue is this: the point of Ironman is *not* to penalize the user for saving, but to change the concept of saving from "I wonder what will happen if I..." to "I have to go to bed now."

The game is not penalizing you for saving, onepaul, it's just fulfilling the point of Ironman: NO SAVING FOR RESTORE PURPOSES IS ALLOWED AT ALL. Firaxis might have has a "no saving at all" option, but people do need to get some sleep. So Firaxis wisely made an option that allows you to play the game in "do or die" mode, but allows you to take a break for other things.

If you use Ironman saved game files for other purposes, then call it what it is: cheating. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but it's clearly against the intent of the Ironman rule.

Why not just turn Ironman off if that's how you feel?

MoSe posted 04-07-99 12:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MoSe  Click Here to Email MoSe     
"Better one turn as a DemonBoil, than ten as a hatchling"
_(hey, I should have kept this for the MW puns topic)

"I can resist to anything, except temptations"
(Oscar Wilde?)

I thought they made IM for consistent scoring comparisons sake, in the first place.
Of course you can use it to enforce to yourself a honest behaviour, or if you can't help to harm yourself (YOU countlessly reload even if you know that's boring!).

I played IM in CivII, w/out the need of the bonus, but only after I (thought I) squeezed every drop of juice from the game, and could cruise auto-pilot singlehanded through early and mid game tricks.

There's another point to it.
I used to play chess. Now I sometimes enjoy gambling at the roulette (no consequential meaning intended).
In chess, a lot of after-analyzing is needed to improve, you must test and check any (significant) variant that comes to your mind. But when you play, no regrets, you could have foreseen it, no random events. You're not even allowed to change your mind once you touched a piece.

Here in SMAC, pods contents and battle results ARE a result of random dice-rolling.
Of course a self-accepted experienced IronMan can and has to take the odds into account in his strategy. But it is also natural to say 'hey, my perfect game ruined because of a single hit of pure sheer bad luck!', while really you were running on a razor edge. (but then if you succeeded you could show a legal top rating, so where's the black and where's the white?)

In Civ I developed tactics to face the possiblity of barbarians coming out of a goody hut and to minimize the damage.
Here I can't resist yet to pop a pod with my backlines unguarded, and if eight angry boils pop up? For now I'm still in the "OK, I'll learn it and do it right. Next time" phase.

It was said IM is made to HELP you straighten your back, but if you cheat you get the scoring anyway, and scoring is just exactly the mean they devised as incentive to avoid reloads, so something went the wrong way with it.
I'd agree with the cousin, if only we all weren't experiencing that crash wave lately!
He proposes to nullify the bonus if you save, and that's ok (milder and gradual one could be decrease it for every reload), but you'd simply use AutoSave1.
And I think it's also good to deter, thus I was wondering to enforce a reboot, not a simple game restart, even if I'd label onepaul's ideas cute, not silly.

One thing I do now is customize rules with No scattering=NO pods.

In CivII if you activate the Edit mode during the game, you got a (CHEAT) tag in the hall of fame. Here the number of reloads could just be recorded along with your score, maybe taking out of the count the loads that occur a given number of hours after the save, for the ones who can't afford hours of countinuous gameplay (is anyone willing to repeatedly tamper his system's date?).

Can you really hex edit the score in a savegame? Or is it rather calculated from game values, standings and parameters and recorded when you finish? You should edit the population, commerce, techs, etc. you have, that should be evident and easily spotted.
So if I reload, I still consider my scoring fair, I simply biased the random and took the bad luck out of the game.

Of course in the long run I'll get far more satisfaction in a honest and really fair gained score. But since you can get the real value of your skills only in comparing them with others, or you go MultiPlay, or you need a reliable scoring system (or you play the hermit). In this perspective, thrash the bonus, and simply mark the score as saveless (alas, that can be easier to edit...), provided they also eradicate the bugs and give us a crashsafe program.

Alchemist MariOne
(trying to convert iron into gold)

PS: I remember how I hated that in the first Civ you didn't have a load command from the game menus, I recorded a Win Macro to Quit & Restart with one shortcut key. Things change...

Faithkills posted 04-07-99 01:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Faithkills  Click Here to Email Faithkills     

OK, maybe there is a better way to do it. But when I suggested it, (yes it was me) the way I painted it so that it would more likely be done was that really it didn't need much to do it, since we were really just trying to keep the "honest people honest". In other words a LOW COST HIGH VALUE feature. (in fact I toyed with the idea of offering to implement it for nothing, but figured people probably do that all the time) Which I think it is. You have to admit IM is an easy feature to implement if you don't go to too much trouble to prevent hackers. The score bonus is ok, but that wasn't the original idea. In fact without the score bonus, I think you may not have ever asked this question. I just though to mark the save file IRON MAN like Brian had marked save files CHEATER in civ2. Personally that would have been enough, and not tempted people who really didn't want to play IM, but did anyway for the score bonus; forcing, as you noticed, people to exit the game in order to reload. I infer that he wanted to encourage people to play IM which is fine, but maybe with the score bonus, it should have been tightened up little more bit to discourage save/reload workarounds. But basically I'm just ecstatic that the game has the feture at all! (I mean, seriously, I'm generally a curmudgeon, but this is one hell of a game!)


Exactly right. If you play IM it forces you to think and be careful. EG Wait a turn so you have all your movement and can run from a pod boil. Better yet have a second unit to hit the boil or provide a way out in the case of a full 8. It also keeps you in the right frame of mind for multiplay. Mostly though, and most importantly, it's more FUN.

I don't know if you can hex edit the score easily, I haven't looked. Clearly it's possible though.


bchampion posted 04-09-99 03:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bchampion    
This is my second cross-posting of this message -- but it is relevant here, and I was part of the earlier discussion.

Up until last night, I'd never had any major problems with the "missile range bug". Oh sure, I�d have the odd city get nailed by a couple of conventional missiles, but it was usually nothing serious. Usually I�d think, "now where did they come from?" and assume some nearby ship had launched them.

So last night I�m working on my first Ironman game, and feeling all very proud of myself, when out of nowhere comes a planet buster and takes out my best city! You know the one I�m talking about: WonderWorld, the production capital of your empire, where you build all your wonders.

Immediately I�m suspicious. It was nailed by the Spartans, who are waaaaay on the other side of the globe � and I�ve never seen a Spartan naval unit. Suddenly I realize that I�m a victim of the infinite range missile "feature"!

It�s then that I remember playing Ironman. My last save game would be quitting time the night before, maybe 40 years ago. Now I�m faced with the dilemma: play on or restore?

Restoring would defeat the purpose of Ironman, not to mention having to replay 40 game turns just to compensate for one grossly unfair (not to mention tactically impossible) event. But wait, I say to myself, just grit your teeth and play on. After all, they had ICBMs in the 60s that could nuke a city from the other side of the world. All right, I say, but then I should be able to nuke their cities from infinite range too! Good point, I concede to myself.

It is at this point that two more options present themselves. Firstly, I can stop playing this &*%#ing game altogether. The appeal of this option is surprising. Secondly, I can run my OWN �Ironman� game. I�ll just turn the Ironman feature off in the game and let the autosave proceed. I will then ONLY restore if something grossly unfair like this happens.

Right now I�m stuck between the final two options, leaning towards an uninstall.

Anyhow, to those who have never experienced the infinite range missile �feature�, let me give you fair warning: if it happens to you in Ironman mode, you will NOT be happy. Take it from me, run your OWN Ironman game by exercising self-discipline with your saved games, only restoring when presented with a gross travesty of injustice.

Which, sooner or later, WILL happen.

Faithkills posted 04-09-99 05:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Faithkills  Click Here to Email Faithkills     
Hmmm, this was supposed to be fixed in 3.0. I have never had it happen in 3.0 with PBs, now regular yes, but not PBs. I have frequently been tempted... but actually my heart is so broken I WANT to start a new game. Saying I was going to uninstall would be an idle bluff! The thing that usually catches me is when it doesn't tell you an enemy is about to complete a wonder. The temptation is greatest when I feel it is a fault of the game and not me. Like in the unlimited msl range bug or the failing to notify for wonders bug.

It would be REALLY nice if firaxis would list the bugs they know about, and are/are not working on, or those that they actually consider features. It makes a difference to IM since we don't want to _cheat_ but if our game is ruined because of a BUG, then reloading is the proper response, IMO. Also which FAVORABLE bugs (prototype cost workaround, etc) are intended... so we know whether it legit to use them as well. This is important for MP as well.

It would also stop the endless complaints about the same thing over and over. People just wan't to know they are heard.


Zoetrope posted 04-14-99 04:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zoetrope  Click Here to Email Zoetrope     
Re rival SP warning: long ago in these forums, it was explained that its occasional absence is deliberate, to keep us on tenterhooks.

Maybe there should _only_ be a warning if we have infiltrated their Datalinks? Otherwise we cannot look into their cities, so how would we know how close they are to finishing a project? Whereas if we do have Datalinks, then it's trivial (albeit tedious) to determine where the SP is being built and how far they are from finishing. Yes, that would be the most sensible solution I think.

Radegast2 posted 04-14-99 07:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Radegast2  Click Here to Email Radegast2     
I play Ironman to a) keep me honest, b) for the added suspense and tactical thought involved and c) to compare MY best games.

All this talk about other peoples high scores etc. is balderdash anyway. Do you believe anyone who says "I got 9000%, winning in 2250, with 10 billion population". Either they cheated, reloaded, patched, edited or simply did the old trick of keeping an enemy city alive so they could complete the terraform of the world. Pah, so what they wern't playing the game. Bragging rights in computer games is pure childishness.

MoSe posted 04-14-99 08:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MoSe  Click Here to Email MoSe     
That's exectly my point Radegast!

I don't care showing off or boasting.
I play for my own fun, take the challenge try to improve.
But then, since I don't think I'm the best player around, I'd like to say
"that's my best so far, can anyone show me better or faster or smarter way to play (or to win)?". And I'd like to compare my games with others, skipping all cheating achieved scores.
Coz finally score is the first sintethic (I mean brief, concise(sp?)) mean to compare success where so many different strategies may be followed.


Faithkills posted 04-14-99 11:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Faithkills  Click Here to Email Faithkills     
Zoetrope: If the occasional failure to notify is deliberate I would like to see an official position on this. I wouldn't have such a problem, especially if it were based on infiltration or contact. However this does not seem to be the case. If it is deliberate it should be in a faq, or SOMEWHERE I can read.

ffujita posted 04-14-99 11:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ffujita  Click Here to Email ffujita     
One Ironman Feature that I would like to see implemented is that when you load a game, it should be erased from the hard drive.
MikeH II posted 04-14-99 11:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MikeH II  Click Here to Email MikeH II     
Sounds like a great idea to me.
Biddles posted 04-15-99 03:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Biddles  Click Here to Email Biddles     
If you dont like ironman, don't use it.
In the original CIV the only way you could play was ironman. Well you could save but you couldn't load. If something happened and a bunch of barbarians rocked up, then you had to deal with it. Reloading destroys the game, you don't see the AI going back and reloading do you.

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