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Author Topic:   I need urgent help !!!
DEiPCommander posted 06-24-99 02:39 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for DEiPCommander   Click Here to Email DEiPCommander  
I'm Polish and I enjoy playing Alpha Centauri very much.
Now I playing Alpha first time but my civilization is quite well developed.
I want to play to the end but there is small !!! [rather very big] problem.
When I end the turn [exactly in the beginning of the next turn the program CRUSH and I must end the game.
I want to advice me how to repair that becouse I've probed variety of solutions and still nothing happened!!!
Well, but I discovered that game crush becouse of science breakthrough (probably Quantum Power)
When the new turn beginning this text appears on the screen ...

TERRAN spowodowal bl�d: nieprawidlowa strona w
module TERRAN.EXE przy 0177:0056df41.
EAX=02a49a2c CS=0177 EIP=0056df41 EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00000008 SS=017f ESP=00bf5374 EBP=00bf54a4
ECX=00000003 DS=017f ESI=00000003 FS=1367
EDX=00946180 ES=017f EDI=00000006 GS=0000
Bajt�w w CS:EIP:
84 98 1c 11 97 00 74 11 8b 4d 08 8a 80 1b 11 97
00000003 00002734 000000c1 70707553 4d00796c 1100326b 04010000 00000401 11578398 1157839c 04010000 00000401 115783a8 04010000 00000401 00bed000

and I must end of the game.
What's interesting I have this problem few times but when I changed something in the game the problem had dissappeared untill the next or 2,3-10 turns further. I've changed for egample production etc.. last problem (connected with discavering Advanced Spaceflight) dissappeared when I turn off all options in preference menu, but now even that doesn't work !!!
The same problem some time appears when I link the Alien Artefact to the Network Node.
One more - the some problem is when I want to see whats happening in Mendelev College (DEiP 7) :

TERRAN spowodowal bl�d: nieprawidlowa strona w
module TERRAN.EXE przy 0177:006262cb.
EAX=6f6c6f00 CS=0177 EIP=006262cb EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00000091 SS=017f ESP=00bf5100 EBP=00bf5318
ECX=033bab1c DS=017f ESI=00686a78 FS=1367
EDX=7efefeff ES=017f EDI=00bf516c GS=0000
Bajt�w w CS:EIP:
8b 01 03 d0 83 f0 ff 33 c2 8b 11 83 c1 04 a9 00
00000006 0041498e 00bf516c 033bab1c 0068748c 00686a78 00686a78 00000036 17c7b126 00000000 02460000 00080000 3d3c0000 061f0002 b0130000 00000157

I repeat once more I've probed many things to resolve this problem.
Here there are :
- changed the Alpha Centauri.INI file (8BitMovieSound=1, ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=1, Video Mode=800)
- turned off all other WINDOWS programs
- chaned resolution of my video card
- run Alhpa in Damage Mode of Windows (in Polish tryb awaryjny)
- upgraded to version 3.0 (orginal vs was 1.0)
- disabled all options in preference file
- copied all files to my hard drive then removed its then copied once more
- trayed to change save files
- trayed to cheat (discover this technology)
- loaded my save in another computer !!! and it's still crush !!!
- changed sound.dll into sound.dl_
- changed production (in game)
- add EAX and D3DX = 0 to INI file
- reduce 3D acceleration to 0 (but it's crash my entire system, I had to reinstall my graphic driver)
- Forum advices didn't help
and nothing happened !!! (I've tested that on v1.0 and 3.0)

I'm playing with custom rules (but they are similar to standart rules) on huge map of planet. I'm Provost DEiP Commander in M.Y.3328 and I am counting of YOU !!!
I have WINCHIP 200 MHz, TSENG Video card, OPTi930 Sound card. Mian system - WINDOWS 98. My friend (where I was trying to complete the turn) has Pentium 133Mhz and laptop computer with WINDOWS 95.

Please answer to me quickly as possible becouse I want to play !!! I'm quite angry with this errors.

I repeat once more I'm quite angry ...., answer quickly as possible !!!

DEiP Commander
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS posted 06-27-99 01:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS  Click Here to Email Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS     
It sounds like a virtual memory problem. Free up as much space on your C: drive as you can (200-300 megs), defrag that space, and make sure windows is managing your swapfile size. Large and Huge maps require signifigant amounts of RAM and virtual memory, so perhaps try a smaller map.


firaxis games

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