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Author Topic:   Gratuitous torture scenes
dkl posted 05-29-99 01:08 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for dkl   Click Here to Email dkl  
Is there an option to turn this off, or show something civilized instead? If not, there sure ought to be. (Talking about the short movie shown when you eradicate another faction.) Until this goes away, I cannot recommend the game for children. This is sick, in an otherwise great game.
Flames to dev.null. I really don't want to hear from ANYone who thinks watching somebody scream while writhing in torment is "cool".
smod posted 05-29-99 04:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for smod  Click Here to Email smod     
I get the feeling I'm missing something here.
As far as I know, I play with all the movies turned on (secret projects) and monuments, but when a faction is eliminated, I just get a dialog box saying the leader was tortured and interrogated.
Is this torture video sequence something that isn't in the UK / European version?
mazzoldi posted 05-30-99 05:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mazzoldi  Click Here to Email mazzoldi     
To the second poster: You only get the torture videos if *you* eliminate a faction, not if someone else does.
To the first poster: If you don't want to see those videos, just set the videos to "off" in the Video Preferences page. You lose the other videos too -- but there you go.
Alkis posted 05-30-99 11:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alkis  Click Here to Email Alkis     
I absolutely agree with dkl. This short movie is sick.
AlexDePol posted 05-31-99 05:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for AlexDePol  Click Here to Email AlexDePol     
SMAC is not targeted at children but at teenagers and young adults. Even if you are an young teenager then you are well accastumed to all sorts of horror and murder thanx tv and movies. America after all is a sick and violent nation.
MichaeltheGreat posted 05-31-99 10:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
Not to defend the level of violence in the US, but violence is prevalent in many forms over a large part of the world. At present and for most of the last two decades, nearly half the recognized nations in the world in in some form of internal and/or external war.

As for SMAC - hovertanks, etc. attack other units - those units represent groups of soldiers, i.e. human beings. You can also attack non-military units, "nerve-staple" discontented citizens, use nerve gas, etc. etc.

Regardless of the movie you are shown (it could be a clip from "Bambi") "eradicating" a faction is the game equivalent of that frequent real world diversion commonly known as genocide.

SMAC is a game, people, and the events it depicts are extremely mild incomparison with say, most of Doom, Quake, Duke Nuk'em, etc., not to mention the disembowelment scene in Wing Commander 3. SMAC isn't SimCity3000, but on the spectrum of game violence and real world violence, it is very mild.

You COULD always choose not to "eradicate" that faction, but leave them with one city and prevent them fropm being a threat to your security. In fact the best scoring and most interesting forms of victory are NOT conquest, but transcendence, but no, you wanted to wipe 'em off the face of planet, didn't you? You chose to see the movie, when you chose to wipe that faction out of existence. What hypocrisy!

Watching somebody scream while writhing in torment is not cool, but the game is only giving a reminder of the nature/results of the course of action you chose. I can win the game at the transcend level, with very high scores, without wiping out rivals or obliterating planet's ecosystem.
Why don't you try that approach to the game if the idea of pain and torture bothers you.

MichaeltheGreat posted 05-31-99 10:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
For those tempted to flame my response, flame my message, not my damned typos.
DeVore posted 06-01-99 05:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DeVore  Click Here to Email DeVore     
Well I think the torment video is cool, actually I wish it was a bit longer and I'd especially like to see that damn bitch Deirdre get spanked (yeah she just sneak attacked me AGAIN .

I know that SMAC is a game and just a game and whatever violence I chose to use (mmmm nerve gas and nukes springs to mind)
happens only in the game.

dkl apparently you don't know the difference.

Do you let your children watch the news ?



brad posted 06-01-99 05:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for brad    
I agree with dkl - but also with Michael: if you don't like that movie, never wipe out an opponent. I always leave Yang, Miriam and Santiago with one sea base - and I keep a cruiser probe nearby to sabotage any Plant Busters they may try to build.
dkl posted 06-02-99 08:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dkl  Click Here to Email dkl     
DeVore, do YOU watch the news?

It would appear to be our children who don't know the difference between what happens in a movie or a game, and the real world, wouldn't you agree? If not, that's ok, there are an awful lot of people in Colorado, Kentucky, and D.C. who will do it for you.

I don't mean to dismiss all the helpful advice about avoidance, but the upshot of it is that you can't turn a kid loose with this game to enjoy it like you could with Civ, and be reasonably sure he's not going to run into graphic violence. I really don't care who the "target audience" is, anymore than I would buy that as a defense for drugs or pornography.

It's one more jot of horror in an industry that already has way too much of it. It is completely unnecessary, contributes nothing to the story or the game. Civ didn't need this kind of crap, why does SMAC?

(sigh) At least it's not a rape scene, which would be equally "logical" and helpful to the plot. I suppose I should be grateful for that. I'm not.

MichaeltheGreat posted 06-03-99 01:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
dkl - are you *really* from Alpha Centauri? or the mythical land of "It's a wonderful life?" The remark about our children is just whacked - taking specific tragic incidents perpetrated by a small handful of severely emotionally disturbed kids, and lumping it into the generic slam that our children can't tell the difference between games and real life. That insults the comprehension of the 99.999 percent of children who are sickened and frightened by Columbine, etc. and would never commit such acts because they are far more mentally and emotionally sound and perceptive than you seem to give them credit for.

You can lay a huge amount of blame on the ratings obsessed slathering drones of the news media, who gave such lavish coverage to Columbine and the two sick shooters. In that tragically demented state of "everything sucks and I want to blow up the world" nihilism that a very small minority of kids and a few adults fall into, the attention given to the shooters is a kind of glorification. They can easily get the impression (correctly, with our "blood sells" media mentality) that by commiting a spectacularly heinous act, they will get a degree of recognition and attention that they would never otherwise get.

Games, even quake or doom types, don't take a normal, emotionally healthy individual and turn him or her into a raging sociopath. Emotionally healthy individuals have a variety of emotional and social and other restraints that generally keep us from committing homicide when we have a bad day.
Someone who is unstable or even severely whacked may find an outlet in that type of game, but there are many other stimuli and outlets that are far more satisfying to violence craving individuals. The "games caused the kid to go off the deep end" line of sh*t is, depending on the speaker, either:
a defense attorney's BS ploy, a la the Dan White "Twinkie Defense"; or, a parent's cop out for their own failure to have a clue and recognize signs of significant mental and/or emotional disturbance; or, the news media's desire to point the blame elsewhere; or politicians or others desire to avoid asking tougher, hard to answer questions about the total fabric of our society and how some kids and adults get so whacked.

"At least its not a rape scene" I'd laugh if it wasn't such a grossly overblown exageration. If you think that's on a par with a rape scene, you are truly clueless, and I hope you never have the misfortune of being personally exposed to real violence in your life. I don't think it's cool, or necessary, but equating that to a rape scene is about as accurate as equating simple assault to a homicide.

As far as the "plot" of the game - the movie only comes up because you, as the player, have made a deliberate choice as to course of action that has killed or captured and subjugated a band of your virtual fellow humans in the game world. That means that you have deliberately developed weapons, invaded their sovereign territory, and killed their game world soldiers and civilians. ITS A GAME - how you play is your choice, but you seem to want to be insulated from all reminders of that choice.

Do you think it's preferable to have a kid (or any other of us dysfunctional freaks who can't tell the difference between games and real life) to get a video of bambi, or maybe Tiny Tim with his ukelele singing "Tiptoe, through the Xenofungus?" Perhaps with a message saying "Congratulations, your genocidal approach to game play has ethnically cleansed planet of the whoevers?"

If you really want to commit game genocide, and have it styrofoam packaged like beef in the grocery store, do a full install of the game, so the movies are copied to your hard drive - or if you have a CD burner, you can make your own, sanitized, Politically Correct version, by finding the offending movie file, and taking one you like better and copying and renaming it.

If I recall correctly, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Bambi, Snow White, Alladin and Looney Tunes all have gratuitous violence (ooooooh, just makes me want to drop coyotes off cliffs <evil grin> ) So are you one of those boycott Disney types? Do you V-chip the Cartoon Network?

JAMstillAM posted 06-03-99 06:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JAMstillAM  Click Here to Email JAMstillAM     

Way to go! You da man!

just my simplistic way of agreeing with you, so that the other simpletons will understand.

EricFate posted 06-04-99 11:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for EricFate    
If you do not wish those movies to appear, turn off all the movies, or go to your Alpha Centauri\Movies folder and erase them or replace them by duplicating and renaming another movie which you DON'T find objectionable.


MichaeltheGreat posted 06-05-99 02:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
Eric - with games in general you may have to be a little careful - if the replacement movie file is way too long or too short, you may get weird problems, and you may abnormally terminate the game by deleting the specific file if movies is on. - The game may quit or hand with a "unable to locate file whatever" or similar message.
dkl posted 06-06-99 01:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dkl  Click Here to Email dkl     
Michael, I'd feel a whole lot more reassured by your answer if I thought you were even a little bit right. Alas, I don't.

Let's talk a bit about perceptions of reality. You seem convinced that 99.9 % of people have a really good grip on it. I don't think the percentage is anywhere near that high, I'd put it at around 60% at best.

Why do I think so? Well, a couple of things come to mind. One was a book by "Adam Smith" (his pseudonym), writing about economics in a book titled, "Supermoney". He discloses the results of a survey in which 4 out of 10 college-educated Americans, in the 1980's, didn't know that we import any oil. If that doesn't induce a gasp of dismay, you must not have lived through gas-rationing, "the moral equivalent of war", the whole energy crisis. Another is a hazily-remembered reminiscence by a series celebrity talking to a high-school audience, who found to his astonishment that most of them thought "Star Trek" was reality -- that there actually was a Captain Kirk and a Spock out there somewhere, doing what they saw on the screen.

So, while I'll ignore your impugning my intelligence, I won't give you any ground at all on this issue. It sounds like whining that nobody, including or especially Firaxis, has any responsibility for their own actions.

This is a position that our society is evolving to increasingly reject -- that the tobacco companies who have made fortunes selling their product, have no responsibility for the effects. That the purveyors of game and movie violence are innocent of the effects on society as a whole.

But this forum isn't for philosopy, it's for SMAC,so let's nail it down to SMAC. Now what we're talking about here is a specific two movies, male and female, being tortured after capture. We can deal with that without all these other issues clouding the matter.

First, it's a result of my actions, choices? No. I can make these same choices, take these same actions in Civ, without being subjected to this. When you have games like SMAC and CIV where the highest score is biased in favor of conquest, that is the best way to win the game. When you ACTUALLY go to war,one country against another, you are not compelled to torture the other side. Indeed, you do and should get prosecuted and executed for doing so. This argument falls apart under its own weight.

Second, let's talk about you thinking a rape scene is absurd. It's not. What we have here is a naked man/woman writing in a force-field being tortured and screaming. This is not that far from rape, not at all. But let's dig deeper into the scene. What does it contribute, exactly? How does it advance the game? If this were a movie, we'd slap an NC-17 rating on it and keep children out of the theater. If it were a book and we came across this, a copyeditor would cut it as completely gratuitous, adding nothing to the plot, there for nothing but the titillation.

But, it's a game. So we slap an NC-17 rating on it, ban sales on the internet by other than credit-card, and require CompUSA to card everyone who tries to buy it retail. You think not? It's going to come to that if this industry does not accept some responsibility for the product it's selling, and the graphic violence it puts out on the street.

I suspect you won't agree with that, but you'll simply be outvoted, mostly by those parents you want to blame. I am more than a little dismayed that Firaxis hasn't seen fit to comment on this thread, or to take some action about the issue. They'd do well to offer some substitute movies (instead of the silliness of saying, "well, turn off all the movies so you won't see this one!" and without the thickheadedness of not seeing that kids can simply turn the movies back ON), but what the hey?

Some games like Doom, are all about graphic violence and personal murder (though the sordid torture scenes, you won't even find in Doom). You can just say no to those games. This one isn't and shouldn't be. If it is, let's admit that and slap that NC-17 system on it as we will with the Dooms. If not, let's get rid of these movies. NOBODY needs this gratuitious sickness.

Darkstar posted 06-06-99 03:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
A small but simple reminder to those of you who have forgotten... CivII shows your opponents in a GUILATEEN! Many games do indeed show the player getting beheaded by the Madame Razor.

SMAC is not a kiddie game. I can gas whole nations, and use the Nazi's "Final Solution" on anything I don't like. I can drown cities in the sea, or drop nuclear weapons on a base and leave just a water filled crater. We make military units to send out and kill other units. No, if you are looking for a kinder, gentler game, go play SimCity 3000.


MichaeltheGreat posted 06-06-99 06:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
dkl - there is a difference between ignorance and grasp on reality. Being clueless about importing oil is one thing. Being unable to distiguish between a game world where you virtually blast pixels on a monitor, and a real world where you blast live human beings with a semiautomatic weapon is entirely another, as we both know. Our issue of contention was the influence games have on real world action, not the knowledge of people about imported oil. The game was rated, by a non-industry panel, which did not consider it NC-17.

Were the figures nude? I didn't notice or pay enough attention, but I sure didn't see anything anatomically correct. It's interesting that you talk about responsibility for actions, and use the tobacco companies and firaxis as objects, while ignoring my point about your own choice of actions in the game.

The tobacco company issue is ridiculous, and I'm a non-smoker with no love or respect for the industry. As a society, we are moving in a sick and irresponsible direction that it is someone else's fault for what we as individuals do. Smokers or their estates sue, when they have been warned and advised for decades about the severe medical risks, and they make a choice every time to run down to the store and plunk down their money 'cuz dey wan out of deir cigawettes. Awww, poor babies. "But we're addicted" as if that obviates individual choice. Millions of people quit, millions make no real effort to. It is a matter of will, choice, and personal responsibility.

As far as combat and war in the real world, what you've said clearly indicates to me that you are not a combat veteran, or at least not a line animal. My brother and I, my dad and three of my uncles are, from WWII, Korea, 'Nam and our more recent soirees in the bananalands and sandville. A lot of prisoners don't make it back to confinement. In the Gulf, we made a point of treating prisoners with a great deal of consideration, both to encourage their natural common sense not to fight us, and to not upset our Arab allies. In Grenada and Panama, there weren't enough to worry about.
Not so back in the real wars. There is not a single case in WWII or Korea of a court martial of an allied soldier for the death of a POW taken up on the line. A lot of prisoners never made it into captivity, so summary execution, and in some cases torture, without any punishment, has been well documented. War is a rough business.

Yes, it is a matter of your choices - whether you "are subjected to this" or not, you are choosing genocidal conquest. Have you ever Transcended in a TI game in SMAC?
I have, and that's my play goal. I'm even doing it now with the stinkin' Believers.

What's your high score in CivII? - I broke the score counter and the future techs counter and the max cities counter - broke it clean off the scale at Deity level, WITHOUT exterminating any other factions, though Elizabeth and Genghis tempted me.
The high score in these games is biased against conquest, not for it. Most players just don't have the patience or the interest, when they can blast their rivals to hell.

When you talk about "being subjected to this" - you want conquest and genocide, with Bambi munching in the background. Somewhat like Henry II's "Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?" Not as explicit as shedding blood in the cathedral in Canterbury, but the actions are the same.

As far as that movie being close to rape - why don't you ask a woman whose been raped how close it is? And again, you don't have to wipe out a rival faction, unless you want to. Historically, many, if not most major conquests prior to the renaissance period involved enslaving most of the captured population, and certainly involved the execution of captured enemy leaders - often after torture and public humiliation.

I think the reason Firaxis doesn't pay attention to this thread is that you have little support for your view, and there is an independent ratings board which reviewed this game and decided it was not on a level of violence anywhere near Doom, Quake or Redneck Rampage, et al.

There are people (I've heard them) who claim that Disney's The Little Mermaid should be rated X because you can see Ariel's belly button, and accornding to one nutbag from the Southern Baptist Convention, if you step frame it, there's one scene where a crustacean has a hard-on when Ariel swims by with said exposed belly-button. Of course, this scene with the alleged hard-on is a quarter of a second long, which is why it has to be step framed. Someone could explain to this idiot that every crustacean has a shell, and the shells have bumps all over, but like we both agree, some people just have too loose a grip on reality.

PS - none of the movies advance the game - they are so much window dressing.

PPS - I don't think most parents will get bent out of shape over this game, or even a significant number - the majority of them certainly don't seem to get bent out of shape over Doom and Quake, which are games I would not even consider buying my daughter, and which she has no interest in. So I'm not exactly the devil incarnate - my views are pretty mainstream on this, if not a little more conservative than the mainstream.

MichaeltheGreat posted 06-06-99 11:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
dkl - a final note: I wasn't impugning you intelligence, but your overreaction/hypersensitivity/unwillingness to connect the movie which offends you to your deliberate play choices.

If and when I impugn people's intelligence, I do that much more forcefully.

El Presidente posted 06-06-99 06:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for El Presidente  Click Here to Email El Presidente     
"Watching somebody scream while writhing in torment is not cool"

I disagree. I just watched several people burn their hands on a really hot piece of corn that was being passed around the dinner table. It was both cool and entertaining.

mcostant posted 06-07-99 05:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mcostant    
I would like to note that the "torture scene" is often (at least) inappropriate to the plot.
Some time my faction don't commit atrocity, often I react only to a Vendetta declared from my enemy. When I capture the enemy leader I think it will be appropriate a judgment scene, maybe a prison scene. If he/she committed atrocity may be a execution scene (after the judgment, of course, I don't commit atrocity ).
The consistence to the plot is important also for help a joung player to maintain a link from action to consequence. In many movie or book you don't divide the world into simply good/evil categories, but you must help children to grow with the understanding of the consequence of they action. So they MUST be helped to understand that the consequence of hitting someone with a hammer in a cartoon is funny - see Wile Coyote - but hitting someone in real life is another story. As a father, I try to explain this kind of difference more often than I've had imagined when I was a younger player.
So, may be Firaxis should put more attention to the game image and concept, as they already do with consequence of "use chemical weapon", "planet bustering" and so on. But I don't think the point is to ban the movie at all. The point is you DON'T have to think is funny to torture anyone, if not at the same level you enjoy - e.g. - the mouse Jerry hitting the cat Tom. Do you agree?
I watched the movie "Save private Ryan" and I think is good to remember as cruel a REAL war is. I still enjoy crushing some Spartan Rover into a SMAC game, because it's like a cartoon - no one is really killed! - but I'll be glad if something into the game help me to remember that difference - in cartoons the cartoonist use a lot of method to exaggerated the visible effect to underline that.
When you destroy a city (in SMAC) some thousand of people are killed - that's not good, is bad for all the humankind tryng to survive to the Planet: you should be happy only if you are The Planet (before SP Voice of Planet, at least ).
The real fear - IMHO - is when we put the same feeling of a cartoon or a pc games into real life: the "clever bombs" that we can see fired at someone else into the Evening News looks like game's bombs - well, they aren't! They actually KILL for real - men, women and children. Maybe they kill LESS people than in the past wars, but they KILL them anyway. Same for the atrocities and "ethnical massacre, of course.
Don't let someone put on the same table games and reality - the game MUST educate people to better understand reality, not to obscure it.
IMHO - of course - and begging your pardon for my bad english.
DeVore posted 06-07-99 08:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DeVore  Click Here to Email DeVore     
dkl: when you say only 60% has a grasp of reality I can't but help counting you in the remaning 40%.
I'd much rather have people get their aggressions out be violent in computer games
than on street.
I've played and ENJOYED violent computer games most of my life, when I play Online
Roleplaying Games I'm as evil as you get and slaugther other players �n masse.(And yes some of them can't tell the difference either and think that because I'm a virtual murdere I'm also a sociopath in real life -*sigh*).
I've watched countless extremely violent horror movies and enjoyed when people get buthcered yet I've never beaten or deliberatly hurt anybody IN REAL LIFE
(Other than my sister when we were kids ) .

You still don't get the difference.

As for the tobacco case it just reminded me that people are suing the local authorities in New York for slipping on the paweway and these greedy pieces of **** are winning.
-I have no words for this insane behavior.


Eris posted 06-07-99 12:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Eris  Click Here to Email Eris     
If people really truly did not know the difference between fantasy and reality and if reading, watching, or roleplaying violence truly was the sole and only reason for the various shootings going on in the country, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US, including dkl, would be out murdering, beating up, or raping someone.

That someone who already has a problem can be influenced by fictional violence I will not dispute. That there are some few people who can't distinguish between fantasy and reality I will not dispute. These people had a problem before coming into contact with the thing that most of us are perfectly capable of relegating to the category of 'just fiction', that most of us are perfectly capable of doing in make-believe but wouldn't even consider doing in reality.

That doesn't make it the fault of the producers of the fictional violence, unless your worldview says that /everything/ should conform to the lowest common denominator. It is true that as a country the US is certainly rapidly headed that direction -- I don't know if dkl is from the US but I'm guessing it's likely -- but that doesn't make it a good idea.

And if that /is/ your worldview, than go home right now and do the following: throw out every knife or other sharp object, and while you're at it, anything blunt that's vaguely weaponlike. Throw away every method of starting a fire. Take an axe to your TV and get rid of your VCR/DVD player. Give your computer to charity and your books to the closest public library. Flush any drugs in your house down the toilet, yes, aspirin included. If you have any, ahem, marital aids, toss them out, too. If you own a gun, sell it. And then never leave your house again. Because /everything/ is potentially dangerous, and blaming the people who make them -- instead of the individuals who misuse them and those who don't watch the people in their families and at their schools and jobs for signs that those people might be having some problems -- and restricting them isn't enough to keep it from being that way.

Don't tell me that there's a far cry between owning a kitchen knife and watching the torture sequence. There isn't, when you come right down to it; either people are individually responsible for their actions and collectively so for the good of the community, or we're all mindless sheep that can be led astray by anything, given half a chance. There is clearly not a middle ground, because the more we ban things and label them dangerous, the worse we seem to be doing at keeping people from snapping. Odd, isn't it? And yet no one seems to have caught on there must be something else going on....

Mbeki posted 06-09-99 12:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mbeki  Click Here to Email Mbeki     
We always hear people on the news telling us how children are so easily influenced by the violence they see on TV and in movies, but that remains one of the best myths in our society today.
The fact is, violent crime, and other crimes, are still overwhelmingly committed by people who are out of their teens. We just hear more about "young punks" because it is shocking when some 13 y.o. kid has brutally murdered someone. The truth is, kids have been committing crimes for time immemorial. We just hear about it more now, and the population and poverty of our countries are so much larger there are more people to commit these crimes.
And the belief that children exposed to violence commit more violence themselves is still highly debated in the psychology world. The famed "Bobo doll" experiment has been contradicted in its findings numerous times, but the study still manages to be cited by anti-violence activists way too much.
Really, if your kid leans towards violent behaviour, then (s)he is going to commit crime whether (s)he saw a 10s (if that) movie sequence on SMAC or not.
sandworm posted 06-11-99 02:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sandworm  Click Here to Email sandworm     
Its not MY fault I killed all those people, Firaxis made it impossible for me to determine what behavior is socially and morally acceptable.
MajiK6pt5 posted 06-11-99 07:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MajiK6pt5  Click Here to Email MajiK6pt5     
Guys, it's just a movie, and as far as I am concerned there is no real violence (except implied). There's no blood, nudity, gory, or any other kind of violence in it. There is a little robotic arm touching a red orb with an evil, corrupt human in it. Maybe it is a probe that records their memory for the records. Who knows? And who cares? Yes, it implies something along the lines of torture, but there is no physical violence, and it is definitely not rape. Although I don't see any reasons for interrogating and/or torturing the leaders AFTER you've already captured them, and destroyed their faction, IT'S JUST A 10 SECOND MOVIE IN A RELATIVELY NON-VIOLENT (graphic) GAME. It's not going to cause anyone to go out on the streets and kill or rape someone.
Mcerion posted 06-14-99 05:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mcerion  Click Here to Email Mcerion     
This maybe a little off topic and a non-sequitor, but the eradication movie is nothing more than a picture of the other faction leader in a punishment sphere. I hardly find cartoon violence disturbing.
MichaeltheGreat posted 06-14-99 10:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
I guess dkl went away when he found his view rejected by the vast majority of the posters here. Maybe he's still step framing The Little Mermaid to look for that one scene I told him about.
cousLee posted 06-15-99 03:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for cousLee  Click Here to Email cousLee     
Well. How come no one is complaining about the other torture sceen. The "what do I care for your suffering" self mutilation clip. Yang don't look all that comfy on the outside.

I am sure of one thing, emotionally unstable people do not have access to a punishment sphere.

Just how many times did you view the thing? I just hit enter 3x, and it's gone. It was very boring the second time. I just skip it.

BTW, the Little Mermaid clip is on the ship when eric is about to marry octopussy. When the evil bride walks up to the pulpit in her wedding gown, the preacher pops a bone.

BBTW, When Simba drops down in the Lion King, the debri that billows up spells "sex". Guess we should ban lions at the Zoo, cause they make kids want to engage in beastality(sp?).

Blaming today's sickness on a video clip is absurd. It's a real injustice to those who could get help, but don't, because the "help" is looking in the wrong place.

Educated individuals like yourself could really help the situation, if you just get your mind out of a state of closed.

If you are so anti-violence, why did you buy this game in the first place? The box even states "CONQUER your enemies with a war machine that you design from over 32,000 possible types".
It also has the label "MILD ANIMATED VIOLENCE" which sounds like a very accurate description of any number of sceens.

Planet bust tens of thousands, but save the whales.

If I had a PS, I would volunteer cause it might cure my chronic back ache. Besides, A little bird once told me "you'd be supprized what you can live through" (another Disney atrocity?) /

(Wondering what ever happened to the Bambi VS Godzilla clip. That would be a good replacement).

cousLee posted 06-15-99 03:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for cousLee  Click Here to Email cousLee     
LOL! Another fine example of Attention Deficit Disorder. Sorry for the scattered comments.

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