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Author Topic:   First, and last, impressions
Killeen posted 02-11-99 11:08 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Killeen   Click Here to Email Killeen  

I know this is not the type of post welcome here, but I feel I have to put my $.02 in about the game. I've been lurking here quite a while and enjoying it. I went and bought the game today and will be returning it tomorrow. The reasons follow.

1. It's little more than a glorified Civ2 mod pack wrapped in wacko New Age mumbo jumbo. I mean, good grief, we have to call the planet "Planet"? I don't play games to be preached at and it's clear that Firaxis have gotten way off in to New Age silliness and are pushing it for all they are worth.

2. The graphics are, if possible, <b>worse</b> than Civ2's. That's just not acceptable with today's machines. Look at Age of Empires' gloriously detailed units and land. SMAC is just pathetic in this area.

All in all, SMAC was the most disappointing game I've ever installed on my pc. I certainly expected more. A real shame.


maddmage posted 02-11-99 11:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for maddmage  Click Here to Email maddmage     
Maybe you should give the game a bit more of a chance, and you'll see it's a much more than a "new age civ 2 mod pack". I personally don't see anything "new age" about it. Yes, some of the ideas are very esoteric (and have little basis in actual fact) but good science fiction is usually that way. It doesn't preach to you, there's nothing in the game that makes you believe in the ideas it brings up. Here's an idea, play the spartans and destroy all those new age psycobabblers for good! ;-) As for the graphics, if you're the type of gamer that believes in 3dfx or nothing, then this isn't the genre for you! Maybe the developers wanted to keep the system requirements down so that people with very low end machines can play it. I can run it on my cyrix 150 with 16 megs and a 1 meg video card. And I really don't think the graphics are at all bad either, with the possible exception of some of the units.
Prerogative posted 02-11-99 11:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Prerogative    
Excuse me, Killeen, because I know you are welcome to your opinion. However, may I ask one thing:

Is that IT?

The name "Planet" and the graphics? Because if it is, good grief.

The graphics, IMO, are good for a TBS. They certinely look better than the simple sprites of Civ II, and this is a TBS anyway, they were never designed to be graphically superb.

The name Planet? Well, I don't really care. They could've called it Disco-Mania, or Boozehound Land. I myself prefer good gameplay over nitpicky things like a simple name.

I myself don't think SMAC is a rehashed Civ II. It has far, far too many new elements to be compared as a Civ II MOD.

I play TBS games for, you guessed it, "Gameplay."

And I think a one-day trial is downright unfair. I myself was turned off by Civ I at first, but after a week I couldn't put it down. If I were you I'd give SMAC a bit more time.

But hey, if you don't like SMAC that's alright.

JaimeWolf posted 02-12-99 12:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JaimeWolf    
I still don't understand the argument for calling it Planet ... we call our Planet "Earth" Why wouldn't the people on Chiron call it "Chiron"

from "City" in "State" in "Country"

WildFire posted 02-12-99 12:42 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WildFire  Click Here to Email WildFire     

It's probably because Chiron was the name attributed to it by SOME people...

I think you'll find that Indian natives do not call their country India. It's Bharat or something, if I remember. Maybe soembody can ask Pravin Lal

Trav posted 02-12-99 12:57 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Trav    
Yeah, but we still call the sun "The Sun" and not by its name (which is technically Sol, I think - which probably just means "The Sun" in some other language) ...


Pudz posted 02-12-99 01:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pudz  Click Here to Email Pudz     
i can fix the name part. go into the txt files and where ever it sez planet, change it to babe land, or the cool place or what ever you want.
and as for the graphics, well make your own . smac is totally customisable
Audrey Two posted 02-12-99 01:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Audrey Two  Click Here to Email Audrey Two     
JaimeWolf sez:
'I still don't understand the argument for calling it Planet ... we call our Planet "Earth" Why wouldn't the people on Chiron call it "Chiron" '


Exactly. We call our planet "Earth"-- which is synonymous with "ground" or "dirt". It's a fairly generic name.

I think the idea behind calling Chiron "Planet" is, it's the only planet they have-- it emphasizes that Earth is lost, that Chiron is their only option. And maybe, after years on that stinkin' ship, the distinction between "Earth" and "Chiron" didn't matter as much-- they were much more concerned with the distinction between "ship" and "planet". "When we make planetfall we'll..." "I can't wait to be on a planet again..." "Things'll be different when we're on the planet".

Anyway, it's hardly something to return the game over. I mean, if you could get used to Ghandi saying "This means war!", you can get used to Deirdre calling Chiron "Planet"...


Audrey Two posted 02-12-99 02:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Audrey Two  Click Here to Email Audrey Two     
Another thought:

Over the next couple of days, count how many times you hear people call this globe "Earth", and count how many times you hear them call it "the world". See what I mean?


Moonpie posted 02-12-99 09:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonpie  Click Here to Email Moonpie     
I LOVE the game. The sound is beatiful, the automation is great and the fact we can colonize the seas (no more island empires getting outproduced) is superb.

More technolgies, more units, more of everything. the original poster, wants a perfect game....there will never be a perfect game.

I have been waiting a long time for the game and it met and exceeded my expectations. Only one problem. the graphics for the "man" based units looks hokey. But I guess customized icons will be around the corner, SOOOOO I really have no complaints.

EXCELLENT job guys!!

But I am waiting for Homeworld!


Zorak Zoran posted 02-12-99 09:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorak Zoran  Click Here to Email Zorak Zoran     
"Things will be better on Planet."

Sounds like a kind of literary truncation common to our shifting language:

"I've been in country for three tours."
"What's it like back in the world?"
"A new life waits for you on the off-world colony..."

You get the picture.

And comparing SMAC to Age of Empires is silly. I've played 'em all, and RTS games like AoE are just too different... they are tactical, SMAC is strategic.

But hey, why not make other comparisons: Where are all the cool cinematic movies in AoE? Why can't my Zerglings develop cloaking devices? Who invented liquid soap and why?

Personally, I love RTS games. They are quick, often bloody, and great fun. However, going through the intesive mental exercise that TBS games offer has an appeal AoE just cannot match.

will posted 02-12-99 10:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for will  Click Here to Email will     

I'm glad to see that Firaxis welcomes the sort of debate you've started. You're not alone in your reservations. Other folks have complained about the graphics. After 24 hours (more or less) of playing, I, too admit to having trouble distinguishing units on the basis of anything other than chasis, armor, and sometimes weapon. But, then again, that's a function of the huge number of options available. If I look closely, there are differences, and maybe with greater magnification, they'd be more obvious. (You have to remember that AoE's units take up about four times as much screen space on the default setting as SMAC's, so there's a lot more room for detail.)

I was also a bit disappointed by the similarity with Civ. But each time I think that, the computer throws something new at me -- weather shifts, an opponent who joins his continent to mine, new types of units, etc. I think it's going to be great fun, and become even better when I feel comfortable with the gameplay to take on another human.

Finally, I haven't seen anything better in a long time.

Strategist posted 02-12-99 01:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Strategist    
I have yet to actually have the opportunity to fully explore the game (still have demo only) but I must say that I too was a bit confused by the use of "Planet" for the name of the world the game takes place on.

We all know it is a planet... but why name it that?!? Had I an opportunity to throw in an idea during development I would have suggested that each faction have it's own name for THE planet. Thus giving some added role-playing elements to the game.



Grey Adept posted 02-12-99 03:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Grey Adept  Click Here to Email Grey Adept     
To me "Planet" is their way of being a bit more personal than "chiron" which was a name given the planet by earth and not themselves. Just a way of speaking of it as an entity instead of scientific...



Serenity posted 02-15-99 09:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Serenity  Click Here to Email Serenity     
I don't have the game yet. They haven't published it yet in Finland, but as soon as they do, I'll get it =)!! But the point about calling the planet "planet"... Who cares?? How many of us calls the earth "Terra"? I mean, that is the REAL name of Earth... How many of us call the sun "Sol"?? That's the real name... Hell, they could call the planet "Bob"!!! That doesn't degrade the gameplay one bit (well, it might take some of the charm away...)

As for the graphics... One of the best games I know is "Wall $treet Raider"... And picture this: IT HAS NO GRAPHICS!!! Good grapichs don't automatically mean good game.

Zorak Zoran posted 02-15-99 10:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorak Zoran  Click Here to Email Zorak Zoran     

Graphics? Play a game or two of SMAC and then go back and play CIV II, then come talk to me about graphics.

Yes, SMAC has less sophisticated graphics than the units of AoE, and AoE looks like a cartoon compared to Unreal, and Unreal looks like a cartoon compared to a real film. Big deal.

This game is Civ II with a ton of cool options. If you are sick of this line of games, then avoid SMAC. I, for one, am enjoying the hell out of sinking enemy cities, designing my own units, dropping colony pods from space, and drilling into the planet's crust.

My girlfriend is on her study abroad so I got to spend all Valentine's day playing SMAC. Huzzah for me.

CapAnson posted 02-15-99 12:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CapAnson    
I think the graphics, and especially the sound are much improved over Civ2.. Relative to Civ2 the only thing that isn't quite as good is the time it takes to move units. Isn't Alpha Centauri basically Civ3 anyway?.. or am I allowed to say that?
agoraphobe posted 02-15-99 12:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for agoraphobe    
Not playing a game because it depicts ideologies one objects to is about the silliest reason imaginable.

Comparing RT"Stategy" games like AoE to TBS games is a case of apples and oranges - but that's just another mark of the smug ignorance expressed by "Killiam's" post.

Why bother surfing to a site just to slam game genres you don't like - get a life!

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