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  Yin26 is a A mean JERK

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Author Topic:   Yin26 is a A mean JERK
CeoTJ posted 03-09-99 03:30 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for CeoTJ   Click Here to Email CeoTJ  
I done care what you think about Smac especially about what you posted "Alpha Centauri Review"
Or about what you think about Jeff(Firaxis)
baning you
I HOPE HE DOES BAN YOU. You are a discrase to other Alpha Centauri players.You are mean and you need to correct that.

Your Friend(yeah right)

yin26 posted 03-09-99 03:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
Well, if you don't care, why are you angry? At least give me a chance to understand how I made you mad. You know. A discussion.
CeoTJ posted 03-09-99 03:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CeoTJ  Click Here to Email CeoTJ     

posted 03-09-99 03:10 AM ET

Check out the PCVelocity Alpha Centauri Review at:

posted 03-09-99 03:24 AM ET

To your advice:

"If you do, by some chance, get better than the computer, you can always battle it
out with human-controlled factions by firing the game up multiplayer."

* I did become better than the computer--and fast. You know how? I played the game
a second time. You might try that too before you give the game a 92% rating.

* Running a multiplayer TBS game is just about as exciting as watching my
terraformers spin in circles, which, I'm not sure if you caught this or not, I can do
without an Internet connection.

Glad you liked the game, but come back after a few days of really playing it, of really
doing the multiplayer thing, and I dare you to stick to the 92% rating.

yin26 posted 03-09-99 03:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
So you're mad that I think the review is unfounded and probably written by somebody who only played the game once (or, perhaps, just the demo)?

Whoever the author was begged us to read it. He/She should be ready for the mean-spirited Yins of the world. Besides, isn't that the fun of trying to rate this stuff anyway?

It just generates discussion.

But, if you can be more specific, I'd be glad to try to understand you.

CeoTJ posted 03-09-99 03:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CeoTJ  Click Here to Email CeoTJ     
I am also mad about what you had to say about my post about America and the rest of the worls in the thread "I should have expected this, But what happened next suprized me."
If you want to talk about it email me at
[email protected]
yin26 posted 03-09-99 03:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
O.K. Now it makes sense. Sure, I'll e-mail you.
CeoTJ posted 03-09-99 04:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CeoTJ  Click Here to Email CeoTJ     
I email you so check it...

read it then reply to it please...
its a peaceful email


yin26 posted 03-09-99 04:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
[Actually, I hope I can clear this up here.]

Dear Celiaz28,

If I offended you, that was not my intention. I just think you were a bit extreme about America's power. You also didn't seem to have any real experience yourself living or working in other countries, so you lacked credibility.

But listen. I love America. I love being American. But there are good reasons why Americans are not liked in other countries. Some of those reasons are silly or unfounded. And others are rightly based on attitudes like you wrote--that the world owes everything good to America. I HAVE lived abroad. In fact I live in Korea now where a certain number of U.S. Army guys walk around like Koreans should kiss their asses. Don't you see, that kind of attitude only ruins America's good (if sometimes misguided and selfish) intentions?

I've gone round and around with people overseas about how ignorant most Americans are of international affairs and the myriad ways America uses its power to get everything its way. I finally came to some conclusions about that:

O.K., we can argue that every citizen of the world's last super-power should be aware of every global issue so that the country's power can be used fairly and effectively.

But that will never happen. Not on any grand scale anyway.

But I think it is fair to expect Americans to understand that underneath all that religion and "We are the world" flag waving is a nation that stole its land and killed its rightful owners in the bargain. It's also a nation built by breaking the backs of slaves.

Now, if you can accept that, appreciate America's progress but do so with humility and understanding of other cultures, you'd be a fine person, I'm sure, respected first for your humanity and second, if ever, for being American.

Finally, the dropping of the bomb on Japan, even if you think it was "necessary," was the darkest moment in world history. I hope you never feel good about it.


yin26 posted 03-09-99 04:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for yin26  Click Here to Email yin26     
Why would you purposely send me a virus? Happy99.exe is a virus.

I hope everybody on this board scans e-mail from unknown sources.

This fool thinks it's funny to try to ruin people's computers.

anoona posted 03-09-99 06:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for anoona  Click Here to Email anoona     
Yin26, I'm american but I agree with you to a certain extent. Most americans are a bunch of ignorant hypocrites that profess freedom and equality. The small print is that it's always at the expense of others.
America in the year 2005 will be 60 percent people of color. Ignorant americans like to bask in the self-reflected glory that the invention of America is a white one. But, it's not. The majority of America's achievements were the efforts of people of all racial backgrounds. Why is this important? Because, it is up to us to promote ourselves to help our brothers/sisters overseas to show that America truly is a caring nation.You must consider also the good the this nation has done for other countries. You must look at the big picture and see that the planet as a whole is still evolving. Humankind is quite primitive in it's state of affairs. War shouldn't be an option. Some people are just to greedy and always need to be fulfilled. Especially, fat white people. oops that slipped. What I meant to say is the human species is still undergoing a process of growth in civility. But, most of all stupid gamedesigners like Brian Reynolds shouldn't be developing games of diplomacy if peace is not an option. He's an idiot and shouldn't be designing games of these types.
Lastly, most people are conditioned to believe that war is inevitable , it's just another form of ignorance or stupidity, the problem starts with what we decide to believe. War can be stopped but murder can't . We can all laydown our lives like ghandi and accept death but who want's to do that. If everyone had what they wanted in life would there still be war. War is so deepply ingrained into our beliefs thru religion and politics that it may take a long time before mutual peace can encompass the planet . Anyway, americans are pigs.
tOFfGI posted 03-09-99 06:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for tOFfGI  Click Here to Email tOFfGI     
CeoTJ: This forum is no place for personal vendettas and flaming. Please accomplish that by E-Mail.

Yin26: I agree the "Ban me" thing was a bit ridiculous for a while, but CeoTJ has really gone a bit far in this case...

mic posted 03-09-99 07:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mic  Click Here to Email mic     
...and they lived happily everafter...

It's fascinating to see what a game can do. I take it that the people of Firaxis can hire some councellers and start a 'members only' pay-board.

Anyway, as a non-American, I find this all very interesting. I'll keep on checking this thread to learn more about your culture (no sarcasm intended).

Yin26: As far as I can see, you already offered your apologies to Firaxis (and in my opinion, you should), so that closes the issue, doesn't it?

CeoTJ: I agree with tOFfGI. Keep to your business (!).

Rigil_Kentaurus posted 03-09-99 12:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Rigil_Kentaurus  Click Here to Email Rigil_Kentaurus     
Actually, I think one of the reasons Americans are so disliked in many parts of the world is the fact that you *do* behave like you're the best and the rest of the world owes you everything. That's bull, since America only does what serves America's interests. You killed millions of native Americans and stole their land, then when you realised they were too weak to be slaves you brought in Africans to exploit them instead. You fought communism to the extreme, and it got quite insane in the end serving noone, not even America. The embargo on Cuba is so ridiculous it makes you laugh. After all, the embargo is there because you say Castro's rule is bad for the people, but the embargo is what's actually making things bad for people on Cuba. You didn't do anything to stop Hitler until his allies attacked you. You haven't done much for the peace in Africa or former Yugoslavia, but as soon as Kuwait, an oil-producing country valuable to the USA was attacked you were there immediately. I sometimes wonder if you will actually help your allies if they are no longer valuable to you. Personally I also dislike all kinds of fanatism, and religious fanatism is already well established in the USA. Perhaps the next big war will actually be a war between fanatic christians and fanatic muslims. Who knows?
CeoTJ posted 03-09-99 12:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CeoTJ  Click Here to Email CeoTJ     
Me and yin have already worked this out.
Hes understanding..

This is what i posted about America....

I think the ATOM BOMB is the best option for war. After we used it , it contributed
to the longest peace in our worlds HISTORY. In my opinion the Atom boming in
Japan was the best thing to do in that situtation. We also needed to prove to the
world(Europe and USSR)
that we are not weak and back down to a little pathetic island in the pacific.Europe
needs to admitt that they just dont like AMERICA. They feel that since they
colonized the modern world and they were always the best,then when America
comes along and we are better than them, then they thing its ok to critize
IN THE WORLD. When my friend went on a across Europe tour and they told people
that they were AMERICAN they got treated very badly. People hate us there.

And get this we helped save EUROPES BUTT in WW2when All of MAINLAND Europe
was conquered by Hitler,except Sweden and i think Spain. And they still hate us.I
think AMERICA is the best damn country in the WORLD.

In Russia , the people get treated like crap.
In England they still have a Queen!!!!
In France they also droped A bombs in experimental uses :ie:French Ploneisa(Pacific)
In Germany,thats a time bomb waiting to explode.
In China they put a population limit of 2 children per home(this is on what i heard)
In SouthEast Asia people worship idols
In the Middle East theres a tyrannical madman
controling a huge military.
In Africa tribes are still in wars.
In India and pakastan there testing biological weapons.

founded on the Christian religion.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok i agree this is a little to fanatic but i do love my country and i think other countrys should like us too. Come on we fought communism, we helped save the world in WW1 and WW2. We were founded on Christianity,and on the fact that "All men are creted equal".
Now about the slave issue.
Back then people thought is was ok. They were selling Africian slaves in Europe too.Indians were slaves in The Spanish colonies in South and Central America. Now its justified but back then it wasn't.

Im sorry for fanatical Americian pride but


Shadwhawk posted 03-09-99 01:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shadwhawk  Click Here to Email Shadwhawk     
I don't care about this idiotic argument between CeoTJ and Yin26...I just have to comment on TJ's latest post....

I think the ATOM BOMB is the best option for war.

Even when it's overkill and nearly every country in the world would condemn us for it?

After we used it , it contributed to the longest peace in our worlds HISTORY.

Somehow, I don't believe that's very accurate. There's almost always a war going on, somewhere in the world. Besides, I wouldn't exactly call the Cold War peace. Do you have any clue how close we came to nuclear war, several times?

In my opinion the Atom boming in Japan was the best thing to do in that situtation. We also needed to prove to the world(Europe and USSR) that we are not weak and back down to a little pathetic island in the pacific.

Erm, we already proved we were quite strong. We beat the crap out of the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor, and we beat them back to their homeland without using nuclear weapons. The only reason they were used, besides as a terror device, is to save the lives of millions, for the cost of a couple hundred thousand.

Europe needs to admitt that they just dont like AMERICA. They feel that since they colonized the modern world and they were always the best,then when America comes along and we are better than them, then they thing its ok to critize them.

How, exactly, are we better than them? Oh, wait, is that what that list a bit lower down is for?


And you think the US is the best country in the world. Any similarity in the thought processes there?

When my friend went on a across Europe tour and they told people that they were AMERICAN they got treated very badly. People hate us there.

There can be several explanations for this. One, they 'hate' us because we think we're so superior to them. Two, they 'hate' us because we were able to pull them from the brink in two separate World Wars, and we dangle that in their faces every day. Three, they just don't like tourists. I know I don't, regardless of their origin.

And get this we helped save EUROPES BUTT in WW2 when All of MAINLAND Europe was conquered by Hitler,except Sweden and i think Spain. And they still hate us.

Of course they do. We had the resources and the time to build our armies to war capacity while they didn't. And, just because we saved them 50 years ago doesn't mean they want to be REMINDED OF IT every single day by people like you.

I think AMERICA is the best damn country in the WORLD.

Generally, a citizen of a country thinks their country is the best.

In Russia , the people get treated like crap.

People get treated like crap here. You're probably against immigration, and probably look down on naturalized Americans.

In England they still have a Queen!!!!

A figurehead, really. The Parliment does the actual running of the country (I'm not British, so I can't say for sure what purpose the Queen actually serves).

In France they also droped A bombs in experimental uses :ie:French Ploneisa(Pacific)

The US, Russia, and China (ESPECIALLY the US) tested thousands of nuclear devices in the pacific and their own countries. What's so big about France dropping a couple on test islands (despite the fact that the superpowers banned all nuclear testing a few decades ago)?

In Germany,thats a time bomb waiting to explode.

Erm, it is? Explain.

In China they put a population limit of 2
children per home(this is on what i heard)

Good for them. They're the only government in the world taking charge of the overpopulation problem. Every country needs to do this.

>>In SouthEast Asia people worship idols

Oooh...that must be really bad.
And you worshipping that idol stapled up to a must hate yourself, eh?
Damn hypocritical Christians (not all Christians, just the hypocritical ones).

In the Middle East theres a tyrannical madman
controling a huge military.

There's one of those in every part of the world.

In Africa tribes are still in wars.

So? What's so bad about tribal conflict? Tribal conflict got us to where we are today.

In India and pakastan there testing biological weapons.

So is the US, Russia, and China; and probably dozens more countries. Don't kid yourself into thinking the US is above all that. The US probably has some of the most sophisticated biologicals in the world.
Besides, last I heard, they were only testing nuclear weaponry, not biological.

founded on the Christian religion.

We weren't founded on Christianity, we were founded on FREEDOM of religion. And that's the primary problem with this country. Religion. It's the inexplicably powerful religions holding back progress in this country (Cloning, dammit!).

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Satan bless the government!...oh, too late.


Freudianslip posted 03-09-99 01:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Freudianslip  Click Here to Email Freudianslip     
Any thread that has more than 25 posts seems to evolve into a political/nationality debate. In a way, perhaps this is positive, as it perhaps points to a capacity for higher thinking amongst turn-based fans (joking). Or perhaps, it points to how easily we are distracted? =) Whatever the case, I will throw in my input into the ongoing political conundrum:

1) I am American. I am proud to be an American. I love my country, for all of its failings.
2) Separation of church and state is good.
3) I try to take any information in a history book with a skeptical eye.. after all, as they say in Moo2, "history is written by the victors."
4) I agree aout the idea of population control. China's plans for reducing propulation growth is excellent. Upwards of 70% of the social/environmental problems on this planet are caused by one thing: rampant population growth. This is why I am pro-birth control, pro-abortion, pro-family planning, pro-governmental incentives for limiting the number of children you spew into this world.

Time to go play Carmaggedon 2.
Peace and good will!

megaloB posted 03-09-99 02:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for megaloB  Click Here to Email megaloB     
I don't think this has any place in a "game" forum. Maybe in Non-SMAC related. My post has nothing to do in this forum.

But it seems like some people have nothing better to do all day than post "U STINXX. THIS GAME STINXX. I HAT YOU. ME AM ANGRY AT CHRIS AND JEFF BECAUSE THEY STINXX."

And there's really no point in it. You hate the game, fine. Meanwhile people will keep posting their opinions about THE GAME in here.

please close this thread.

Fusker posted 03-09-99 03:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fusker    
wow, you all should harness this WASTED energy and apply it towards furthering your education....if i wanted crap like this I'd go back to college for a PhD...; )
Freddz posted 03-09-99 05:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Freddz  Click Here to Email Freddz     
Oh man, I just get sad when I see a post like yours. Don't you get it, we're all humans. What is national pride anyway? It should probably only belong in sports... But by all means, be proud of what your country does to YOUR people if you want, but the only thing you talk about is war... and then ends by mentioning the Christian religion. That is sad.

If you are lucky, you'll one day understand that it's this kind of talk that makes some people hostile against Americans.

You should know, that most of us have nothing against Americans in general(quite the opposite), just those who talk like you.

Krushala posted 09-06-99 08:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
SMACTrek posted 09-06-99 11:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SMACTrek  Click Here to Email SMACTrek     
"Stick a fork in The Game, it's done." - Me.

MikeH II posted 09-07-99 06:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MikeH II  Click Here to Email MikeH II     
If I'd read this first time round I'd have said:

Every time I see this whining "Europeans don't like Americans, they should 'cause we saved their butts crap." it makes me laugh. We don't like the loudmouth arsehole Americans but I've met a lot of American's I've got on really well with, maybe because I base my opinion of people on the individual in question rather some naive and offensive national stereotype or generalisation.

America is OK but has problems there is no BEST country in the world. It depends on the criteria you use.

Bubbe posted 09-07-99 10:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bubbe  Click Here to Email Bubbe     
Well said MikeH II
Bubbe posted 09-08-99 06:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bubbe  Click Here to Email Bubbe     
Reading this a third time I must say that I admire Yins reaction to the virus.
"This fool thinks it's funny to try to ruin peoples computers"
Weew thats level headed.
I would go BALISTIC.
Empath posted 09-10-99 06:55 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Empath  Click Here to Email Empath     
Gee... I go to work for a few days and looks what I miss. I hate to post on this one, but why carry feathers when there are still mountains left...


CeoTJ -

In Civ, nuclear weapons are a good, practical way to break open a front. Just get a bunch of settlers out there to clean up the mess & you are fine.

In today's world, things are a bit different. I have read some research papers that make me think that "nuclear winter" is unlikely at best, so humans may survive. Still, nuclear, chem, & bio weapons kill large numbers of people and render the land unusable for quite some time. If you want to see 1/3rd of humans lost to fire, and 1/3rd lost to plague, start using nuclear, chem, & bio weapons. Instant Armageddon, just add water.

Yes, we did create the longest peace in history. We demonstrated that weapon power had finally reached the point where a world war could wipe mankind off the face of the planet. I am glad that only two were ever used. I would be more glad if that number was smaller, or if they had been used on targets that showed the power of the weapon without killing off all the people.
Need to prove to Japan & USSR? No... that had already been done. We went from getting our troops kicked halfway across the Pacific Ocean to winning the war, and we used less than half of our power to do it. We were pointing out that we could simply destroy them instead of invading, so they might as well surrender now & save lives. (At this point in time, this argument does not work. The best we can say is "If you blow us up, we will blow you up".)

I am sorry to hear about your friends in Europe. I am afraid that many Americans are very rude & arrogant when visiting other countries. They make it clear that they feel that American ways and customs are all the very best, and who cares about what customs they have had for longer than America has existed as a country. Yes, we came in and helped them in WW2. We have long since worn out our welcome.
Is the average American that way? I hope not. But the ones who are have made a stereotype for the rest of us to live with. Is it fair? No, but it is our fault, not the fault of the people in countries we annoy.

Russia: Early this century, Russians attempted to better themselves. It didn't work. A few years ago, they tried again. Perhaps they will get it right this time.
England: Please go review English government. There is a bit more to it these days.
France: True. Americans tested them inside America. This makes the French a bit smarter, eh? (we also blew up little islands, and boats in the open sea,... why do you think we have the best nukes? Practice...)
Germany: Hard to say...
China: And if they don't, please tell me how they will feed the extra people. They have already been fruitful, multiplied, and filled their country.
SE Asia: I find it more hypocritical to see Christians doing this in US. At least many of the people is SE Asia have no religious reason not to.
Middle East: Several of those in the world today. This increases the CBR weapon dangers.
Africa: Sorry... haven't kept up on Africa.
India, Pakistan: Again, like nuclear weapons testing, are you trying to imply that we don't?
America: Well, we were founded that way, but we got a little away from that when we broke treaties & backstabbed our way all the way to the west coast, not to mention what we have done in other countries.

Are we the best country? I think this is one of those "favorite faction" votes. We are certainly one of the better countries to live in, but the best?

Should other countries like us?
Yes, we fought communism. This made lots of countries like us, but lots of other ones hate us. Sorry to say, not everyone hates communism. We helped save the world in WW1 & WW2. Yes, we broke our isolation & joined into the WW1. Then, when it was most important (peace talks @ end), we failed our own leaders & helped create WW2, which we later helped win. We then wore out our welcome. Yes, they liked us for a while, but we stopped deserving it, and then we annoyed them.

Yes... all men are created equal... but just the men, and not the black men. A wonderful concept. Now, a few hundred years later, it has a chance of becoming true without the added comments.
Slaves? Nope... won't go there on this BB.


I too love America for all of its failings. After some problems, we are finally growing up. I hope we continue to learn & grow.

(in Korea)

MikeH II posted 09-10-99 07:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MikeH II  Click Here to Email MikeH II     
During the cold war there were loads of wars, Iran and Iraq were testing out Russian and American equipment for 8 years, Korea, Vietnam practically every African country was involved in one. Not to mention the little send in the marines incidents under Reagan. So what do you mean by the longest time of peace in history? If you mean World Wars there were several thousand years without a world war.

I doubt there was a year in the last century on earth were there was no war going on. The only achievement during the cold war is that although Russia and the US could have blown the crap out of 90% of the world they didn't. Whoopee!

Darkstar posted 09-10-99 01:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
actually, MikeH, if Rome was at war with you, that was a WORLD WAR during it's Empire days. There have been lots of wars that involved all the western "civilized" nations... but for some reason, people tend to ignore those. It's like with industrialization, the only wars that counted were a few spats and a couple in europe that had pacific allies.

Longest period of peace is relative. Which countries? USA? Let's see... Gulf, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI... nope. There were definately recognized conflicts... unlike the banana grabs and other things. Now, in general all of europe didn't care what we were doing... is that the distinction?

Dead men and women are dead. They don't care what you call it, peace-keeping, war, defending the faith. Conflict due to National or Political interest is still a chance for you to get your bottom shot off. And Peace is a relative thing in the politically sensitive realms...


Possibility posted 09-11-99 08:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Possibility    
I have to agree with all of CeoTJ's post about America. (except for the religous part, america is not christian, it has many religions living in harmony together).

It is also so nice to see another American who has pride in his country. So many americans dont and it is very sad.

The fact is, our country is the best in the world and you fellow americans should be proud of that.

Yes america has made mistakes, the Indians and slavery were wrong, but it was excepted at that time as a way of life. Every country did it then. It was wrong, but I do not blame myself for that, that was long ago, way before my time and our country has tried to correct this bad mistake, and we should be proud of that.

The A-Bomb was not a mistake, it saved lives over all. Everyone knows if the US didnt drop any A-Bombs ALOT more American lives would have been lost, and many more Japanese lives would have been lost if the war continued. If we didnt nuke them, we would have firebombed the cities, which we did to many other cities and killed many people. So there was nothing wrong with nuking the **** out of them.

Any American who is not proud of their country and not proud to be an American, is pathetic and sad.

God Bless America.


Freddz posted 09-12-99 06:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Freddz  Click Here to Email Freddz     
What I love about all the fanatical American speeches is that it all becomes so practical in explaining why things done are so good and then the speech ends with: God bless America.

Is "God" this practical when it comes to wasting lives and prioritising humans in your religion?

Personally, I prefer to judge humans, not nationalities. Fanatic nationalism gets in the way of that, it always has.

Raising the Swedish flag... hehe...

MikeH II posted 09-13-99 04:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MikeH II  Click Here to Email MikeH II     
Darkstar, if Rome was at war with us then it was just a little bit of trouble with the barbarians. The western nations are a very small part of the world.

Korea and Vietnam are the opposite side of the world from us but there were British troops there I think, not in Vietnam but then no-one agreed with that, not even a lot of Americans. In the Gulf there were British and French soldiers and planes. There aren't many European countries with the armed forces to take on conflicts like that. We haven't really anymore.

It's possible to be proud of your country and notice the problems with it and it's possible to like your country but not be proud of it. God bless America is one of those expressions that makes Europeans laugh.


Thinks his national anthem is a crock of crap. But then aren't they all.

sir_penguin posted 09-13-99 07:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sir_penguin  Click Here to Email sir_penguin     
"Say not that you love your country, say rather that you love your kind."

Speaking of which, the UN voted Canada the best country in which to live (based on economic prosperity and stuff like that) for the last six years in a row. Just goes to show that they haven't been here--to places like the skid rows in Vancouver or Montreal or whatever.

Proudly Canadian, but even more proudly human,

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