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Author Topic:   Patches - Everyone wants patches
Jeje posted 02-28-99 11:20 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Jeje   Click Here to Email Jeje  
Hello Firaxis!
We all know that you are working as hard as you can on different patches for SAMC.
There are at least: US v3.0, UK v2.0, German&French support, Asian versions a.s.o.
(This list is quite long I think.)
You have been telling all these people to wait a while, but...

Could you please give any suggestions to possible dates or order we can wait for these to be released?

I don't mind waiting if I have at least an idea of order/time. (Even if it would mean that UK v2.0 is lowest in your priorities)

We all are anxious to recieve our patch, but unfourtanately one cann't do them all at once.

Please give an idea of what to expect.

Thank you for listening.


P.S. I just love the depth of this game.

Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS posted 02-28-99 10:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS  Click Here to Email Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS     
UK/FR/GR 2.0 first, then v3.0 for US, with UK/FR/GR following shortly thereafter. To be honest, we may hold releasing the v3.0 US patch until they're all done to prevent criticism, but we'll visit that issue when we get to it.


firaxis games

iratheous posted 03-01-99 03:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for iratheous  Click Here to Email iratheous     
Try avoiding the criticism of the American gamer rather than the other gamers of the world. Release our patch when it is ready! Don't delay it becuase there are other versions of the game that must be patched seperately. It isn't our fault EA has their head up thier arse when it comes to copy protection schemes! nor is it our fault there are other language versions of the game :p We should just all learn pig-latin so all games can be released in one language, at one time and all have the same patch!
Juggler posted 03-01-99 04:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Juggler    
No I think Firaxis should release patches for all version at the sametime, we bought the game, therefore we deserve the same rights as all US citizens who bought the game, why discriminate European buyers??? It's bad enough EA thougt it necessary to put in a copyprotection that DOES NOT WORK!!!!

I've seen copies from UK and German versions and they seemed to work fine!!

I'm not in favor of piracy, software houses just have to make sure the price is right. 100 guilders (about $60) for a good game like SMAC isn't bad. Though I would probably buy more games if they were cheaper say about 50 guilders.


Vice Provost

PS Firaxis keep up the good work.

Esobus posted 03-01-99 04:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Esobus    
iratheous wrote:
"We should just all learn pig-latin so all games can be released in one language, at one time and all have the same patch!"

I did! Well sort of, it was called English...

As far as I am concerned, Firaxis should kick EA's head, mentioned above, further up!
It is my firm opinion it belongs there.

From now on, EA games only in US versions.

Yours kindly, E.

cousLee posted 03-01-99 04:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for cousLee  Click Here to Email cousLee     
well, i'll prob get the axe for this. jkm, i agree with you. i think that waiting for the v3.0 us patch to avoid some of the criticism is a good idea. you can not forget about the foregin market, just because Firaxis is a US based company. All customers are equally important regardless of their location. People that don't understand that have probably never been self employed, or been in a marketing position. I also feel waiting will have other beneficial effects. as time goes on, other minor bugs may be found, here and abroad. A premature patch can result in multiple patches being released which would make Firaxis as bad as some of the other game companies (I have seen games with more than 5 patches)(which is not the case with SMAC).
iratheous posted 03-01-99 04:30 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for iratheous  Click Here to Email iratheous     
I am selfish and have no desires to be 'fair' when considering the feelings of other people (to an extent, my girlfriends hair is always "Great honey!") heh btw if you're reading this it really is SW!). Really though, I am very happy with Dynamix for releasing "Tribes" when it was fully compatible with Glide instead of making the majority of the gaming public wait months and months fopr the game while they hammered out support for openGL or DirectX. Much in the same way I woudl be happy if Firaxis woudl distribute the patch to the U.S. gamers when that particular patch is 'done' instead of purposfully taking away one of our greatest fringe benifitts, timely game releases (except in some cases where this just can't seem to be helped AOE2, C&C2, Duke3d2, ect...), patch releases, movie releases and Pizza Hut in 30 minutes or less.
MoSe posted 03-01-99 04:44 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MoSe  Click Here to Email MoSe     
I wouldn't have bothered (well...) getting the game (or patch) a little later.
I really got pissed off instead 'bout the huge EA mess.
They made us think we'd get our language version at the same time as US release (I was fearing I could not get the original...), then in Italy all went the ole good way:
Got the original (*_US_*) release after 5 days for shipping, while the localization is awaited for end march, though CTO is already acknowledged in the credits.
I think I got the US, because I could play w/out CD in; didn't really try to copy it to verify. More, the US 2.0 patch worked. As I see it, that's a bonus for being regarded as an underdeveloped country.
I line up for EA kicking (and crashing, smashing, hammering, battering, please teach me more sinonyms).


Kai Fiebach posted 03-01-99 06:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kai Fiebach  Click Here to Email Kai Fiebach     
Sorry to say this, but in my opinion the entire problem could have been avoided with a better game design.

If there was a language independent core for the game a simultaneous international bug fix should be possible for all countries.

Languages should only play a role in resource files and should have no (or only minor) influence on the game flow.

I think Firaxis is clever enough to know all this. There is no need for a Secret Project on this issue. Anybody just made a wrong decision.

Anyway, the game is so addictive I could get back to a 2 GB harddisk and sell my other games - no time for these left (perhaps I keep Civ2 and Half Life). The biggest problem with SMAC I have: how do I park my family?

Greetings from Germany

Frank Weese posted 03-01-99 06:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Frank Weese  Click Here to Email Frank Weese     
Family...?! Ah, yes!!! Thanks for reminding me, Kai. Hope they haven't already moved out. Must spend a turn or two on them, I mean hours, um... er...

More greetings from Germany

iratheous posted 03-01-99 07:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for iratheous  Click Here to Email iratheous     
Why don't you buy your family a recreation commons.. err ping pong table.. and uhh buy them a hologram theatre..e rr big screen with 20 disc-dvd changer and bose surround system.. and why not get some 'police' to guard the exits and enforce non-drone behaviour, ie a killer guard dog to block the exits.. and mabee after you teach one of them to be a doctor they'll be happy enough to stay for a while.. And when worse comes to worse.. nerve staple them.. err tie them to the couch.
Hex posted 03-01-99 07:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Hex  Click Here to Email Hex     
Why couldn't Firaxis just realese the terran.exe file to all you have the UK or other and then there wouldn't be need for other patches... I downloaded the terran.exe and haven't had a single problem ever since.
iratheous posted 03-01-99 07:55 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for iratheous  Click Here to Email iratheous     
Releasing a file to specifically work around rules set in place by thier publisher would probably be a very bad idea. I'm sure Firaxis is as unhappy with the rules they have to follow as the gamer is (more-so since all they can do is hear us bitch). I don't think it woudl help anything to get on bad terms witht he publisher as they may tighten the leash even more.
Esobus posted 03-01-99 08:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Esobus    

My favorite quotee, iratheous (Hi I.)wrote:
"I don't think it woudl help anything to get on bad terms witht he publisher as they may tighten the leash even more."

The publisher should be muchly worried about the fact that customers lost all of their trust in their company. Unortunately this carries over to the original delopers as well. I know that ppl here, I over heard this, in a software shop says: Don't buy that it's buggy and does not work on xx's computer.

Ok, so Firaxis now get's to carry the dogs head (do you say that in English as well?) although this is a EA crack of a working software. Perhaps confronting them about this 'strategy' is a -GOOD- idea.

I am VERY upset. First I get a substandardized software and secondly, am I not trusted equally much as the US customer last, to to pour some acid in the wounds the patch only works in the US version because the '*'-up Euro version is different. We here in EC know that, it does not work properly EA broke it.

Well this goes back to EA as well, I trust EA no more. I will not buy a single game from the euro branch, I will further advocate this to all of my friends.

And the final insult to the EC branch, they are as bad as Sierra with their idiotic installation scheme and that obnoxious utility program. There, after that insult there is no more to say. I need to go to the recreation commons and let the adrenaline settle a while.

Ops, I posted again! Sorry.


Milamber posted 03-01-99 05:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Milamber  Click Here to Email Milamber     
Where Hex? where did you get the US exe from.

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