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  I really love the game, and stuff I'd like to see....

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Author Topic:   I really love the game, and stuff I'd like to see....
Quos posted 03-03-99 08:36 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Quos  
Yes, I agree, SMAC is more than just CivII with extras.
I'm glad to see the ending with the map of moving influence restored, I missed it in CivII, I love the queue production option and if I can get my head around the workshop that is going to be great! The planetary council feature, and actual diplomacy that doesn't justinvolve keeping someone off your neck for two turns until the attck you again! Wow!
I finally got my hands on a copy yesterday, and played til 3 am, when I went to bed only because the game caused my system to hang.
Which brings me to my next point, things I'd like to see...

That's numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5

6) more control over trade - I don't mean micromanagement, I just mean being able to pick which bases any city trades with. And an explanation of how this commerce works would be nice, too.

7) a function like civ II where you can look at your city/base from a distance and see the features. Someone posted something abouthow they felt "distant" from their citizens in SMAC, and I think this is a result of not being able to imagine what you're building for them, IMHO only.

8) a better tour/guide for the workshop. I can't get this right! Everything else makes sense!

9) cleverer governors. More AI in the governors, please, so they can work out to build a rec center if there's a drone riot and not , eg, a pressure dome. For what? In case the riots cause the city to sink into the sea?

10) MORE MORE MORE (can you tell I love it anyway?)

TheClockKing posted 03-04-99 12:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TheClockKing    
Commerce works by taking the top ranking city in energy production and pairing it with the top ranking city of your partner, adding energy values togeather and dividing by 8 to get x. The same is done for the second, third, etc. city. Take x and plug into this equation x* (factions commerce factors + base's commerce factors + 1)/ (Sum total of economic techs. in game + 1) give you commerce rate of each base. This number is doubled if global trade pact is in effect. Found this equation in Strat. Guide and beleive it to be accurate though minorly confusing.
Quos posted 03-07-99 06:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Quos    
I understand how the gamne calcultaes the commerce, but I can't imagine WHAT they're trading and how they do it. Is energy beamed directly from city to city? Are there airlifts? Is it an I.T. economy or or are goods being exchanged? These are the sort of things I'd like to have explained. It would make the world seem more real.
Purple posted 03-08-99 10:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Purple  Click Here to Email Purple     
Quos, like you, I'd like for bases to display more of their structures besides the perimeter defense (and relative city size). I'm disappointed that Pressure Domes, for example, do not appear.

Many structures would be hard to represent except abstractly. Perhaps each base could have a four-barreled thermometer, each one of which measured the relative build-up in the four SMAC areas (Discover, Conquer, etc.).

For me, the single most wanted feature is a shortcut to the Game menu.


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