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Author Topic:   What mind came up with the GeneJack Factory.
CBRancier posted 07-02-99 01:32 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for CBRancier   Click Here to Email CBRancier  
Am I the only one whom so hates that damned Genejack factory with a vile passion? It seems the further along I get the more I have to check to make sure that both, the Governor is not building it and that it hasn't been built already. Their are some facilities that I have dislike for, but because I always play democraticlly I assume that use is considered for the benifits of individuals and not counter to that. But that damned Genejack Factory is the limit. What, did the business culture ask to see how the majority would respond to that kind of concept? Did someone make such a thing to see how you would deal with that structure? Was their a deep psychological consideration for the games newness to stay alive forcing you to choose between city growth or quality of life for the citizens? What, What?!?! Perhaps a moral componnent? I don,t know about you but if it gets any worse I'm going to turn of those governors with the most persistent tendencies. Oh, and hey, that brings to light another question, what if you could direct the governors in certine social directions so this perhaps could be avoided. What d'ya think?
Darkstar posted 07-02-99 01:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
For Genejack Factory inspiration... Brave New World. That is some early Science Fiction, in case you aren't familiar with it.

As far as who believes its a good thing... most governments, and certain of their bueauracry. Like OSHA... as public pressure focusses more and more about a "Worker Friendly" workplace, they will have to genetically or Natally engineer workers that can handle the serious repetion of certain works that have to be done to support Industrialized nations. There are many companies with big budgets that are doing cost analysis now that future projections of law-suits cost and punitive damages rise from Employees (including Class Actions) backed by OSHA versus fellow businesses that are their key customers for their products.

The only horror involved is that your destiny of what you do is picked for you by a person, or a machine following a person's algorithm, and not by you. Its a serious shake up to us Free-Willers, but its a common practice throughout history for those in charge to make a decision about those NOT in charge will do for their life.

SMAC has many such horrors in it though. Think about mind-worms and punishment spheres, for instance...


Nell_Smith posted 07-02-99 01:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Nell_Smith  Click Here to Email Nell_Smith     
Governors exist to annoy you. Turn 'em off... they're stupid and made BAAAD decisions...

Brave New World... woah... I could rant about that nearly as much as about LOTR, but I won't... not just sci-fi, but a literary, spiritual, moral, humanitarian, political, philosophical, psychological and generally rather wonderful work of genius

Nell... who should read more and post less...

CBRancier posted 07-02-99 02:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CBRancier  Click Here to Email CBRancier     
Are you freakin' for real?(pardon my social response .) As I read it you say OSHA? Perhaps I misread. Any way, Brave New World do you say. Do you know the author? For the historical componnent, that is without question but not in this extreme. I realize the benifit of preconceptualizing future atrocities and dangers as science fiction often does, but without a methode beyond just pure reasone for concluding that the problem will be solved, it's sure to happen. One certine segment of the global population is rather thick headed and incredibly stubborn, as well as arrogant, insecure and incapable of forsight. That is why that had me so excitable(in a bad way). The game offers no alternative options.
Nell_Smith posted 07-02-99 02:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Nell_Smith  Click Here to Email Nell_Smith     
I've never built a Genejack factory in any game (object to it on principle, like Punishment Spheres) and trust me, you don't actually need it.

btw, what is OSHA? Dumb Brit here

Nell... wondering...

JAMstillAM posted 07-02-99 02:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     

A Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley. Don't get Nell started on his brother, cousin or whoever that other Huxley was.


OSHA = Occupational Health and Safety Administration. An office of the US Department of Labor. And, despite Darkstar's all too predictable rant, the best friend of the US drones.


Darkstar posted 07-02-99 03:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
I am teasing SLIGHTLY about it. There are a lot of brains trying to figure out around little things like the Human Body needs a large range of movement rather than a limited repeated motions that work often imposes on the industrial worker. However, its true about the costs studies. And Cost is the only Evil to a corporation, and they always TRUE to chose the lesser evil.

Jam - Predictable Rant? I must need a vacation. The rant I have is that OSHA is a joke, plain and simple. Its like trying to get Yang choose Democracy, getting OSHA to DO something. Trust me on this. I have been in too many places that had OSHA "Doing something" since it was founded, and you know what? There is STILL nothing changed there. OSHA is a BIG waste of money. Class action lawsuits are FASTER and have BETTER effects for the workers. Well, that and industry wide strikes.


Nell_Smith posted 07-02-99 04:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Nell_Smith  Click Here to Email Nell_Smith     
Would you perchance be referring to Sir Julian Sorell Huxley, brother of Aldous, author of "Evolutionary Humanism", esteemed biologist, Darwinist, humanitarian, and my favourite rant (apart from the obvious one)?
hehehheh couldn't resist...
Nell... getting back in her box now...
PS: The only purpose of this post is to pass the time while my POP3 server is down... again
Horgawitz posted 07-02-99 04:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Horgawitz  Click Here to Email Horgawitz     
most government bureaucracies are a waste of money and designed to limit the freedom of the people take, for example the BATF (bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms). Instead of upholding the beliefs of the US onstitution it represses them. Money wich
could be spent of the exploration of space or defense is spent to repress the bill of rights.
The right to bear arms wouldn�t be second if it weren�t important. If the governmentmakes you dependent on it for protection you are just that, dependent.
When the people have no means to defend themselves against their government their �freedom� is a mockery.
CBRancier posted 07-02-99 08:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CBRancier  Click Here to Email CBRancier     
Horgawitz: I have a question. What do you consider government of the people is for? And also, as in the game, do you believe in gun ownership for self-purpose or for actual self-protection? After all most of the 95% of people that live in in the United States(outside the police) that have guns don't actually need guns. Hunting is a sport that is regulated, so sub-machine guns or semi-automatic or machine guns are out of the question. Pistols are designed for rapid fire, against a close target. And weapons in general are designed for only one purpose, to fire a projectile at high velocity in order to induce damage at point of impact by transfer of energy. So what is your specific point of inferance?
CBRancier posted 07-02-99 08:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CBRancier  Click Here to Email CBRancier     
One thing I forgot to mention and am ashamed that I don't do often or intensly enough. If you feel your freedome(within reasone) is uncertine, then make a nusance of yourself to the local politicians, officials, and media. The media being the most predominant methode by which those in society which seek control do control, and those which seek to expose do expose, those which seek to manipulate do manipulate, and those which seek fame attempt fame. All the time being as brainwashed as the rest in their attempts unless they themselves don't see things the same. If then, they really have it hard, since hardly anyone thinks like them they become targets. However it all does depend on reasoning, if it does not stand up to clear logic it then is questionable. But, then again the media dictates logic, after all most people are emotionally dictated. And I mean that in the most logical way. If I ever find anyone that states considering human emotional needs or reactions are illogical I will know they are emotional and illogical and cautiouslly consider their statements. After all, no matter how logical you are, we all feel.
Spider posted 07-02-99 09:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Horgawitz: Second Amendment, US Constitution, provides for the right to bear arms [i]for a militia[/i]. Got a problem with that?
Evk posted 07-02-99 10:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Evk  Click Here to Email Evk     
I've been wondering. Horg claims "The right to bear arms wouldn�t be second if it weren�t important. If the governmentmakes you dependent on it for protection
you are just that, dependent. " Does this mean that keeping soilders out of your house unless it's a time of war (article three) is more important and useful than, say, not being tried twice for the same crime (article five)?
Q Cubed posted 07-02-99 11:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
Eh, don't build it. Don't build the Punishment sphere either.

It's a rush to the Telepathic Matrix, Virtual World, Human Genome Project.
But I can usually get all three, so I'm happy.

And besides, i usually get enough energy to buy whatever I need, so forget about those things.

Chowlett posted 07-03-99 12:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chowlett  Click Here to Email Chowlett     
er, "OSHA = Occupational Health and Safety Administration".

Shouldn't that be OHSA?

Darkstar posted 07-03-99 02:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
I think its

Safety and

Safety First, as it were. But I could have flipped my acronym, so no telling.


JAMstillAM posted 07-03-99 08:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     
Oops, dyslexia my again showing is!

The words are all in there (OSHA) just the order was messed up.

Good eye, Chowlett!


Horgawitz posted 07-04-99 01:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Horgawitz  Click Here to Email Horgawitz     

Government of the people should be just that, but here, in the US we seem to be having more and more "government of the media". For the most part the media has no idea what it's talking about save the fact that something happened and their own uniformed oppinion. The right to bear arms is not to protect ourselves from criminals, or to hunt, it is to protect ourselves against our own military incase a despot tries to seize power or the government tries to defy the contitution. So , macien guns and sub-machien guns are in fact nesecary. I think if some one wants to own a howizer they should be able to(without a class 10 fedral liscence). Gun controll is an entirely emotional movement. It has ABSOLUTLY no basis in logic or fact. In fact, crime actualy goes up when gun controll laws are passed. More people are pushed out of windows than shot. By the way there are a great many people who think like I do we do make ourselves a nuscance to local , state, and fedral politicians, but, the media refuses to give us any coverage, as they for some incoherent reason consider us the bad guys.


The second amendment of the US constitution states:
"A well-regulated miltia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That's the right of the PEOPLE that shall not be infringed.


The original amendments are ranked in order of importance, and how are you even going to ATTEMPT to keep soldiers out of your house if you aren't armed?

CBRancier posted 07-04-99 10:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CBRancier  Click Here to Email CBRancier     

I wonder if you realize that it is the one segment of the populations behavior and arrogance based on insecurity that lead them to induce subtle behavior in others that is reinforced over a period of time. You say gun control brings crime up. Who makes those guns? Who distributes those guns? After all, if they are made and not sold, won't that business go broke? So, wouldn't be in that business's best interest to somehow distribute those weapons? Does media make movies that sell weapons and subsiquently violence to the youths of this Nation by making the gun owner the hero? Doesn't the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States say "well regulated" before "militia". Aren't commas in a sentence a pause and not a break? So isn't that a complete sentence and not seperate statements? Isn't a semi colon a symbol used to indicate seperate stements in a sentence? How is the gun lobby going to get out of that one when someone not part of the insecure group in society figures out that fact? Re-write the rules of grammer? Slander anyone that gets in their way like they always do? Manipulate the police to do their bidding again and deprive individuals the protections granted in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States? Not that it takes much manipulation. After we've all seen those police dramas, half the reasone police want to be police is to play cops and robbers. Good guy bad guy, and therefor aften cause the damage that we supposudly pay them to stop and destroy lives in the process. Of course their just doing their jobs. Politically force the death of those people by depriving them equal justice as they often do? Re-direct the point of conversation in another direction as often done? Muddy the water with half truths and personal hidden agendas as sometimes the case? Not consider the penalty to society that is done because of peoples desire to feel better by making someone else worse than they are and subsiquenlty not human and therefor giving people the right to act upon their barbaric desires? After all, in my opinion animals don't deserve the bad rap that humans put upon then when "humans" do "inhuman" things? Are you going to resone out that anyone can have a weapon when they always point the figer at someone else when it happens and refuse to take responsability for their actions? When they manipulate all perception so as to get the result the want? How do you propose solving these problems? Or did you even know they were their?

Horgawitz posted 07-12-99 10:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Horgawitz  Click Here to Email Horgawitz     

I don't propose to solve these problems, many of them are intrisic to human nature, others are intrinsic to human greed.

I am certainly not trying to take away people's rights or citizenship, I don't know where you got that idea.

The weapons manufactuers don't pay me to stick up for my rights, they don't care if I do, the miltaries of this and other nations provides more than enough of a market.

The media, in movies and TV shows rarely portrays the gun owner as good, can anyone say McGuyver, or Mantis, or any of the multitude of other shows where guns are evil? Just tonite (monday 7,12) the discovery channel had a documentary on the 51st Missorui millitia, amazingly they didn't portray the millitia as evil openly, but they did have a washington buerocrat hypocriticly saying we shouldn't pick and choose from the constituion (wich the miltia wasn't doing) while he tries to edit out the second ammendment. The guy sounded like he wouldn't be able to tell the muzzle from the breech and puzzels over the origins of the phrase "lock, stock, and barrel". The national news media CBS, NBC, CNN, etc, has yet to portray guns or gun owners in a positive way (some one PLEASE site an reasonable recent example of at least one time). They push a libral democrat agenda, portray any conservative proposal as evil or backwards, ignor any political party that isn't democrat or republican unless they can bribe their way onto the air, and call it fair.

According to the 1903 "Dick Act" any one able bodied and not currently in the military is in the militia.

One more thing... If you pshcoanalize me more than the once you already have I will respond in kind.

GreasyPig posted 07-14-99 05:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GreasyPig    
I can't say I've got alot to add to this disscussion. But,

Horgawitz... you are simply.... RIGHT!


CBRancier posted 07-15-99 05:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CBRancier  Click Here to Email CBRancier     

I wasn't going to respond to your statement, but I'm glad I'm doing so. One, I wasn't as you so put it "pshcoanalize" you. I was pointing out those problems that people disregard because of inability of mental processing, influenced by the emotional overlay, dictated by the fantasy world in which they majority has decided to live and create as reality. Two, if the media as you believe not puting gun owners in a good light, then it must be only the news broadcasts that I have seen as well as the rest of the nation. Because it seems if true that you have disregarded all the movies, music, television shows, and magazines that I come across on a day to day basis and even see at the supermarket when I'm shopping. That, sir, is fact. Go to the store, watch some cable, rent a movie. Listen to some music (ie; violent rap or violent speedmetal). It may only be a small portion of the media available but it is the most profitable. And as far as the 14 Amendement to the Constitution, I wasn't stateing that you, sir, are the one taking people rights away. That response was emotional and defensive. Are you trying to not let yourself believe something?(honest question.) Everday the police of this greate Nation focus their attention on a small percentage of the population because of their prejudicail belief that they are th majority responsible and yet the police and law enforcement agencies fail to make a dent in drugs. Do you know why or should I tell you? I'll do so any way. It's because the percentage of individuals is smaller than that of the majority due to the number of people in the segment of the majority yet it's that minority that takes up most of the prison population because of the targeted harrasment covered up as "doing the job". The worthless examples of human evolutionary mentality that call themselves such are doing nothing but destroying the lives of thousands while thousands more get away scott free and therfor the problem is never solved and people 14th Amendement rights are thrown out the windows, because of a created perception that is based on the psychological fear of night and day, black and white, same and not alike from when humanity where hunter gatherers and then began to seperate because disimilarities that has been reinforced and even enhanced by the the same individuals that consider themselves intelligent, and those that have induced new animosities because of the ones that control the media and are the same ones playing on that animosity for profit by reinforcing it in the segment of the population it is targeted to just like tobaco did to children. You, sir, are a citizen therfore I will not deprive you of you rights as I expect mine not to be. You, sir, exist in space and time and therefor I will not deprive you of the entropy nature has seen fit to bestow on you just like I expect no one to do so of mine. If you sir, are on of the segment of the majority, know this. That no matter what race you call yourselves you cover two thirds of the global land mass as a group. your similarities are clearly similar. The diferances are only language and region. Even most of the Arab nations are governed by this segment of the global population with the only regions not so, until recently, being Africa and Asia(Major & Minor). And even then the blending in some is clear and apparent. You amoungst you wage wars for the pettiest of reasons and yet you consider all you are civilized. Everything you so claim of recent history is of past knowledge lost due to war. The only new things are the advent of applied electronics and combustion engines. Everything else would have developed naturaly had it not been for constant wars and by now we'd(Humanity) would be well established on other planets should that have been a priority.

Can you sir, respond to this in a logical manner?

MikeH II posted 07-15-99 09:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MikeH II  Click Here to Email MikeH II     
Coming from a country where we can't own guns and almost nobody wants to own them I have a lot of problems with the pro-gun lobby's stance. I just can't understand it. Why the hell would anyone WANT to own a gun? It does my head in thinking about it and I still can't see the rationalisation behind it. As a distant observer the second amendment in it's full form rather than the curtailed form you often hear it in doesn't seem to me to give every American the right to own a gun without any regard to anything. I don't consider opposing a corrupt regime with force to be a reasonable argument for gun ownership in modern America. It's ludicrous to think a country so obsessed with freedom would ever let it happen, the military wouldn't go along with it.

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