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  Combat Engineering: The Conquering Rush

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Author Topic:   Combat Engineering: The Conquering Rush
Goobmeister posted 05-13-99 04:34 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister   Click Here to Email Goobmeister  
Darkstar raises the point in the "2-1 Attack/defense ratio" thread, that "SMAC is a rush tactics game all the way. It favors it in that you CAN'T keep a city without performing a defensive pre-emptive strike."

I'm going to back up a moment to state that I have been playing too late into the night and getting up too early in the morning the past few weeks and I have been getting more and more droopy around the eyelids at work recently, and this of course is where I do the majority of my forum browsing. Somehow in this sleep deprived state I missed this thread and assumed it had no worth while info(no offense Doc ) then today while I was sleepily scrolling through it, something caught my attention, and I had to read it several times, "Building anything other than the bare minimums to keep your people in line is mental masterbation. "

I am a builder, at least in resource based strategy games, working under the theory that more building means more resources, and more efficient use of those resources. But here comes Darkstar claiming that while I am SMACing, happily enjoying myself, building away, all I am doing is mentally masturbating. ...My wife says the same thing, but for differant reasons.
Now I don't think there is anything wrong with a little M.M., I was still taken aback by D's bold claim. As I read on though I was slowly convinced by his arguments. As a builder from way back, who loves SMAC, that hurts to say.

Again, "SMAC is a rush tactics game all the way. It favors it in that you CAN'T keep a city without performing a defensive pre-emptive strike." Of course there is the defensive pre-emptive strike, THAT should allow a builder to keep those pesky attackers off long enough while you build buildings that make you stronger and more efficient.... The smart attacker does not allow you to make the preemptive strike.... Then while you build the defenses that allow you to slow the attacker down to be able to make a pre-emptive strike, you are spending your resources to the point that you are not able to develop your infrastructure.

What are some strategies that defeat the Rover rush in a player on player situation? (ie., no calling in another player to gang up on the rusher)

Darkstar also said "You can TWEAK [SMAC] to not favor the Sword QUITE so much, but our complaint is that it's TOO MUCH Sword, and not enough Shield."

What are some of the Alpha.txt tweaks that work in helping make the offense and defense more even?

What are some thoughts, ala the Social Engineering thread, that would be a whole scale change of the Combat system to make it a better system? (Darkstar I know you have some.)

Finally, for those of you who disagree and think the system is fine the way it is, please convince me of your argument, that is what I want to believe.

P.S. IIRC there were similar discussions on the classic TICHQ threads, but I thought that it was worth raising again.

P.P.S. Darkstar thanks for waking me up.

Druid posted 05-13-99 05:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Druid  Click Here to Email Druid     

I, too, was taken aback by Darkstar's claim.. . I had to read it several times to make sure he wasnt kidding. He's not. I'm a bit confused at some of his logic, tho. He says that he both "captures" those juicy enemy cities, and that city fighting is the worst, so he avoids it. I havent figured out how one could do both.

Before I believe it, tho, I wanna see it for myself. I'm going to start a new game and try the rover-rush he claims is an easy & fast win. If *that* works, I'll prob. try a Hotseat Game where I'm both players... and look for sensible counters to the rover-rush. I think the approach is "what would the Spartans be like if Corazon were SMART instead of AI."

My *guess* [at this stage, only a guess] is that it works against the AI, who is very poor at ANY facet of the game. And I doubt that it would work against a human. Because the human would do something different.

I *do* agree, tho, that Railroad Tycoon II is a better building game. 'Course there's no chance of lasering an opp's steam engine.

Phil posted 05-13-99 05:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Phil    
Here's a simple adjustment: Artillery should execute a defensive bombardment on attacking units. (perhaps one attack only). All of a sudden attacking a city becomes a more involved affair...

But truthfully, the bias to the attack is a good thing IMHO, otherwise it encourages stagnation. Indeed, I would say the bias to the attack is not so much in the combat advantages and weak/expensive defenses, but in the low mobility of troops. It takes a long time to bring your reserves up to defend a city, lacking railroads, er, mag tubes.

The place where the builder wins is if he gets fusion reactors first, while still viable. All of a sudden combat effectiveness more than doubles, with predictable results.


Darkstar posted 05-13-99 05:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Goob - The initial Infantry Rush is more dangerous than the Rover Rush. Infantry even out the Base's natural +25% to defend bonus. And they are often cheaper to build than rovers. The Spartans will employ the [NON-ARMORED] Suicide Infantry Rush against other AIs, and this is often how the Colonel eliminates them. That tactic doesn't work against YOU, the Human, as she takes too long to employ it (favors trying a rover rush (of a rover or two) FIRST, before she builds a task force to attack you), giving you a chance to build a decent pre-emptive defensive reserve. As my machine REALLY favors putting 2 to 4 factions within 5 tiles of my start-up position, I get a LOT of practice at early game warfare. You know, before Lasers... SynthMetal... Rovers... Perimeter Defenses... I know of what I preach on THAT matter. And it does help keep my game turn count down, as I like to play with No Restart On. But I can't take the credit for discovering these (seemingly to ME!) game imbalances. It was the TI threads in which Analyst went over his general game play and why the game is a Total War Rush that sent me off from the Merry Builder path. As Analyst has been lurking for so long, waiting on SMAC version 4 to be released, I felt I had to pass on some of his Way to the UnYinlighted.

Stopping rovers would be to make sure there is no fungus or open squares around your base, have a perim, tachy (if you have the tech), sensors, ECM equipped garrisons, and Command Centers. Stopping a rover rush *seems* to require a mobile reserve that can swing down/out and bang on the attacker before they get to attack, and/or takes up positions for the lost defenders. But as there would be more rovers on the way or there already in the theatre to wipe out your mobile reserve so that the slow infantry can bang on the hard targets... I don't know. How early are you looking to try and stop it? And is this for Multiplayer Human Controlled Vandals? I have long been pondering this...

Druid - I apologize for the confusion. In SMAC, I don't avoid City Fighting. I was talking that in Reality, city fighting is the worst kind there is. And in games that MODEL that, I direct my forces wherever possible to avoid that situation, except for seizing the Capital, and whatever cities that would be a threat to my supply lines.


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-14-99 09:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Goob, I was just wondering if mental masturbation causes blindness also? Seriously when I get some time this weekend I will post again in this thread or the other by Darkstar. I found it very intersting but I am unsure of a few statements made . Will have to reread the threads . Later .
Goobmeister posted 05-14-99 09:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
I have determined after extensive playtesting last night (for at least 35 minutes) that on a tiny map the Rover/infantry rush will work.

Yeah and the Summers are hot in Phoenix.


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-14-99 11:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Ok,I am going to be serious here for abit and thats a stretch for me so stay with me on this and let me have it if I deserve it. In "The flaw with the 2-1 attack/defense ratio" thread, Darkstar stated his opinions on the game favoring warmongers. I admit to Darkstar that I agree and this is actually the way I play the game as well. This is what I like. Attack and kill right from the start. JAMiAM says you can generate the map to play builder or warmonger. No problem with either thought. My problem is that Darkstar says that the favoring of attacker does not mirror real life tactics and strategies. I disagree (in my most very humble opinion)I think it has been proven countless times in history that just because a defender is fortified and dug in does not neccesarilly mean that it should take more casualties for the attacker than the defender to take the fortification(city). In world war 2, particularly the pacific theatre of operations the U.S. marines consistently attacked island fortresses of Japan with 2,3,5, even 10 times or more advantage in casualties. Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa all come to mind. This is why I think the ratio could have been even higher as someone else stated more like 3-1 to mirror reality. Dont misunderstand me Darkstar, I agree with you on the tactics of playing the game and I understand the ratio not being even higher for the sake of gameplay(and that it could even go less as you said, more advantages to the defender but only for the sake of gameplay) But I do think that Attacking a city or fortification is not the single worst possible fighting there is and the cost in casualties should be heavy. Granted this is not always the case in history as there are many scenarios where attackers did suffer huge casualties trying to conquer a city but mainly not as often as the other way around and especially not since more modern warfare has come into existence. This could all be a bunch of crap too and maybe I am just an idiot but I was really wondering if maybe I'm not and does anyone else think that the ratio is quite fair and sound according to history.
Rob Boo posted 05-14-99 01:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Rob Boo  Click Here to Email Rob Boo     
Yes I agree that the in the "real world" Actacking armies have an advangtage. The only defensively won battle that I know about is the Battle of New Orleans in 181? at the end of the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson had his troops deployed to defend the city and the Brits walked into a barrage of cannon fire that decimated their army. I think this shows how to defend against the attacker and explains why attackers have the advantage. Use your artillery to knock them down and SMAC does emulate real life in combat accatck/defense ratios
Goobmeister posted 05-14-99 02:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
The attack/defend advantage has wondered back and forth aacross the line through out history.

If I were fighting in the Civil War or World War I I would much rather have been on the defensive side. In the Civil war (especially in the east) the defnding army won most of the battles, (due somewhat to Northern incompetence, but also much due to the technology level. The fortifications and defensive weapons were outpacing the offensive weapons. Not until the advent of the tank did the offense start to gain an advantage again.
Old Warrior, your reference to Island warfare, I want to be sure I understand, the marines took 2,3,5 even 10 times fewer casualties than the Japanese defenders or did they take 2,3,5, even 10 times more casualties than the defenders? Or were you saying that they attacked with a force 2,3,5, & 10 times stronger than the Japanese and took reletively the same casualties, (my WWII weakness is Pacific theater).

I don't see the ratios as being the worst thing in the combat system, what bothers me the most is that unit with a pea shooter and silksteel armor will beat your laser unit with Plasma Steel armor... not only will it beat off your attack my armor will actually somehow kill your unit!

This is unrealistic in the extreme, (unless someone can reframe how it works for me) or unless I really misunderstand how the combat model works.


Darkstar posted 05-14-99 03:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
As a RULE, history has favored the DEFENDER in War. Battle favors the defender. Certain advances have cut down the amount of ATTACKERS you need to take out a defender, and SIEZE their ground. Let's not kid around about what we are talking here... It's not war if real-estate isn't (attempting) to changing hands. Without that bit about taking land, its terrorism.

When an Aggressor is trying to TAKE control of the land, the defender just needs to kill you to win. Admitted, its BETTER if they survive to fight another day, but other members of their family/tribe/nation who do survive will carry on. As an attacker, you need to kill the enemy and take his land, or drive him away from the land. In either case, you don't win until you have control of the real estate. Due to this fact, if the defender and attacker have the same weapons, you need a lot of attackers. THAT is what is so wrong about the 2:1 ratio of Attack efense. Its completely unrealistic to think that just because you have a Buck Rogers laser pistol, you can shoot two defenders for every attacker they shoot. It just doesn't work that way. Ask any Infantry man that has been on both sides of the Fox Hole or Trench.

The NEXT glaring problem is that mentioned many times before, it doesn't take into account that in serious armor, you can ignore much lighter weapon fire. But armor is deceptive term in SMAC. There is no ARMOR. SMAC Armor is a unit's Defensive Fire capability. And that is one of the things that drive us nuts, apparently...

Old Warrior, I am not versed in the Pacific Theatre of World War II, but from what little I recall, the island hopping campaigns were described as ALMOST as bad as city fighting. And the casualty rates depended on how well supplied with Ammo the defenders were. There WERE places were one American Marine died for every 15 or 20 Japanese Soldiers, but those were where the Japanese had little ammunition for their firearms, or were assaulting well supplied dug in American Marines. But if I recall correctly, one American soldier died for every 8 Japanese for the entire Pacific theatre. That was always attributed to the fact that we had such superior knowledge of their forces and Military due to breaking the Japanese war codes (Infiltrated their datalinks, as it were). This allowed us to focus our forces against the strategic elements we wanted. Additionally, that count also takes into account the Japanese civilians who died, which we killed by the hundreds of thousands. Other tactics included that we liked to kill their military commanders whenever possible (Yamamoto springs immediately to mind). That caused disruptions and cost the Japanese many a smart or brilliant Strategist.

As far as the Attack/Defense line and whatnot... It all depends on the tech, training and morale of both sides as well as the locale. I wouldn't want to be on a flat piece of land trying to hold a well or cross-roads if the other side is going to send a few Chopper Gunships and Ground Attack aircraft my way. I wouldn't mind defending a nice fortified and reinforced hill fort guarding the only pass wide enough and flat enough to permit gasoline powered vehicles through, especially if the unit had some good anti-tank and aircraft weaponry... It all depends on who brings what to play...

Recently, America has been playing bully and hitting nations that haven't the power to even think about putting up a struggle, so we think we have the most serious kick butt attack and military around. This isn't necessarily true. And while Tanks being able to travel at 40MPH and still hit the window of a transversing car 2 miles down range is impressive, it doesn't mean that the tank will be effective seizing Moscow as the visibility will be considerably less than 2 miles, and a satchell charge will still destroy its treads and road wheels, allowing other satchell charges to be placed until the tank is no more. That is the nastiness of city fighting... where any civilian may not be just a civilian, where you can't see as far as you can spit, where a lone defender can sniper off half a platoon before he can be eliminated, where the Big Iron loses all abilities except as a projecting bulldozer, and Air Cover means there are clouds in the sky. Dense jungle fighting is nasty, but you can always try calling for Artillery or Air... not that it is as helpful as the Power Projectionists like to preach in such circumstances, but... When things are hot, you need it then. When things aren't, you don't. Arty is effective when its not rushed and has time to adjust its settings and range... otherwise, its a toss of the dice whether its going to be useful or not...


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-14-99 07:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Goob... Those figures were for the amount of japanese casualties to american casualties. I believe on guadalcanal there were over 300,000 japanese casualties as compared to something like 12,000-20,000 amereicans. I meant to show the pluses in the U.S.favor. I do see now what you were talking about when you mentioned the armor. That, I guess, was apoint missed. Darkstar ... I still think I would rather know where my opponent is even if it is a fortified city or not, rather than to go against a mobile defender. You are right it does depend on alot of the types of weapons and situation . I realize I went from gameplay to offsubject reality but I was really wondering how you came to the conclusion that the ratio for the game was really bad. For me who plays that type of game it is to my advantage and I like it. I was wondering that even though you play the militaristic way do you enjoy it or are you just settling for the best strategy you see? Also I just didnt agree completely with the ratio being totally ridiculous and not mirroring real life war. You can show many instances of it one way or the other but I do think the ratio does have some validity. But I do also now understand you'ze guys argument about the armor differential. I didnt take that point into consideration. (Actually I just missed it entirely in reading your arguments...this happens to me alotwhen coming to these forums because I usually check them out after working and I am tired bad..sorry)
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-14-99 10:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Ok ..I am awake now and have off tonight(yeah)so I am going to try to clarify some points. Goob... I wanted to show in an example of how attacking fortifications doesnt always mean more losses for attacker than defender. The U.S. took many times less casualties than the japanese. I hope I got it straight now . I have a hard time conveying thought to type as I can think a million times faster than I can type and I dont type too well to begin with. Also (off on another tangent, you were right about northern incompetance being a big drawback to the strategy off the union army in the civil war.)Darkstar... I think you are more versed in the pacific theatre of operations of ww2 than you think. All those statements you made about it were on the money . I know all of this but I think what I am trying to convey here is that attacking is the best form of defense and is not always at the attackers disadvantage to do so. Yes cutting off supply and knowledge of troops location (intelligence reports)is invaluable but this is what I think also takes place in SMAC. When you attack a city in SMAC you are in effect cutting off its supply routes ,its ability to produce larger amounts of resources and forcing it to commit all resources to the defense of that city. In time those resources should run out thus making it eventually easier to take the city. This is where I feel the game ratio of Ato D is somewhat realistic and not a farce. I used the ww2 example because I thought it showed a good point about fortifications and cities being similar. I dont disagree with you on the nonsense of the armor differential only the point of the game not being realistic to warfare at all. I think it is as close to reality as they could have made it without totally distorting gameplay to only 1 path to victory. Then again the true drawback to the game (or any wargame strategy game)is that the AI cannot compete on the thinking level of a human player. By that I mean that the computer doesnt adapt well, does not alter its strategy in midstream, does not understand the concept of sacrifice or how to set traps. These are human traits and I dont think the AI will get any better for a while to come. We can only hope. From Tom... not meaning to piss on anyone's ideas but just trying to understand them.
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-14-99 11:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
I just finished reading some of the later posts in the other thread about this subject and I feel a bit intimidated by the fact that I have a hard time being as eloquent as some of you (Goob, Darkstar ..etc..) I understand what you are all saying about the game and I feel you can play the game as either a builder like goob or a warmonger myself or like Darkstar. Goob... I know you like playing as abuilder and I like war but I was wondering if Darkstar enjoys playing as a warmonger or do you feel cheated in that you feel there is no other way to play.. especially in MP mode. For me I will probably never get the opportunity to play mp as I will never really have the time to do so(my loss,I know) but in sp I can enjoy the game the way I play as I would hope others can enjoy it their way. I think this is possible as many people have stated so many different types of strategy to play vs. the AI. I was only trying to point out one difference of opinion on the reality factor of the 2-1 ratio. I wasnt including armor rates or attack/defense factors, just the simple ratio and whether it was semi realistic to modern warfare. I think it is to a degree. I dont think it is so unrealistic as to call it silly but I am sure it could be better. I wish some of you were on right now so I could get a better understanding of this and maybe either help me out on this or make me see the light your way. Anyway keep smacing , there are always new ideas and challenges to be discovered in this game. I think Yin has found some new ways to play thus maybe revitalizing his interest and enjoyment in the game . If you are unhappy with the gameplay Darkstar I hope you can find a new way to get enjoyment from the game as I know what it is like to play a game and then be really dissapointed in the way it plays out.(for me that would be CTP)
Urban Ranger posted 05-15-99 01:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     
The US Marines did well in the Pacific theater mainly due to superior weapons. While they had big naval guns on the ocean and planes flying overhead, the Japanese had mostly infantry.

This sort of situation does not carry well into SMAC because you just don't have combined arms tactics in the game. Fighting is always man to man, er, one to one.

Another thing that bugs me is morale level is all mixed up with experience in SMAC. That seems very silly. Granted, more experienced troops tend to have better morale but they are not the same thing.

Urban Ranger posted 05-15-99 01:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     

I still can't see how you could rush an island fortress so early in the game. The game I am playing now I have the CDF and Silksteel armor by 2180, rendering any kind of Laser/Impact rush suicidal.

But I digress. If I am the defender of an island fortress, all I need to make are attack foils. An attacker, on the other hand, has to make transports and escorts. So right away I have 2:1 advantage in sea superiority there. While you very likely to have more cities they are in shambles and not able to support any sustained war efforts. I also have the advantage of operating closer to home, so damaged crafts can be repaired quicker.

I am also very curious as to how many, percentage wise, of enemy cities you can capture as opposed to destroy due to population reduction. Most cities with less than 4 population and without perimeter defenses get destroyed.

Urban Ranger posted 05-15-99 01:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     

Just add logistics and the rush winds down instantly.

For example, simply double the support cost for military units operating in foreign territory to reflect the tremendous burden of conducting a war of aggression. In this case, clean reactor acts as a -1 modifier for support cost (per unit).

Also, since it is impossible to coordinate large amounts of unit in an attack without a command structure, the following can be added to reflect this:

Each command center under a player's control generates a command point (CP) a turn. CPs can be stored. For each additional unit, other than the first one, to participate in an attack, a CP is required. Notice this is PER attack. Therefore a chopper attacking 3 times will burn up 3 CP, unless it is the only unit in the attacks. Units may defend normally without using CP.

This change will shift quantity ("xx rush") to quality. No longer can a player win by swarming an opponent with inferior units.

OldWarrior_42 posted 05-15-99 01:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Urban Ranger... I have said all along that I understand the reasons for the US victories attained in ww2. I am very well versed in that history. The point I was trying to make by using that example was that just because a unit is in a city in the game does not mean they should have the advantage over the attacker. If Darkstar's ideas on giving larger plusses to defenders were applied then it would be that way always . And that does not mirror real life warfare That is the only thing I disagree with... that the advantage is not always to the fortified defender, the2-1 ratio is at best somewhat realistic and that it does mirror real life modern warfare. I dont know how to make the gameplay better or what would indeed work better but I think it is good enough for different styles of play and for me(I am not that good anyway ... I can only win on the first 2 levels .. started playing level3 (talent?) and I keep getting swamped by everyone ). I will keep trying though.
StargazerBC posted 05-15-99 04:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for StargazerBC    
Find a patch of Fungus in enemy territory and put a cheap unit with Radar there (fungus hides units, radar let's you scan farther). This'll give you an early warning so you can send in your former to do the unthinkable--Raise and lower land to kill hordes and hords of units coming at you. I suggest not doing this too often or you'll wake up Planet.

Plant forest-- Rovers, no matter how many Movement PTS, will only have 1 move when in forest. It'll give you double the time to react. And, since they can't attack the same turn they move adjacent to your city--your unit can attack it. Planting fungus is not as good an idea b/c they can hide in it and eventully fungus will be treated as roads.

City-States: Frankly, there is no such thing as a Federal government in SMAC. Each city is independent of any other of your cities. Use this to your advantage. By building each city to be self-sufficient states you'll be able to wage war right down to the last city. Try playing 1 city against the AI. With the limited SUPPORT, ENERGY, POP, etc. a person'll have to be even more crafty against an AI who has 40+ cities. It's the best way to develop unconventional warfare.

Mindworms--Early on, hide a mindworm or two in Fungus. Mindworms have a bonus when attacking. They heal back to 100% when in Fungus,treat them as roads, and are invisible until a unit wants to move to that specific spot. Granted, It'll be less effective against High Morale units.

Darkstar posted 05-16-99 05:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Urban, you would be amazed. I am amazed that you have SilkSteel by turn 80. CDF doesn't make appearances that early in my games. Perims do slow me down SOME, but SilkSteel behind Perims would make me have to try and Probe you for it. If I didn't have Probes, I'd be SOL! Plus, when you are waging war, you are forcing your opponents to spend resources defending, not growing. And unless the city is size 2, I almost ALWAYS take it. It takes a very rich computer and a very light attack (virtually lone raider) for me not to take a city.

Unlike others, I never trade tech unless desperate for a particular tech. I don't MIND giving Syth Fuels to my allies (for example), but they make peace or truces and give away the tech I gave THEM to MY enemy. So I'd rather let them fry than have a Tech that does ANYTHING. And if my enemies have to spend time researching something I already know, all the better for me. Waste of their time. Also, I decided to track how many times the computer cheats by removing all pods from the game. It's much easier to spot the computer give Air Power to a faction quickly falling... And for a while, I have played without Unity Pods. As I have posted elsewhere, this slows me down. It allows me to try out new strategies and play styles without being tempted to use Artifacts to speed things up (Projects and protos). It acts like early stage tech stagnation as well, as you aren't getting Chaos tech from PodLotto when you have yet to get Impact, or Unity units to instantly upgrade to the latest kick butt units.

I generally change my Research priority to Conquest at start, to gain Laser, then go for Formers and Synth armor. If you change your Blind priorities, you can guide the research pretty well towards what you want, but its not guaranteed when you get there . Note I never TRY for Rovers, but if I suspect I am on a short land mass, I will go for Foils, ASAP. That of course, yeilds Rovers. Once I have the basic Techs (Formers, Laser/Impact, foils) I generally go for all the Eco Techs that yeild unlimited Food, unlimited Energy, and unlimited Minerals. The game has a good chance of being done before I get all three, depending on land mass, and whether or not any AI got Monsoon. Of course, not being the AI, I change and adjust strategies as needed.

Old Warrior... I do not think that looking at modern warfare between infantries is as accurate a source for SMAC as you think. All modern armies are ARMORLESS in SMAC terms. Why? We don't know of any way to put enough armor on a Grunt to be able to ignore an Enemy's weapon. We can pad him some, and give him a helmet, but nothing on the scale to ignore military rifles. That is literally what TANKS are for.

Second, when most cities changed hands due to fighting, they had been besieged, and in general had any field armies cut to pieces. The surviving elements of the armed forces that then retreated to the city. At which point the siege broke in and the defenders were routed and slain. This was a relatively RARE occasion, which is why they started slaughtering every man and half of the women and children in cities taken, so that the FEAR of what would happen if they lost was so powerful that the defenders would surrender.

SMAC does NOT model a city under seige and being cut off. It models a city not being able to use the TILE under the enemy. Unless the city is HUGE, this is a minimum inconvience to the city. It can still work all the OTHER land. And defenders can still be easily moved or flown in. So, it takes a minimum of 8 military units to surround a town. That's 16 TOTAL units to prevent briberies, unless running Fundie/High Probe/HSA to prevent basic briberies. It REALLY wouldn't take much to keep people in a SEALED city. Or at least, I wouldn't think so. So that element is out.

In modern combat, it was shown in the European Theatre which used a LOT of blitzkreig actions that a city with garrisons in them were extremely costly to assualt. In many cases, there wasn't the traditional rolling back of the defenders over a LONG enough period to let that absolute DECAY of morale sink in, giving the cities better motivated defenders.

I understand that no fortified defense will hold forever, especially not against motivated, well trained and (superiorly) armed attackers. However, the defenders can make the attack so costly that the attackers will leave them alone. But in only giving the cities a pitance of a bonus increases the War is King strategic value.

I do acknowledge that SMAC is built with enough OPTIONS to do something other than wage war. It just seems to me that the AI teaches you to go war. You might learn to wage war at Synth Fuels, or Chaos Weapons. But the number of people describing how they get that economic or transcendence victory seem to be rarer than those that take the better option versus time desired to complete the game and start another.

And I find that SMAC doesn't yeild the FUN that a challenging game of Civ gave me. Although I do place it about on level with Civ II (sometimes up, sometimes down, depending on bugs hit and how much micromanaging I had to do...). As I have ALSO said, there are other games that let me BUILD that I play to have fun and enjoy.


Urban Ranger posted 05-16-99 07:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     
Old Warrior:

I understand that your point is it doesn't always cost the attacker a lot more than the defender in the process of assulting a well fortified position, which I grant you. However, there are certain conditions for that to happen. Tech superiority is one of those factors.

On a similar tech level, SMAC grants more power to the attacker, e.g. Impact X vs plasma armor, while High Energy Chemisty should realistically gives the defender gas masks or even combat environ suits.

Darkstar - I suppose SimCity 3000 is a better game for the builder, eh?

Possibility posted 05-16-99 07:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Possibility    
The spartans can conquer the whole map in a very early rush. All the spartans need to do is get the tech for particle impactors and police state w/ planned economics. They have to be the first to build the Command nexus and then they are unstoppable. Once you get those 3 techs, completely turn off all research and turn your taxes to 100% and go full scale war. All you need to build are more colony pods, 2 formers per city, 1 defensive infantry, and then you just pump out impact rovers. Also expand, expand, expand. The spartans can have a hell of a lot of cities (just completely forget about that max number of cities limit). Make units with the police ablity to keep your cities happy. 3 units with the police ablility for the spartans will make 9!!! people content. You never need to make a single city improvement. Just make masses and masses of impact rovers and in the first 100 to 200 turns you will have conquered the entire map even on transcender level or even against other humans. (of course this strategy will not work if you dont have tech from conquest turned on).

May the possibilities remain infinite.

Urban Ranger posted 05-17-99 01:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     
How do you propose to beat another human player, such as the PK, UoP, or Gaians, to Doctrine: Loyalty?
Darkstar posted 05-17-99 02:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Possibility - I think you would need to research until Probe teams are known (especially with Spoils of War off).

Urban - You talking to Possibility? The best way is to attack early and often, preventing them from getting all those Recycle Tanks, Network Nodes, Biology labs, and Energy banks built.

I wouldn't worry about my Human opponents going for Perims. While its a smart and cautious thing to do, I would think in the long range plan of Building, it seems more efficent to shoot for CDF, and build that for the one time costs of gaining Perims. Hence, giving unknown or unsuspected early aggressors the edge. In MP games against people I have been talking the "No reason to delay Conqueoring..." debates, I'd shoot for Plasma and Poison Gas. It would make aggressor units more expensive, but you might as well burn down a defender that is probably digging in and preparing massive rovers and arty reserve to kick an aggressive army's butt. That would allow the few aggressors to get near a defended city to gas the heck out of it, and gain a significant boost to its attack power to raise the odds of destroying the defender WHILE cutting down the defender's production capability to support units, gain currency and research... no matter how small a percent. Those add up quick, after all. I suspect that Firaxis linked Gas usage to eco-damage for this very reason... they had discovered that they had over-charged the odds in the attackers favor and were trying to keep all the Ill-Wind attacks down some...


HughTheHand posted 05-17-99 04:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HughTheHand  Click Here to Email HughTheHand     
2-1 ratio reflects reality. Prior to the Great War it wouldn't (infantry on infantry, but with the defender dug in). But the advent of the armor has permanently changed the equation in favor of the attacker.

The 2-1 ratio is fine (for reality and anti-stagnation reasons)... but the *real* problem is the infantry being able to be as strong as the mechanical vehicles. It makes no sense - forget about mobility issues.

-- Hugh

Bingmann posted 05-17-99 05:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bingmann  Click Here to Email Bingmann     
SMAC is not a wargame - it doesn't reflect reality. They first made simple game mechanics that they thought provided balanced play, and then they added window dressing to make it look kind of real. Simulating reality was not a design criterion of this game.

Also, it's strange how people expect the game to allow one faction to pursue a peaceful "builder" strategy when another faction of relatively equal power is intent on pursuing total war. Now that would be extremely unrealistic. If Western Europe were marshalling all of its resources to level the United States to the ground, the United States would have to respond in kind or be destroyed. It would be weird to think that the US could pursue some kind of defensive war and still continue with the consumer-oriented economy and politics.

Goobmeister posted 05-17-99 05:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
amen brother Bingmann...
Goobmeister posted 05-17-99 05:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
How can we take this information and thought and apply it constructively to CIV III? (is there interest in doing this?) Any definitive ideas?
Darkstar posted 05-17-99 06:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Bingmann, A couple of things...

Counterpoint: SMAC is a war game. Liberated from the Human History of its predecessor game Civ and CIV II, it really shows it. Like MOM and all the previous war games before it up to and including MAINFRAME UNIX EMPIRE. But it is a war game that allows you to do more than wage war.

Your Point: SMAC is not reality. Correct.

Your Point: You can't build peacefully and fight a defensive war when a National/Factional power of some standing is gunning for you. Thanks. That is a point I have made many times.

Hugh - The modern infantry is a very mechanized war unit, in comparison to the infantry of WWI. SMAC Infantry more resemble WWI and older infantry rather than the modern US army, and comparisons between the two will never match easily or well.

ARMOR only changes the issue of assualting an enemy held position. And that Armor is TANKS. The modern FIREARM is what has changed the odds of assaulting the enemy for infantry. They use weapons whose only job are to kill UNARMED Humans. Nothing else. So your points about ARMOR are useless until you are talking hover tanks versus Cities... unless you think that SMAC infantry are like Robert Heinland's Starship Troopers in form fitting mecks. That would be armor on walker legs rather than hover skirts or treads.

Apparently, the SMAC rovers are as mobile as the Moon Buggies. A little more than you can walk.

I have yet to see an official Theatre Simulator that says the Attacker has a 2:1 advantage. That's simple not so. If it was, we wouldn't bother with air bombing campaigns and what not. We'd send in the marines and be done with it. But that isn't what happens. The Powell Doctrine of Modern US Warfare calls for overwhelming NUMBERS so as to so demoralize the opponent that they surrender rather than fight. But if that fails, then to not attack without a 20 to 1 odds... the OPTIMAL odds according to the Traditions of America Combat Strategy. And you never attack UNDER 12:1 odds according to the American Manual on General Warfare. We don't like to loose American lives, but in particularly over a fight that we lose.

Keep in mind that the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines are CONSTANTLY testing the effects of new tactics, equipment and strategy. And have interforcial war games every 2 to 6 years (depending on which branches you are talking about in conjuction with others). They would LIKE to see the odds for safely assaulting drop in this age of shrinking standing forces... They haven't. They are finding that they need MORE to get the job done than in the 60's... and the favor of the DEFENDER continues to grow wherever you don't have the Big Uglies (Tanks) to stomp them flat with arty and anchor assault lines.

So let's try and keep the claims about reality IN REALITY and not the movies. Thanks.


Urban Ranger posted 05-18-99 04:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     
I have always wondered whether all these 20:1 odds is a Pentagon ploy to hike up the defense budget.
Urban Ranger posted 05-18-99 04:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Urban Ranger  Click Here to Email Urban Ranger     
There might be a chance for that 2-1 odds in ideal situations, for example a tank division rolling down a 6-lane highway in central Europe. However any semi-intelligent defender will not play your game, and he has the advantage of changing the rules on you. Consider that Hitler's finest armor couldn't overcome Lenningrad in WWII, I think the 2-1 odds bit is just a little exaggarated.
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-18-99 08:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42 lie when you say you arent well versed in ww2. As a matter of fact I think you are actually MaCarthur in disguise. (did i spell his name right). You are correct. I surrenender . You have definitely changed my opinion based on your factual arguments. Good job. One other thing though to whomever it was that said smac is not a wargame. I think it is what the AI makes it,and generally speaking for myself it is always a wargame rush type deal.Every game I play the AI almost immediately comes after me effectively turning the game into all out war. So for me anyway it is a wargame . I would like to try a builders style but they never let me (those bastards)
Bingmann posted 05-18-99 09:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bingmann  Click Here to Email Bingmann     
Darkstar - If you consider chess to be a wargame, then SMAC is a wargame. The criterion I was using for a wargame was a combat model with some basis in reality, like the Close Combat games (or even most RTS games like Starcraft). Any game that ignores (or even turns on its head) such basic military principles as Lanchester's law can't be considered a "wargame" in my book.

As a side note, the US 20-1 doctrine is an amusing example of American decadence. That will work fine in small wars against backwards nations, but if the US ever finds its existence truly threatened, the 20-1 doctrine will be chucked as a infeasible extravagance.

Also, the US materiel acquisition policy flies in the face of this 20-1 doctrine since the trend is towards fewer and fewer more sophisticated vehicles and equipment. This works well when you're the gorilla taking on the mosquito, but in a war of survival, you'd rather have 5 times as many slightly less sophisticated fighter planes.

Goobmeister posted 05-18-99 01:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
Maybe we can create the Tech. Doctrine: Over-Whelming Force. Once you find this tech it forces your opponent to wait until they have 20-1 odds before they attack.

The various doctrines mentioned may or may not be sound military practices. They have absolutely nothing to do with the unit strength design in SMAC. All the doctrine states is simply "Don't attack until you have the firepower to win." It has nothing to do with the relative strengths of differant individual units. Based on this doctrine you would need to have ten unit with twice the attacking firepower of a defending unit to attack it. This is obviously not what we are discussing here.

Darkstar's (as an individual conqueror) point as I read it is that the Attacker has enough of an unrealistic attack adavantage that a defending side cannot hope to resist the attacker unless they pour all their resources into defense, to the extent that they are not able to complete their attempted infrastructure builds. Thus SMAC is a wargame that will always settle into a battle between "conquering" forces where the attacking side has the advantage, and a defending side does not have the time or resources to devote to building a prepared defense.

We can all grant to Darkstar that for equal resource input the attack factor will rise faster than the defense factor (based on technology acquired).
The key then when preparing to defend your homeland do not depend on the armor value of your units.
Though actually based on some figures that I was working on here at work it seems that if my memory of the costs involved are correct then if equal resoources are put into buying purely defensive units then the defender does not fall behind the attacker. Individual units will be weaker but the defender will be able to buy more of them because they will be cheaper.

Hmmn..., early rush tactics will not work initially against a human unless the human is caught by surprise. If a rusher engages a hapless AI opponent and defeats that opponent thus growing through those means, while someone is still committed to a builder strategy, then the relative growth will depend on the distance that the conqueror must travel and how many turns are spent in transit instead of growth.

Thus a human who starts near an AI opponent, and then conquers that opponent will grow faster than one who does not take advantage of the closeness or who is not close to an AI. This is compounded if Spoils are on. A conqueror will have proportionally slower growth if their targets are further away.

Considering Darkstar's reported starting positions early rushes will work most of the time for him, if not all the time.

Even when I start on Standard size maps I have never had more than two opponents nearby on my same continent, usually less. Of those two only one has ever been a conqueror faction, and one AI faction is hopelessly easy to hold off. I have never needed nor wanted to employ early rushes.

I've started rambling again.

The SMAC combat system needs work mainly in realism somewhat in playability.

The supposed "attacker advantage" is in my opinion a non issue. In SP there is the Human advantage, whether the human is attacking or defending. In MP there is a combat advantage to whomever is pouring the most resources into their combat machine and making the most efficient use of those resources. A human who is having his/her homeland invaded should have a mix of units created/available, don't depend on armor value alone.

Darkstar & Old Warrior, just because you can play SMAC on warfooting does make SMAC a wargame. In 1 on 1 Mp play then yes it will resemble a Wargame. In 3-7 player Mp, where two or more "builders" could if they choose to, band together to use there combined production to out build and out fight a conquering based player, then SMAC is not a wargame, it is a strategy game that has a war element to it.

I have so totally lost the thread of what I came on to say that I am going to stop talking.


tfs99 posted 05-18-99 05:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for tfs99  Click Here to Email tfs99     
>>>>> Goob

When you start to ramble ... time to head to the "BLAH Threads!"

Even though you might consider it rambling, you have encapsulated the gist of the points I would make. If you choose to fight, you'll be a "Conqueror". If you choose to develop your infrastructure, you'll be a "Builder". If you're a Builder under assault by a Conqueror, then you're _forced_ to switch your strategy. I wouldn't consider that a weakness in the game. It's just a reflection of the course your opponent decide to chart. Am I missing something here?

If you are involved in a 2P MP game and get into an early war against your human opponent, you'll be at a decided disadvantage when the AI comes to beat up on the victor. But then perhaps the game ends when you wipe your human opponent out?

If you're involved in a 3+ player MP game and get into an early 1-on-1 war against a capable human opponent, you'll quickly find yourself losing even to the AI. Now if you can get an AI to sign on board (or better still, attack a human who is already at war with the AI), that's a different story.

Everytime I have been confronted with a "rover rusher" in MP it hasn't been that hard to fend them off and counterattack back to their bases. In fact once I eliminated a "rover rusher" who was hosting!

Many "rushers" overlook the value of a well planned and meticulously positioned defense. I don't recall if I saw this mentioned, but a strategy that I employ is to build a good supply of cheap $10 Scouts and set them to be the primary defenders, that way my quality units are relatively untouched by any assault wave. If you're in a base or a bunker, then you'll take no collateral damage. You're then set for a counterstrike.

Of course an attacker can employ this strategy as well. However, it will slow his assault forces by 50%, unless using $20 Scout Rovers. Kinda expensive though for cannon fodder.

Also, having two small reserves of rovers on each flank serve as a great counterattack force. If you're opponent is "rushing" along a narrow front, they're toast. As long as you can get the first blow in, you're set!

SMAC n ... Ted S.

OldWarrior_42 posted 05-18-99 06:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Goob... The reason it is a wargame for me is because I will never have the opportunity to play any type of mp game My games will always be sp and against the ai. Also if you noticed what I have been saying is that the game can be many styles depending on whom you are playing ,the situation of factionson the map, size of map etc... but for me it always becomes a wargame because the ai always attacks me in the early stages of the game. The last game I played huge map of planet, the Gaians,and was surounded by 4 other factions on one small to medium sized continent. I tried to be passive and give every one what they wanted and within 25 turns they still started attacking the hell out of me on 3 fronts.This was on Talent level . Needless to say it was too late for me to go conquer. This is why I immediately go conquer in most of my games because the ai almost always does the same to me . Like I said this is just my experience, it could very well be different for other people but for me the ai inevitably turns the game into a wargame rush . Also I surrendered to Darkstar's arguments only because I really wasnt getting my point across very well . Every one was telling me why the us beat the japanese in ww2 , due to tech and weapon advantages etc... I know the reasons why, I just used that example to show an idea of a fortification . That is all. Probably a bad example but the only one that quickly came to my mind at the time when I wrote that. My real difference of opinion with Darkstar was that in his very first post he said something about giving defensive units at least a plus 100% boost in defense just because it was in a city and even before any other plusses were given. Also that other plusses for defense could have been higher. In effect what this would do is make the defensive unit with the swisscheese jacket and water pistol as strong or possibly stronger than my unit with the photon torpedoes and cloaking device. I think on offense if that is the case I should be able to kick ass at 2-1 or even better odds on that swisscheese unit. I gave up too early this morning Darkstar I was hurting from pulled back muscle and tired from work. So I guess I am maybe unsurrendering now and trying to make a point here again. Who knows maybe you can change my mind again. See you tommorrow sometime have to get ready to work again ....suckssssssss.
jimmytrick posted 05-18-99 06:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jimmytrick  Click Here to Email jimmytrick     
I have a question for you guys. If you set the game up so that you can win only by transcending:

1. Does that mean that the AI must transcend to win?

2. If yes, will the AI play style change? Would it play more of a builder style?


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-19-99 08:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Don't ask me... Ican not even beat talent let alone try to transcend . Sorry cant help cause "I'm a loser baby so why dont you kill me"
Goobmeister posted 05-19-99 10:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
Warrior (old - young who cares?) You obviously have a network connection, (either that or an enviable tele-cyberkinetic ability). Even if this is not your game machine you can still go home start an MP game hot seat/ PBEM play your turn, save it, zip it, come back to work the next day and email it to a pbem buddy, if you can do that with someone in europe then he/she will play while you're at work and email it back to you. download to disk go home and repeat.

The other quicker process is to develop a split personality and play hotseat games by yourself. If the AI is coming at you hot and heavy then your two players can band together to overcome the AI.

NO PC is an island....


Goobmeister posted 05-19-99 10:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
TrickyJim, I would doubt that the AI changes very much, based on victory requirements.

What you could do though is edit the factions to decrease their willingness to use force to achieve goals, or increase their interest in knowledge or something along those lines.


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-19-99 12:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Goob.... no pc connection at work... this is my only1 computer at home. But I have just given my cd to a good friend of mine today and he is going to put it on his comp. so maybe there is hope. I dont know if I would know how to do a pbem game .I would have to be shown or walked thru it to get it right. I am only as old as the number in my user name (so not very old if you ask me , just dont ask my daughters ). Maybe eventually I will email you my phone number and you can call me and give me yours if you want and then you can walk me thru it or help me out . I do think you are one of the more intelligent people I have gotten to know. Dont let that go to your head now. We shall see what we shall see
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-19-99 12:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Oh yeah and Goob I dont even no if I can say tele-cyber kinetic ability 5 times fast. I am lucky I find my way home from work in the mornings. I work 12 hour night shifts 7pm-7am. I like the idea of the split personality thing though . I could probably fit into that profile with no problem . Thanks . No man is an island...was that Goob and Garfunkel, I dont remember.
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-19-99 12:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
I'm gonna go lay down now .I'm getting even stupider( no that should read more stupid)than I usually am or are. But I have off tonite Later
Darkstar posted 05-19-99 03:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Old Warrior - My apologies. *Deep bow* I had not meant to rail upon you so strongly. I am in an idol period at work, and having regained my strength from the last crunch, I have a lot more energy to type with. Leads to much too long posts here, I think.

Bingmann - I *do* consider Chess to be a wargame. One of the more ancient ones, but it was DESIGNED to be a war game. A game to allow royalty and war leaders to match wits and gain each others respect without necessarily having to waste the lives of trained warriors (among other things). While Chess isn't the best of war games, not having any random factors in it, it does allow one to match wits and Chess skill against others. I have seen people argue that even Checkers and Tic Tac Toe are war games, but even I have limits that I will stretch (semi)logical supposition to.

Goob - HURRAY! I agree with almost all that you have said. I really couldn't care LESS about REALISM, as I do about PLAY-BALANCE. And you are right, I think that SMAC leans a little too heavily towards Aggressor. Not having to worry about supply lines, other than new units moving up to the hot zone, frees the Aggressor from so very much. Making the odds 3:2 would in my opinion, make the game more BALANCED between Peaceful and Aggressive Expansion. Expansion is the key to the game.

If I only started with one or two immediate neighbors, even with ONE of them being the classic Aggressors factions, I'd go peaceful and swap to a war footing when they came after me. That would allow me to maximize Peaceful expansion with the initial increase in KNOWLEDGE that I prize so highly in games with Reseach. Unfortunately, this is simply not somthing I see very often, unless playing prebuilt scenarios/maps. If your miles vary from this, well, I'm jealous!

I disagree about defensive units keeping up with attacking units. Depending on the individual parts, its generally CHEAPER to build that Suicide Trooper (Top weapon-no or half armor), or the (Top Weapon-No to Half Armor) Rover over a (No Weapon-Top Armor) Garrison unit. Strap on anything that isn't free to that Garrison unit (police, trance, AAA) and you have a unit that can cost the equal to (near)Top Weapon-Top Armor-Infantry. *Armor* cost big time in comparison to Weapons. Another Subtle Game Balance in favor of the Attacker.

And once Fusion arrives, one can (generally) exchange the cost of Best Defender and Top Attacker... only the Attacker will have Top-Top-1*2 to the Defenders No-Top-1*2. I don't know how things stack in your game, but once fusion hits, THAT is the Rover Rush zone. 2 to 3 Rovers can be built for that one top defender... and at those odds, that's pretty nasty. Support and lack of Clean become *my* big issues at that point.

And of course, the AI. Since SE will always force you to be artificially at war with one or two of the factions (if still unsurrendered in the game), the game is once again hearding you toward War. As there is also the Beat up Number 1 and Number 2 and everything smaller than me and the everything that is my neighbor and the Kill the Human programming... we are talking a LOT of instances that the computer decides its time for WAR. Why should Lal go to war with a peaceful Fundamentalist state? Or even a Police State? No reason other than he is a Psycho-Raving Maniac bent on total world conquest, as are all the other AI Factions. Morgan is ONE of the few truly pacifistic set AI, and he will go Aggressor and wage war on you in a heartbeat, rather than peacefully expand expand expand...

Anyways... while I agree that one human can do as he generally pleases in SMAC, (if he has the patience, luck, and knowledge) and that multiple humans in a game could get interesting, between the game *teaching* you to wage war and strike now as its just going to strike 20 or 60 turns later, and the fact that its pathetic to be the defender in a city, I don't see many games of everyone building and doing the Transcendance Race. Merely those that wage war with Hand weapons, Impact weapons, Missile weapons, Chaos, Tachy, Shard, or Planet Busters. I would HOPE that a game won in an Economic Victory while my opponent is trying to Acsend would carry the great thrill that a long fun game completed should. I just think those will be very rare multiplayer games indeed.

And Goob, there are many PC's that are islands. That is called secured around here.


Goobmeister posted 05-19-99 03:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
Darkstar, I do have to tell you a secret...
The only victory condition in SMAC that holds any interest to me is *** Look both ways on the forum *** Shoot JAM is looking this way, duck, hide, come out of the shadows in a trench coat and mask... Conquest victory.

I will sometimes "cop out" and do a diplomatic victory when I am bored with the current game, or I woder "Why am I as Brother Lal kicking the snot out of Dierdre and Zak? I've already killed all the aggressor races, well the Hive has that one base left but..." So I bribe Lal with all my techs or something and we go diplomatic.

I may try an economic victory at some point, I will never go for transcendence, I abhor the idea, (I have this strange clinginess to my humanity) Cooperative victory combined with conquest or diplomatic is fine.

I just enjoy building my techs up to shard or hovertanks - I've never gotten to Grav ships. I consider myself a builder, because I would prefer building and I have always been able to keep building in SP, even in my transcend war against Miriam while she is in the Jungle, my research and infrastructure growth has slowed but it is still happening and I will win.

Please don't tell anyone that I am not a pure honest builder.


Aredhran posted 05-19-99 04:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
The advantage of the "Swiss-cheese jacket" when your city is besieged and your food supply runs low, is that you can still eat it Forgive me, that was a bad and easy joke, but I just could not resist. Oh, and by the way, I have to add that the "stuff" Americans dare call Swiss Cheese has *nothing* to do with the Real Stuff (trust me, I know )

Anyway, this is a great thread... What can I say. Darkstar, I agree with your points, BUT. I *know* I can beat the crap out of the AI with an early rush, however IMHO there is not much fun in that. So, since I enjoy longer games, I like to play builder at the beginning, it makes it more difficult to mount an assault on an enemy faction.

It's all about having fun, if you ask me


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-19-99 08:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Good one Aredhran. I really do like swiss cheese. Also you are right this game really is just all about fun as it should be and this is an enjoyable thread along with it's sister thread. Darkstar... no need to apoligize for did nothing wrong ... just stated your arguments in a well versed manner ..thats all one can ask for. I tend to
be very tired in the mornings when I post after work which led to my early surrender the other day. Dont stop .I am enjoying this too much. Also I guess you are a builder at heart,huh?Either that or you would like to try a different strategy from war if only the dam phsyco AI factions would let you.
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-19-99 11:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Hey Darkstar... I was wondering if you have ever played the game Axis and Allies.. either in boardgame version or on the comp. It has an even dumber AI then smac but I still like that game since it reminds me of long ago days when I used to play it against my brother . Rolling dice across the floor hoping for the numbers to be there. What are some other strategy war games you have played (board or comp) I am also into chess and I have heard alot about a game called the operational art of war. What do you know about that one? Going to the zone now to play a game of Age of Empires ROR with afriend . I have an even harder time with rts than tbs , they move so fast.
JAMstillAM posted 05-20-99 02:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     

You're right, I am watching you. And, I'm very disappointed.

Okay everyone, here's my confession. I've never won a conquest victory. That's not to say that I couldn't have done it. Rather, it's because I get bored stiff, hunting down every last AI base on a huge map. Usually, by the time that I get to the point that I go on the offensive, it is for one of two reasons. The first is that I'm going for transcendence and there is a large and heavily armed warmonger faction that just won't leave me alone. Then I'll wage war by taking out their homeland so I don't have to put up with them attacking me all of the time. The other reason is that I am going for supreme leader and am already at the 50% mark in planetary votes. Then I'll wage war long enough to get to the 75% mark and call the election. This is where maintaining a Noble or Faithful reputation comes in handy, so as to avoid having to hunt down rebellious dissenters.

Now, in a nod to Darkstar, if I find that I have had the bad fortune to have been seeded close by an AI upon Planetfall, I'll research war techs and do "a rush" to force them to surrender to me (or kill them if necessary) in order to get that breathing room needed for developing my infrastructure. But, as soon as I am "safe" I kick into building mode and stay in that until the late game. I don't mind carrying on with low level warfare, in the enemy's part of the world, to keep him off balance and out of the core of my empire. But, I just find the task of complete conquest so boring as to be unthinkable as a way of winning the game. As an aside, in Civ II, only once did I ever win a conquest victory, for the same reasons. I only did it, by accident, because I thought that a barbarian city would count as an active AI city and I was trying out my buddy's "pet empire" strategy.


Goobmeister posted 05-20-99 02:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
I found that the AI in the board game Axis and Allies was quite dumb, it was hard to get it to even take a turn...

Old Warrior have you tried Warlords III, or Steel Panthers (I,II, or III)

If you can find any old games by Gary Grigsby you'll be in for a treat.

The game I am waiting/wanting to try is West Front (or East Front II).

I must also agree with Aredhran, both because I want to and because of contractual obligations.

I am now off to slumber land to dream little dreams of conquering the world in a scout rush...


Darkstar, have you won only building scouts and colony pods?

Aredhran posted 05-20-99 04:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
Oh yeah, baby. Steel Panthers. Of all the modern wargames, this is definitely the ones I prefer (although I've never played SPIII, a friend of mine bought it and said it was crap).

My favorite was definitely SPII. Boy, did I hate it when those damn Russians had T-80 against my M-60 (because I had no cash to upgrade them to M-1 Abrams)

I really liked having the option of Heavy artillery support, air support and chopper units (I always tried to have a squadron of AH-64 both for recon and for eliminating light-armored ground units, also great for chasing fleeing enemies)

Haven't played this game in ages.

Goobmeister posted 05-20-99 11:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
For a man who colors running letters, you have good taste in games.

Actually I haven't played III though I can't imagine that it sucks (other than it is still DOS based and thus a pain to run in 95) It has been about 8 months since I played. I only played one campaign, I usually stuck to the scenarios, (in 'I' I played more campaigns.) I found that I was usually too aggresive and would get shot to hell but the game was/is a blast especially when I settled down. I liked very modern battles between Abrams and Leopards, ahh the good ol days.


JAMstillAM posted 05-20-99 11:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     
Personally, I preferred the "General" series of games by SSI for pure wargaming pleasure. Or, even the Civil War Generals 2 game, by Sierra. I just couldn't get too enthused about Steel Panthers (bought the combo pack I,II,III) as the user interface was too clunky for my tastes. If you really want a good operational combat game, try People's General. Okay, that's enough off-topic.

SMAC, SMAC, SMAC, rah, rah, rah, blah, blah, blah, build, build, build, kill, kill, kill, transcend, now I'm a demi-god.


Darkstar posted 05-20-99 01:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
What war games have I played? Oh boy! I cut my teeth on Chess, Risk, and Avalon Hill's Starship Troopers (loved EVERYTHING about that game). Loved that ST. Men in self-contained space suits with a battleship's worth of armor and enough tactical nukes to turn the greater part of North America into a series of glass craters. Just thinking about it makes me droll... That was the game that introduced me into the wondrous world of serious games, and at the tender age of 7... after that, I bought anything with the name Avalon Hill on it, and let me tell you, there was a lot of trash out there...
Let's see... Battle Tech, Star Fleet Battles, Amoeba Wars, Dawn Patrol (Also known as Knights of the Air), Delta V, Stars! (The board game mostly), Shadow Lord... If it involved Science Fiction or Flying, I was ALWAYS up for playing it, or trying it out... King Maker, Blood Bowl, Kings and Things, To The Stars!, Galatic Conquest ... humm...
I skipped Axis and Allies as the only gamers I could find reliably to play it were strategic light weights. They couldn't STOP classic Ally WW2 tactics, yet they couldn't stop Germany from winning when I played them. As it spoiled their fun, I went on and left them to that. (we did several Role Playing games, and I'd rather not piss off fellow players and a co-GM). That stigma from then has kept me from ever seriously considering it. Loved Supremecy. A Risk that was updated for the 'modern' age. Paradrops, Orbital Spy platforms, nukes... Too bad we couldn't play for more than a day at a time. Squad Leader, Advanced Squad Leader, Panzers, Panzers 2... Panzer General... It's been so long, its hard to remember most of them...
Never played Steel Panthers. Heard nice things, but when you have to build a classic epic adventure series for your buddies to get them to agree to play against you in anything involving Strategy or Tactics, you stop playing. Can't blame them... its a lot more fun to win than lose, and anything I brought forward I had a chance to mull over already, giving me a slight edge. Enough to discourage them when they see the odds shifting against them... however temporarily. So I have a lot more practice at things like Nuclear War and The Great Khan Game than in serious games that lets one stretch those Strategic and Tactical mental muscles.

Goob - never won by just building scouts and colony pods. Closest I have come is I had to build some infrastructure and a few odds and end military to capture mind worms to beat up on all the aggressors who had eliminated all the less aggressive ai factions... total conquest victory, Gaians (Me) was the end result. I'll keep that in mind for a Believer challenge in the future though. Probably close to impossible with the way the Aggressive AI likes to wage war on the militarily weaker, and scouts don't count for much... Humm.... Can I build interceptors? And capture mind worms?

Jam, if you want to be a Demi-god, play Populous. I love that world engine they have in Pop III. Very cool.


JAMstillAM posted 05-20-99 02:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     

Is Populous really good? It looked interesting, but then again, they all do from the outside of the box. I admit, I sho do love doing that God thang.

You liked Starship Troopers too? I LOVED that game. Of course, I liked playing the bugs, though. I especially liked the final scenario. What a slug-fest. All them nuclear mines made short work of the MI when they dropped and I loved popping out of my holes and eating what little remained of them hapless troopers. I still have it, along with all my other classic AH games. The new version that they released when the movie came out is fun, but it isn't a "real" wargame.

Oh, and SMAC, SMAC, SMAC. Gotta keep on topic.


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-20-99 05:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Thanks for the answers guys .... appreciate knowing what other people like to play as far as war goes . Darkstar if you like chessthen remember an avalon hill bookshelf game called Feudal? I think you would enjoy that alot as it was very similar in some ways to chess. Also just wanted to know about the steel panther games...are they real time or turn based? Oh yeah smacsmacsmacsmac
ishmael13 posted 05-20-99 05:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ishmael13  Click Here to Email ishmael13     
The whole attack vs. defense debate was interesting to read, especially the versions of WW II history I read...The bottom line is "it depends". I'm a serving intelligence officer in the US Army with a background in military history. My job requires me to have a thorough understanding of tactical, operational and strategic operations.

With respect to the 2:1 debate, attackers generally require a 3:1 force ratio to be successful. That 3:1 force ratio can be described in terms of technology, physical weaponry, tactics, morale or a combination of these factors. This ratio frequently rises to 6:1 or more in urban fighting. One need only recall Leningrad or modern Grozny to see examples of technologically and numerically inferior forces holding larger, better equiped attackers at bay.

City fighting, especially against properly defended cities, is an ugly brutal affair that makes jungle warfare look like a stroll in the park. The battle of Berlin during WW II cost the Russians huge losses despite the fact that the Russians had overwhelming force and that the city defense was poorly organized, equipped and supplied. Urban combat losses are not measured in the hundreds, but in the thousands.

All this being said, SMAC is a game, and it is necessary to keep the game moving. Giving a defender a +25% defense bonus is acceptable. After all, a city with many defensive units becomes a real pain in the rear to occupy, especially if the attacker's supply lines are overextended or vulnerable to counterattack.

Those of you who have tried the game on Transend/Ironman will appreciate my point when I say that attacking cities is a costly, though necessary strategy. Successful tactics mirror those in the real world: use aircraft to seal off the city and deny him reinforcements, bombard him with artillery to weaken defenders and conduct infantry and armor assaults to eliminate the defenders.

SMAC is a good simulation of an operational level wargame. If one views the various units as brigade-sized organizations and neglects the logistical aspects, it becomes a reasonable approximation of 'reality'.

Sorry if this was bookish, Inteligence pukes tend to be that way (:-)

ishmael13 posted 05-20-99 05:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ishmael13  Click Here to Email ishmael13     
By the by, as to the defensive-pre-emptive strike, modern military thinking has always advocated vigorous counterattacks against exposed or overextended opponents. If the enemy leaves him/herself open to attack, it is only prudent to eliminate those vulnerable forces. If SMAC is a 'Rush-game', then it mirrors the real world. The world's military's realized that truism around the time of Jenghiz Khan...
JAMstillAM posted 05-20-99 06:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     
Old Warrior42,

The Steel Panther series is turn-based tactical combat for I & II, brigade level for III. Feudal brings back memories, too. I've got the 3M Bookshelf game. How's that for old-timer bragging rights?


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-20-99 06:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
ishmael.... one question about the battle at Leningrad. Were there not some other reasons for the russians holding onto the city than just the mere(?) fact that it is incredibly hard to take them(cities, I mean). I had thought that other elements were in their favor such as the german army being ill prepared for the russian winter. The higher odds in the numbers game. By that I mean the russian forces outnumbered the german forces to a large degree so even though the germans had superior tech,weapons et all they were out numbered in force which makes it hard to occupy or take positions when you spread yourself thin. Also the germans overextended themslves by bringing in a two front war thus in effect splitting their armies in half and taking some of the bang out of their previously succesful blitzkrieg tactics. I dont know if these are correct assumptions to make or not but I figured you being a military man might know. What do you think?
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-20-99 06:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
JAMiAM... I have that bookshelf game still also. It is an excellent game dont you think. And thanks for the answer on steel panthers. Will have to try it. Goob ... I have a demo on west front game... will try it soon as i get away from playing smac and aoe.I will let you know what it is like and if you want i can send you the demo disc in the mail for you to try Igot it with my last issue of pcgamer. Let me know if you want it.
OldWarrior_42 posted 05-20-99 06:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Oh yeah... JAMiAM ... they also had 2 other games that you might know of. My brother still has those bookshelf games. One was called ...D-Day and the other was ..(The Third Reich, I think).
Bingmann posted 05-20-99 07:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bingmann  Click Here to Email Bingmann     
Darkstar, JAM - Used to play Starship Troopers with my friend (his game). I never liked it because I never read the rules and I suspect he made them up as we went - I always got hosed. JAM, what's 3M?

OWarrior - I had Feudal, too. At the time, my dad used to call it "futile".

As far as being old goes, I had a subscription to SPI's Strategy & Tactics magazine before they went out of business. (Had just renewed for a year when they went under. TSR was nice to send me 2 issues once they started it back up, I suppose.) The games in those magazines are about the only tabletop games I've ever played to the end. Oh, except for War at Sea, Victory in the Pacific, and various miniatures games which we played a lot.

JAMstillAM posted 05-20-99 07:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     
Old Warrior42,

Yeh, I had those 2, as well as about 3 dozen other AH games. D-Day came in the flat box though, not in the bookshelf box.

Leningrad held out for the simple reason that the Germans never made a concerted effort to take the city. They foolishly became content to merely besiege it. They didn't completely close the noose around it either as the Soviets were able to run some supplies through Lake Ladoga. They even laid railroad tracks down over the frozen lake surface during the winters to facilitate the supply efforts.


Goobmeister posted 05-20-99 07:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
I started more solo games of Third reich than I can count and I never finished one. I am psychotic but not that psychotic. Battle of the Bulge, The Russian Campaign, Alexander the Great (my mom sold that one by mistake- I may forgive her one day, but it has only been 12 years) Those were some of my favorites. Oh and Victory in The Pacific. D-Day I didn't enjoy, but Fortress Europa I still own. Feudal was cool especially with some variant rules I found (I'll have to see if I still have that one) I think that covers one box of my current collection. By the time I was 16 I had well over 600 dollars in Wargames, (that was almost 20 years ago so that was still some sum.) If my wife only knew what she is getting into once my son(s) are a few years older.

I don't care if they play with Barbie dolls the rest of the time but by god they are going to be Strategy/War game masters.


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-20-99 07:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
I was pretty sure there was other circumstances for the failure of the germans to take Leningrad besides( or not only) the fact that cities were in general hard to take in ww2. Thanks for that info especially the little tidbit about the rr tracks. That is amazing.And yes now that you mention it , it wasnt a bookshelf game (D-Day)you are right . Anyway all good games I thought.
Goobmeister posted 05-20-99 07:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
Old Warrior I think I can download the demo, I'll check and get back to you.

Starship Troopers was cool(not as cool as the book.) But I enjoyed it for awhile. It lost something in solo play.

JAMstillAM posted 05-20-99 07:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     

3M = Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing. You know, the makers of Scotch tape, Scotch-brite, etc. Back in the 60's they got into board games and came out with a line of games called the "Bookshelf" games. Avalon Hill bought the line in the early seventies and kept most of the titles active for a while and expanded the line to include many of their newer games.

Don't you just hate it when your gaming partners explain just enough of the rules to beat you. "Oh, didn't I tell you that on every third turn, all of my units have paradrop capability?" The first AH game I ever "learned" how to play was Panzerblitz. The guy who "taught" me told me that all a unit had to do to kill another unit was to move into its hex (like chess). This made the most powerful units in the game the German armored cars, since they moved the farthest. I tell you, I never played with him again after I read the rules myself.

Old Warrior,

Yeh, Feudal was a kick.


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-20-99 07:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Bingmann, Goob.... Feudal ...definitely a very cool game. I never saw variant rules versions though. That must have been interesting. Also Goob when your sons get older you are in for many a blissfull evening of hot seat or home network games I am sure. Jealous too wishing my daughters liked war a little more now so I could crush them like bugs. Man I hope I didnt shoot this thread to sh.t by going off topic but eh who cares.
JAMstillAM posted 05-20-99 07:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     

What's so bad about playing with Barbies? After all, she's just the prototypical product from all of those bio-enhancement facilities that you build in SMAC. Why do you think that they cause ALL of your troops morale to gain two levels?

Just getting this thread back on topic.


OldWarrior_42 posted 05-20-99 07:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OldWarrior_42  Click Here to Email OldWarrior_42     
Sorry JAM, You too as far as the feudal game goes( it was a kick). I forgot how many people I was replying to. Losing my mind (flashing back to the late60's early70's ).
Goobmeister posted 05-20-99 07:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
no I can't find a download


tfs99 posted 05-20-99 07:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for tfs99  Click Here to Email tfs99     
I've only seen film footage of _TRUCKS_ running across frozen Lake Ladoga. I don't think the ice was strong enough to hold the weight of trains. But either way, quite resourceful of those Russkies.

Anyway ... the main reason Leningrad did not fall is because the Soviet government was willing to let LOTS and LOTS of people die there defending it. Strategically it wasn't that important for the Germans to take. Symbolically it was vital for the Soviets to hold.

My Russian teacher in college said that there were _HUGE_ mass graves of the thousands upon thousands that died from fighting, starvation and disease. So many that they were simply marked 1941, 1942, 1943.

My first wargame was Risk, using bogus rules that my friend told me. After that Blitzkrieg and Afrika Korps and on and on. I couldn't remember or list the number of wargames I bought and played in my teen and college years. Easily well over $1,000 worth.

Now I find that the SPI "monster" games that I was addicted to: Highway to the Reich, Atlantic Wall, Wacht am Rhein, War in Europe, War in the Pacific, Campaign for North Africa, etc. (all $40+ bucks a wack) are selling for twice that on EBay these days.

I just gave my whole collection away to a friend a few years ago (see what computers will do to you). When he called to see if I wanted them back I said "no." And then I found about EBay. Aieeeeee!!

SMAC n ... Ted S.

Darkstar posted 05-21-99 12:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
I had heard about the rail into Leningrad. Maybe it was a Light Rail? You'd be surprised at how easy those can be built and how much they can haul. But I am pretty much a general idiot about the specifics of the German offensives against Russia.

The Russians didn't care if the whole bloody nation died. It was one of the few things they had. There were MANY reasons for German failure... Starting from the German army not being prepared for the legendary nasty winter weather to Hitler interfering too much and too often in things he didn't know anything about. Of course, when you are always being told you are a Demi-Urge (or greater) and that you are infallible, it tends to have an effect on you.

Ish, welcome aboard. If you are MI, I feel for you. My girlfriend is, strangely enough, former MI and if the Armed Services traditions are still being that rigidly followed, I am glad I am only a contractor for NASA.

And the problem with SMAC is that you are rarely overextended, except by virtual of having ran out of move. Seems a little odd, but...

The problem with History is it gets naturally revised. We have to hope not too much.

Bingmann - Let me guess. Your friend picked the sides you each played in Starship Trooper. The scenarios generally leaned toward one side or the other, although as I REMEMBER it, the spiders had the worse time of it overall. Been a long while since I played it though. But those slugfests were something else...

Goob - Yep. It lost a lot in solo play. Sniff. But sometimes thems the breaks. That's why Strategy Gamers become programmers. You can code the computer, and it will always play until broke. Too bad the computer players code sucks.

I wanted to try Feudal, but never got a chance. I saw it at a Con initially, and as I had kicked the owner extremely quickly in Titan (a very odd but fun combination of tactical combat, concentration, and mythological monsters) the day before, well, he wasn't favorable to trying to teach it. Only saw it one other time, but I didn't have the cash to buy it, being a middle school teen at the time...


Aredhran posted 05-21-99 04:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
Starship Troopers: I never even *knew* there was a game (boardgame, wargame ?) about this... I read the book long ago, and loved the movie.

Well, maybe the game's supply lines were overextended, and it never got to Swiss Cheese Country

- The only good bug is a dead bug

Aredhran posted 05-21-99 04:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
Darkstar, the games you mentioned above are not computer based... What were your earliest computer wargames ? The oldest I can remember are, on my C-64:

Theatre Europe (C-64 "graphic character"), a typical cold-war, early 80s NATO vs WAPA war with tactical nukes and biochemical warfare. No scenarios, very simplistic. Never won with NATO...

Battle for Normandy. My first computer hex-based wargame. I think it was from SSI but I'm not really sure. IIRC, it was an adaptation of the original board game. Very complicated, slow and with one of the clunkiest interfaces I've seen.

There were a few others, but I don't quite remember them. I also remember the ancestor of Starcraft et al: The Ancient Art of War, which I played on my friend's old Mac 512...

I feel old, suddenly

Bingmann posted 05-21-99 10:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Bingmann  Click Here to Email Bingmann     
First computer wargame? Does Land/Sea combat on the Atari console count? Always liked the tanks in the complex maze with pong bullets. Otherwise, first computer strategy/wargame was Galactic Empire on TRS-80. Other TRS-80 games: Battle of Shiloh?, AH Midway, AH Bismarck (North Atlantic Convoy Raider?), most of the rest were action/rpg games (Rescue from Rigel - shoot those High Tollahs!) Most of these games were written in BASIC, so I modified them heavily, especially by adding better graphics. On C64 we liked a tactical level modern combat game from SSI, forgot the name.

I've still got a bunch of old SPI games down in the basement, but since they're all "punched" and in poor condition, they probably aren't worth much. I do remember the shock I had attending an auction at Origins in the early '80s and seeing the prices that the old SPI games were fetching even then.

Goobmeister posted 05-21-99 11:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
At leningrad the russians built rail part way on to the lake, and then for a number of miles they had to transfer everything to trucks and then back onto rail for the last section into the city.

I used to manage a used book, music, game store here in AZ, and once I saw a copy of AH's 1914, I freaked, I opened it and saw that the top piece board was unpunched, I was trembling, then I saw that the second one had pieces punched out. I spent a 1/2 hour or so trying to match all the pieces to the O.B., there were about 12 pieces missing.

Mint it would have been worth a few hundred dollars easy, as it was I sold it to a friend for $20, the price that one of my pricers had put on it was $7 or $8, stupid pricers could only remember the rule of "Never price Avalon Hill games below $8.00"

At ono point I was able to buy the whole ASL series for about 40 bucks. I never really had the time to play though after that.


Darkstar posted 05-21-99 02:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
A red h ran and ran and ran (Love that! Tripping was inspired...) Computer war games? Humm... "The Western Front" and "The Easter Front" seem to be the first ones I can remember. They were some of the earliest WWII war games on the Atari 400/800 (Atari 400 was my first PC). I don't remember anything other than arcade games before that on the Atari 2600 console. Unfortunately, there were at least two more games released for the Atari titled "Western Front" as I remember it...

I remember Galactic Empire, Midway, Shiloh, and Convoy Raiders. Also Silent Service, War over Pacific, Carrier Wars of the Pacific, Battle of Britain, The Third Reich... The first RTS was "Platoon Leader" (I think was its name) which had you in charge of fire-teams to a light brigade of Infantry with support Arty and small Tank squad of 4 to 8 tanks. It had scenarios with various objectives and resources. It was my first exposure to so MANY concepts (like indirect fire, projectile buildozering, air support, forward observing, and carpet bombing... hell of a game for the 4 bit world). There was Nuclear War, Fortress Britain, Invade England, Conquest of England, The Founding of Kings(Monarchy?), The Kings Musketeers, (Defeat) The Spanish Armada, Cannonballs and Canvas, Overlord, Operation Wolf Pack, Operation Overload, Conquest Europe, and lets not forget M.U.L.E... (Yes, it wasn't a war-game, but it has to be mentioned as the first end all be all 4 player game I can remember...) So many computer games to hold one's attention for a while until they were finally mastered...

It seems to me that as graphics got better, the war games got further and further between. Things seemed to have gone towards Battle Zone and Red Baron, first person action games where strategy was thrown in as more of seasoning (if at all) than a true element of the game. Prime example is Arctic Fox... a sequel to Sky Fox, in which you went around and assaulted enemy positions, tanks, and planes using a very "Bolo" type of tank. (That was in the Atari/Mac/Amiga competition days). So finding Galactic Conquest for the Amiga was a big event for me. That was also about the time I learned C and started programming to earn money... had to pay for (some of) those games... Before the Amiga, I just knew Basic and ASM. All I needed to know to input and modify those basic games, or crack (and study) those non-Basic games.

I don't think that there are as many Strategy War-Games these days in comparison to the other types of games as in the original PC Hobbyists days (Trash 80�s, Atari�s, and Apple�s). First Person shooters are still the Rule, and Second Person seems very close. Maybe I am getting too jaded or just too old...


Darkstar posted 05-21-99 02:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
Jam - Sorry I didn't get back to you. I like Populous. I had first expected NOT to, as they left the original Populous concept in favor of a different mechanism and User Interface. They have a demo that you can download and try. You might like it. You might not.


JAMstillAM posted 05-21-99 02:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     

Okay, time for more AH old-timer bragging. My very first boardgame was 1914. I bought it new, still in shrink wrap from a dealer at a flea market for, get this...$3.00!!! This was about 25 years ago. A few years afterward, when it went out of print, I went back to the flea market to try to find the dealer (as he had STACKS of them) but to no avail. He had long since moved on. Then again, I gave away my boxed set of the original D&D and a bunch of gaming materials about 18 years ago, also. I've lost money on California real estate, also for what that's worth. If I ever start investing in the stock market...just shoot me, please.


Darkstar posted 07-21-99 06:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
This has SOME relevance to the Build vs Conquer debates going on right now...


SMACTrek posted 07-21-99 09:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SMACTrek  Click Here to Email SMACTrek     
I gotta say that playing in a warlike way does it for me. In my last game, I was Yang. I simply waited until I had the best troops, built a bunch of them, and started knocking factions out, closest ones first.

I was worried that the computer was building more wonders, until I eventually grabbed those cities where the wonders were built. I broke pacts, and didn't even need to employ atrocities, which I find myself resorting to in more "peaceful" games.

The rewards for warfare have convinced me of what others have said: By the time you get plasma shards, you should be on top and uncontested. Unless everybody is far away, it just makes sense to go to war as soon as you have a big tech and production advantage.

Especially since the AI is so bloodthirsty anyway. Every faction leader at one time or another has tried to extort things from me, saying "I hope violence doesn't become necessary."

I'm talking Zakh, Deirdre the Tree Advocate, even Morgan and Lal!! This happened only when I tried playing peacefully, going to war when the others went crazy. I'd be fighting on 1 or 2 fronts, then another leader would seize an opportunity to threaten me. It's nuts!!

Even if you decide to kill a faction later, it can only happen when your current war is out of the way. And even then, the AI breaks treaties.

So from now on, if there are any wars involving me, I'm the one to start them.

player2 posted 07-22-99 10:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for player2  Click Here to Email player2     
If anyone's interested, there's a builder vs. conqueror (attacker vs. defender) debate going on in the TI thread. There have been some good points there; check it out!
Krushala posted 09-03-99 11:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
The old smash and grab. Works well with a sorry ai. take what you want smacarinos. No use building when you can take what you want at the beginning.

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