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  Multiplayer-What's the point?

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Author Topic:   Multiplayer-What's the point?
lucifer posted 03-12-99 10:16 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for lucifer   Click Here to Email lucifer  
I haven't played multiplayer yet, so please forgive me if this sounds stupid, but it looks like it could be pretty cut and dry. All you would have to do is play as UoP and survive long enough to get the planet buster and/or graviton gun. With Citizens' Defense Force and a few, maybe 2 or 3, defensive units along with a probe team in each city to reduce the chances of getting probed out the ass(pardon the pun), you could stay alive for a good portion of the game. But as soon as you get the Graviton gun, watch out(planet busters are cool too, but you can't reuse them like the graviton gun). If you give a hover chassis(or whatever the he** it's called) the graviton gun and say, level 8 armor, DAMN!! 14 moves, a **** load of firepower, heavy armor, and you could give it some good special abilities like +50% psi for example. If you're the UoP, how could anyone stop you? MAYBE the hive because they might only be a few techs behind you, but theat could be solved by taking them out first. I'm not trying to sound like "this is the only way to easily win by conquest" I'm just wondering how a person would stop this assault if tehy were the ones being victimized? Sorry for such a long message and thanx to all who reply-
Khan Singh posted 03-12-99 10:38 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Khan Singh    
Some clever player might come up with the bright idea of not allowing the UoP to survive long enough to develop all that cool stuff.
TheClockKing posted 03-12-99 11:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheClockKing    
I think people would see building orbital defense pods as a must in multiplayer. Your huge tank strategy is good but it seems to real expensive. I could churn out the necessary defense to stop that attack. I would lose troops but I would be able to hold it off. I also try to get Citizens Defense Force and B-Line usually to get hunter seeker to stop probes. You also leave out P.S.I. combat in which a Elite ?/?/1 troop could destroy your newly acquired tanks, though your P.S.I. defense may stop that. Also the use of planet busters might see to it that everyone else ganged up on you. I play as the UoP but have never tried to have it 6 on 1.
GirDraxon posted 03-12-99 12:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GirDraxon  Click Here to Email GirDraxon     
Lemme see... first off, if you start next to Santiago or the Hive you're probably pretty much screwed... I've seen this playing both side and in a couple multiplayer games. If I ever start next to UofP I give absolutely NO ground. In singleplayer you can get away with a bribe or some giving away technology, but if you played me I would crush you as soon as possible... no quarter given at all until you were out. I don't need your silly stuff now only to see you grow strong and powerful later. This is how Hive/Believers/Spartans should play anyway... because they have advantages in the early game that the others can't beat. Another spiff move is to be Gaian, because their scouts can usually capture a good four to five worms just by SCOUTING, then go find their closest neighbor (again move faster thanks to fungus) and crush them ASAP.
I've often found multplayer games ending sooner than singleplayer.

Here's my stance, no matter the end result, and how you get there... in the end... there can be only one. Keep that in mind at ALL times. Having alliances are good for long times, having friends is a good option, but eventually, you will WANT to win. That's why the biggest cheese is always the most dislike, and I follow that. If I'm not close to the lead guy, then I'll make alliances to bring him down... thus, multiplayer games I've been in either end early (people start close to each other and eveyone dies quickly... he he... I even had one game where I killed my two people I was playing with, and then mindworms destroyed my homebase (and only base) so we all lost), or they turn into these backstabbing double-dealing fragfest where everyone is playing a deadly version of King of the Hill.

We like to play the real way too, where we try to roleplay and whatnot, but those games take longer.

Beldar posted 03-12-99 12:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Beldar    
"Can be only one", GirDraxon?

You don't believe in cooperative victory, I guess. Personally, I'll take a certain shot at 2nd over a 50% shot at #1.

Actually, I have't done any MP SMAC yet (my home PC's out of action, so I can only play games at work.) Which makes me wonder... what happens in the turns between the development of PBs and the development of Orbital Defense Pods? Doesn't the game develop into a nuke-fest?

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